Dandruff: causes and methods of struggle

The appearance of dandruff is a serious cause for concern. Constant itching, hair loss and the presence of white crumbs on clothes are very unpleasant. Yes, scalp needs attention if dandruff is detected. The reasons for its appearance can be very different, and the treatment in each case is selected individually.

Before telling how to cure this ailment, it is worth understanding what dandruff is. The scalp is very susceptible to external factors. If the balance is disturbed, then crusts appear on the skin, which have a flaky structure. They, encircling the hair, do not allow oxygen to penetrate the root. As a result, the hair, not receiving the necessary and important air for itself, becomes lifeless, brittle, its root weakens, and it falls out. This is what dandruff leads to. The causes of imbalance in the scalp can be various. Let us consider more specifically each.

If dandruff is found, then the first thing to do is to analyze your way of life and nutrition. For example, if stress was recently suffered or you were on a diet, then the appearance of dandruff is understandable. Indeed, overstrain, and moderate nutrition, and a lack of daily allowance for vitamins, minerals, and weight loss can cause this ailment. Even a slight malfunction in the process of metabolism in the body or gastrointestinal diseases can lead to dandruff. The reasons can also be associated with improper care of the scalp. Unsuitable shampoo, hair spray, gels and wax - all this overdries the skin and contributes to the fact that the hair loses its vitality. As a result, dandruff.

Having figured out why dandruff appears, you can talk about how to deal with this scourge.

Firstly, in any case, this is a signal that reports that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the body. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to undergo an examination, pass tests and get advice from specialists, especially a dermatologist. A qualified doctor, having studied the problem, will quickly discover the causes and prescribe the necessary treatment.

It should be said that on the skin of a healthy person is a fungus of pathogenic nature. If everything is in order with the body, then it does not manifest itself in any way, but if a person gets sick, the fungus comes to life and begins to rapidly develop. The consequence of this is dandruff.

Secondly, white crumbs are often not just dandruff, but a more serious problem. For example, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis or pityriasis versicolor. It is impossible to cope with these diseases without the help of a doctor. Only correctly prescribed treatment will save a person from ailments.

Thirdly, think about whether to change the usual shampoo or hair gel. Perhaps they caused dandruff. The reasons for the appearance of whitish-yellow scales are often associated precisely with improperly selected hair care cosmetics.

In addition to examinations and selection of shampoo, as well as eliminating the cause of dandruff, you should reconsider your way of life. Full relaxation and proper balanced nutrition, vitamins and a healthy sleep - all this will help to overcome dandruff. It is worth paying attention to nutrition. If you consume alcohol, carbohydrates and fatty foods, you should not be surprised that your head is itchy, that you feel constant discomfort. Replace these foods with vegetables, fruits, and cottage cheese. Believe me, even such minor changes can expel dandruff.

You should also accustom yourself to regularly massage your head during hygiene procedures. Wash your hair or comb your hair - massage it a little.

Speaking about methods of combating dandruff, emphasis should be placed on observing personal hygiene rules. Do not use other people's combs, towels, hairpins, or caps.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14003/

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