Tomato Chio Chio San: photo, description, characteristics, reviews

Many summer residents are constantly looking for new varieties of tomatoes. Everyone wants maximum productivity and minimal care. Tomato Chio Chio San belongs to the universal variety. It grows well in any climate and does not require special care.

The productivity compared to other varieties is several times higher due to the specific formation of ovaries on the brushes of plants.


This is an indeterminate culture. This means that the bush does not limit its growth throughout the entire fruiting period. The variety belongs to mid-early crops for ripening.

The first tomatoes are set on the 100th day after emergence. Tomatoes Chio Cio San can be grown both in open field and in greenhouses. Under film or glass, they give higher yields.

Tomatoes Chio Chio San photo

Bushes of tomatoes are quite sprawling and tall. They are completely dotted with pink fruits and even serve as a decoration of the site. The branches of tomatoes are strong and juicy. They are well weaving around props.

It is worth considering the weight of the future crop and pre-making wooden sticks for garter more powerful. Otherwise, the plant will break them under its weight.

Characteristics of tomato Chio Chio San

Productivity is quite high. According to the observations of gardeners who grow these tomatoes for more than one year, up to 4 kg of fruits can be harvested from one bush in a season.

Tomatoes have a plum-like shape. They reach small sizes - up to 35 g. The fruit density is quite high. They can crack only with severe overriding.

Seeds are quite small, and not many. The fruits, despite their small size, are quite fleshy and have a sweet taste. Gardeners note that, unfortunately, tomatoes do not have a characteristic tomato flavor.

Plants are not afraid of drought, but with timely watering they give a greater yield. Therefore, you need to worry about this in advance. It is better to make it by the drip method using special systems.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages include the high yield of tomatoes Cio Cio San. A few lucky bushes can supply the whole family with a supply of tomatoes. And also unpretentiousness in leaving more and more gardeners disposes to itself.

Such tomatoes are well grown in Siberia. It is only worth considering the climatic conditions of the region when landing. It must be carried out no earlier than mid-late June.

The disadvantages include excessive growth of culture in height. Therefore, throughout the season you will have to tie up bushes and pinch them. You will need to delete branches that are too large.


For growing tomatoes Chio Chio San seedling method is used. In early March, it is necessary to soak the seeds in salt water. After a while, empty ones are thrown out - they pop up.

growing tomato seedlings

Then the seeds are disinfected with a mild potassium permanganate solution and washed with clean water. They land to a depth of 2 centimeters and in a week give sprouts. First, landing in shared boxes.

When a full 2 ​​leaves appear, the plant dives. This process is performed in a standard way. When the real 3-4 leaves appear, seedlings are transplanted in separate cups with nutritious soil. When the plant is strong enough, it must begin to temper. For this seedling is taken out to the street and stands there in the morning and until dark.

planting seedlings in the ground

It must be planted in the ground at the end of May and beginning of June, when the normal average daily plus temperature is established. Plants are planted at a distance of 60 cm from each other.


Tomato variety "Cio Chio San" in the first weeks after planting requires standard care processes. Several days it is necessary to water the seedlings with warm water. Regularly, the ground near the bushes should loosen. Thus, the root will have air access and will strengthen well in the soil.

As the plant grows and develops, the number of irrigations can be reduced and switch to cold water. It is necessary to prepare high wooden props in advance. They are installed near the bushes when they reach 30 cm in height.

It should be remembered that plants can reach 2 meters, so the stakes must comply with these indicators. Fertilize bushes several times a season. Most often, this manipulation is performed when the first fruits appear.

If tomatoes develop poorly immediately after planting in the soil, then they can also be fertilized with growth stimulants.

For fertilizer, you can use:

  • mullein infusion solution;
  • compost;
  • herbal mash;
  • chicken droppings;
  • yeast.

The amount of fertilizing will depend on the quality of the soil. If the site has good black soil, you can fertilize only once per season. Do not be very zealous with this process, otherwise the plants will turn yellow and stop giving new ovaries.

Diseases and Pests

From the endurance of plants, the result of productivity often depends. From the description of tomatoes Chio Chio San it follows that this variety is resistant to major diseases. This variety is protected from the tobacco mosaic virus and late blight.

But he is often affected by whiteflies, spider mites and nematodes. To combat them, you need to use insecticides and observe crop rotation. Most often, Fitover and Actellik are used.

tomato pests

And also before planting seedlings, bushes can be dipped in a weak solution with any insecticide. After heavy rains on hot days, it is advisable to flush the bushes with water from the irrigation system. Thus, it is possible to protect the fruits from late blight infection.

Fruit use

Tomatoes of this variety are great for conservation. Tomatoes have a sweet taste, so you need to use only those recipes where there is more salt.

Tomatoes in season are great for slicing in a variety of salads. And also they can be allowed to preserve various vegetable mixtures for the winter. Juice can also be made from tomatoes of this variety. But it is worth considering that the fruits are pink in color, and the fruit drink will turn out not red enough.

canned tomatoes

Tomatoes tolerate transportation well, so many farmers grow them for sale. The fruits are stored long enough in a cool place. So, they can be sent to the cellar at the end of September and used for fresh cooking for another 2-3 weeks.

Reviews about tomatoes Chio Chio San

To date, you can find few comments about the cultivation of this variety and its characteristics. Gardeners who have already grown these tomatoes, in principle, are satisfied with them.

They note that the seedlings take root well enough and do not require excessive watering. It is worth remembering about loosening the soil, otherwise the bush ceases to actively grow and bear fruit.

Gardeners indicate that these plants are susceptible to attack by pests. Therefore, for the season you have to process the tomatoes Chio Cio San several times, the photos of which are presented in this article, with insecticides.

tomato seeds chia chia san

Experienced farmers are also advised to stick to crop rotations. Then the larvae that remain in the soil for the winter cannot develop further if nightshade crops are planted on this site.

Mistresses note that in taste this variety is not inferior to other tomatoes. Tomatoes are especially well combined with other vegetables in various salads. Plum fruits are great for pickling whole for the winter. After opening the banks it will not be difficult to get them out of there.

Farmers say that it is quite profitable to grow this variety for sale. With a fairly simple care, plants give a high yield.


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