Wolf appetite is ... The meaning of phraseology, synonyms

It’s not a secret to anyone that in Russian various speech turns are very widespread, the meaning of which is very difficult to understand. Wolf appetite is a prime example of such a mysterious sustainable design. So, what does this phraseologism mean, where did it come from and in what cases comes to the aid of the speaker or writer? The answers to these questions are contained in this article.

Wolf appetite: the meaning of speech turnover

Like many other speech constructions, this phraseological unit can have different meanings. For example, wolfish appetite is a hunger with which a person who has not been able to eat for a long time is unable to control, deliberately restricts himself in food (sits on a diet). Also, this steady turn can be applied when the speaker wants to say that he or someone else has constantly increased appetite.

wolfish appetite is

Wolf appetite is a phraseological unit that is also used in relation to a person who is used to eating food greedily, quickly, and messily. So you can say about someone who forgets about good manners, sitting down at the table, thinks exclusively about food.

There are also meanings that are not directly related to food. For example, the speech construction is often used when talking about greed, greed, and gluttony of people, about the willingness to do everything for the sake of gain, the acquisition of material wealth.

Finally, we must not forget about bulimia - a disease that can also be reported using this phraseology.

And here are the wolves

So, the expression “wolf appetite” - where did it come from? Surprisingly, these beasts have always been associated in humans with ruthlessness, treachery, and eternal hunger. In fact, wolves only follow their own instincts, behave in accordance with the role that nature has determined for them. Predators go hunting only when they really need food, the words about treachery and greed in this case are absolutely inappropriate, since animals do not attack for no apparent reason. The members of the pack even obey a kind of code that regulates their behavior.

overly greed

Why are wolves invariably mentioned when it comes to someone's hunger? Linguists suggest that this is due to another stable design - "the legs feed the wolf." It appeared due to the fact that in the natural environment it is difficult for predators to get food. It is difficult for them to cope with large herbivores alone, but if a flock hunts, prey must be divided into all participants. Consequently, wolves rarely have the opportunity to eat from the heart; they cannot afford inaction. Therefore, they have no problems with appetite.


As mentioned above, wolfish appetite is not only hunger. This stable design can also be used when a person wants to directly characterize the process of food intake, and to do this in a very negative way. She is remembered when someone eats sloppy, eagerly, hastily in front of others. It is not surprising, because predators are not prone to chewing food for a long time. A piece of meat comes off and is swallowed by them.

wolf appetite expression

In this case, the phraseology “wolf appetite” is used in a negative sense. The person pronouncing it implies that someone makes a negative impression, hastily grabbing a treat, swallowing large pieces, dirtying hands and clothes. Of course, a real wolf will not care about good manners, trying to get enough of it. While people should not forget about them even with severe hunger, which others can hint to him with the help of a joke about wolf appetite.

Greed, gluttony

Excessive greed is another meaning that is often embedded in this speech construct. The owner of wolfish appetite is not necessarily hungry, constantly eating large amounts of food or eating sloppy. It is possible that we are talking about his greed, greed, gluttony - qualities that are not directly related to food. Perhaps a person is trying to get a huge amount of money, dreams of private property, jewelry and so on.

wolf appetite meaning

It is also curious that it is impossible to meet the greedy wolf. As already mentioned, the beast eats as much food as it needs at the moment. Greed, gluttony - qualities that are more typical of the human race, as predators do not stock. To achieve their goal, owners of wolfish appetite can decide on crimes.


In what other cases can one say that a person has “wolfish appetite”? The value of phraseology can be related to medicine.

Bulimia is a disease that makes its victim insatiable, causing it to constantly experience hunger, overeating. It is “wolf appetite” or “wolf hunger” that people call this misfortune. The disease belongs to the category of nervous disorders. Fortunately, she is being successfully treated. With timely treatment, this happens on an outpatient basis, only in advanced cases, a person suffering from this ailment is forced to go to the hospital.

Vengeance, aggression

The phraseological phrase “wolf appetite”, the meaning of which is revealed above, hints that these animals are distinguished by their vengeance and viciousness. This is absolutely not true. Wolves show aggression only because of hunger, as well as for the purpose of self-defense, protection of the territory that they consider their own.

In a usual situation, these animals prefer to avoid meeting with representatives of the human race, which are not considered by them as food. Interestingly, the she-wolf does not even protect her offspring, while, for example, a she-bear in such a situation can kill a person.

wolf appetite synonym

“How many wolves do not feed” is another famous saying that has nothing to do with reality. These animals are perfectly amenable to training, get used to the owner. Regularly receiving food, the "domestic" wolf becomes harmless to humans, as evidenced by numerous examples of the taming of these predators.


What other words and speech constructions can a person use who wants to say that someone has a wolfish appetite? A synonym that has a similar meaning is hungry like a wolf. The same can be said about the steady turnover of “wolf hunger”.

wolfish appetite meaning of phraseology

Finally, a similar meaning is attributed to the phraseologism “there was no poppy dew in the mouth,” which has been actively used in oral and written speech for more than a century. He also alludes to severe hunger, which is difficult for a person to control. However, it should not be used when greed is implied beyond measure. Speech turnover indicates exclusively the desire to eat.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14012/

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