What is Jabber and how to use it?

"Jabber" (Jabber) in translation from English means "chatter" or "chatter". This is the initial name of the free XMPP instant messaging protocol, as well as the collective name of client programs working with it. In less than twenty years, the technology has gone through a stage of rapid development and has gained worldwide fame. What is “Jabber” in the present and how to use it? You will learn about this and much more from the article.

Appearance story

The official date of birth of HMRR technology is considered to be January 4, 1999. On this day, a message was posted on the Web about the start of work on the project. Initially, the development received quite a lot of support from information corporations. In parallel, the process of creating the server part and client programs for various operating systems was conducted. Special network gateways were developed that allowed exchanging messages with large IM clients already existing at that time, such as ICQ, MSN Messenger, and AIM.

what is jabber

By mid-2000, the development of the first stable version of the server part was completed. A year later, the Jabber Software Foundation was created - an organization whose task was to further develop the protocol and modernize its technical specifications. Later, in 2007, it was renamed to Standards Foudation HMR, thus separating the development of the exchange protocol itself from the development of software with the same name.

"Golden age"

In 2005, Google, already a global search giant by this time, announced the launch of the Google Talk project. The service provided the transmission of text and voice messages using the XMPP protocol. Six months later, a network gateway was opened, and Google Talk users got the option of cross-server communication. In fact, they could correspond with any user in the world using a client program operating under the XMPP protocol.

Of course, such a move by Google could not be ignored. The ability to work on the HMRR protocol for a short time was realized by all competitors in the search industry and major social networks. Access was provided both with the help of network gateways, and by creating your own instant messengers. The Golden Age has come for Jabber users. The XMPP protocol made it possible to connect several accounts to one program and freely exchange messages using them simultaneously.

jabber to computer

Looking ahead, it must be said that such mutual penetration of technologies did not last long. One by one, IT industry giants began to shut down network gateways to regain their target audience. Google launched a new project based on a proprietary protocol, and since 2013 has gradually reduced support for interserver transports. In 2015, Google Talk was officially closed. Without further ado, Yandex also completed a similar project.

Features of the HMRR protocol

Unlike all other messaging services, Jabber is not tied to a single center. Anyone can install the Jabber server on a computer. In this, the XMPP protocol is similar to email. The new server can be connected with others around the world or work in an isolated closed network. This feature makes it convenient to use as a corporate client.

The HMRR specifications allow you to organize communications using various message encryption mechanisms. The implementation of this method of protecting correspondence is possible both on the server and on the part of client applications that support the use of SSL and PGP technologies.

Jabber client

Interaction with other instant messengers is organized through a network gateway or, as it is also called, transport. There are various options for transports, with which you can access e-mail, weather services, RSS feeds. An open protocol code makes it possible to implement various options demanded by gateway users.

How to register?

What is Jabber, you already know. If this technology interested you, and you decided to try it in action, then we will tell you how to do it. You can register with Jabber on any existing server. As an example, we will consider the entire procedure in relation to the oldest service in Russia, Jabber.ru. It is characterized by stability, a large customer base and provides detailed instructions for new users.

The registration form offers you to choose a login, which will be used in the messaging system in the future, and enter a valid email address. As you can see, the procedure is simple and absolutely standard for many Internet projects. The received email will contain your Jabber ID, better known as JID, and a link to enter a password to access it.

jabber registration

Performing these simple manipulations, you get full access to the Jabber network. The JP or XMPP protocol makes it possible to communicate with any Jabber user, regardless of which server he registered with. To send a message you only need to know the JID of the desired subscriber.

Clients for the computer

There are many programs for various operating systems. You can choose an application that is suitable for functionality and start using the Jabber service. You have already completed the registration, so during the initial setup you indicate the name you received. Fill in the field with the name of the server and agree with the automatic detection of the port for its operation. To simplify the selection, we list some of the most popular customers:

  • PSI

  • Gajim;

  • MDC

If you use MacOS, you can do without downloading third-party applications. The standard Messages program, which is part of this operating system, allows you to connect Jabber to it. Logging in to the network will be automatic at each start.

Mobile Clients

It is impossible to imagine a modern service without mobile clients, and finding a person who would not use instant messaging services is quite difficult. Despite the competition from popular instant messengers with multi-million audiences, a “Jabber” client for mobile devices exists, and even in several versions. Some projects are stagnant, and some are actively developing. For example, the Talkonaut program, which has versions for Android and iOS with regularly updated updates.

Talkonaut not only allows you to exchange messages, but also make calls using the VoIP protocol. So in general, it differs little in functionality from many more well-known competitors, while using the protocol developed by the free community.

Cisco jabber

It cannot be said that the idea of ​​using the KhMRR protocol died in the prime of life, unable to withstand competition. Yes, many projects rely solely on the work of enthusiasts, so the free "Jabber" is not developing very actively. At the same time, there are examples of the successful application of this technology in a corporate environment.

Jabber xmpp

In 2008, Cisco Systems (one of the world leaders in the IT industry) acquired the Jabber XCP platform. Over the past time, the company was able, using the free KhMPP protocol, to turn this project into a successful corporate product. Users are available messenger features, voice and video calls. Versions of Cisco Jabber are developed for Windows and MacOS, and for mobile platforms - for iOS and Android. The product is being promoted on the corporate market as a modern integrated solution for organizing multifunctional communications.

Jabber and Linux

What is Jabber, Linux users know well. Any distribution of this free operating system (no matter what graphical environment it uses) contains a built-in program for instant messaging. Almost any of them can connect and work using the XMPP protocol.

One of the interesting features supported by this program are conferences. These are specially created thematic rooms, a kind of virtual clubs of interest. To participate in such a conference, it is enough to have a working Jabber. Registration in each of them separately is not required. On the Jabber.ru server you can find a list of existing conferences with reference to real time.

free jabber

Every day, on an ongoing basis, hundreds of such small forums work. More than half are dedicated to different versions of Linux. They can ask a question and quickly get an answer from other Linuxoids.

Advantages and disadvantages

We will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this technology in order to understand why, after a stormy start and the “golden age” of its use, it turned out to be pushed aside by more successful competitors with closed protocols.


  • Flexible network architecture using a decentralized access mechanism.
  • Openness of the HMRR standard for software developers.
  • Security and encryption at the server and client level.
  • Platform extensibility through the use of network transports.


  • Inappropriate traffic consumption. More than half of the information transmitted over the network using the XMPP protocol comprises user presence data.
  • An inconvenient file transfer mechanism that puts pressure on Jabber management servers.

So, we see that the main drawback inherent in this protocol is the irrational use of network resources. I must say that work in this direction is underway, and the Standards Foudation XMPP regularly updates the protocol specifications. Compression and direct data exchange mechanisms between clients have been developed, allowing to reduce inappropriate traffic consumption, thus reducing the overall load on the network.


In the previous section, we described the advantages and disadvantages of the Jabber protocol. Eliminating them is not an unsolvable task, and you can count on the fact that subsequent versions of the specifications will allow you to find an acceptable solution. How much this will help the development of the standard - time will tell. Presumably, the second boom in use will not be so widespread. Social networks quickly concluded that the target audience of users, using the capabilities of interserver communication, visits their pages less.

Jabber entrance

We can observe the reaction to these actions on the example of mobile messaging services. The popular WhatsApp was bought by the social network Facebook, but at the same time it has its own development. Messenger lets you exchange messages with users on the network.

Google, having launched the Hangouts service, switched to using a proprietary format, eliminating the free Google Talk and thereby linking users to its services even more closely.

gives its users freedom of choice and some independence from social mechanisms of network communication. As far as this is necessary, we will see again. At least for the Linux community, it will certainly be relevant for a long time to come.


From our materials you learned what "Jabber" is. We got acquainted with its history and found a list of programs that allow you to use this instant messaging service. Perhaps, having tried this service in action, you will replenish a small but friendly army of its fans.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14019/

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