The story of "Kusak" Andreev. Summary introduces the story of a stray dog

The story of Andreev's “Kusaka” tells about the difficult share of a stray dog. The summary will help the reader to learn the plot, get to know the main characters in less than 5 minutes.

Who is Kusaka

This dog used to have no name. The author introduces the reader to a homeless animal. His life was not easy. Yard dogs drove him away from the hut, preventing him from feeding, and the children threw sticks and stones at the animal.

Once, it seemed as if a drunk man wanted to caress her, but when the dog came up to him, he hit her with the toe of his boot. Therefore, the animal completely ceased to trust people. And so the piece of Andreev's “Kusak” begins sadly. The summary will allow the reader to travel from winter to spring and summer, where the dog was happy.

How the dog became Kusaka

The story of "Kusak" Andreev. Summary

In winter, the dog took a fancy to one empty cottage and began to live under the house. But spring has come. The owners arrived at the cottage. The dog saw a pretty girl who rejoiced in the fresh air, the sun, nature. Her name was Lyolya. The girl spun, embraced by love for everything that surrounded her. And then a dog attacked her from behind the bushes. She grabbed the girl by the hem of her dress. She screamed and ran into the house.

At first, the summer residents wanted to drive away or even shoot the animal, but they were kind people. What further awaits the reader in the story of “Kusak” by Andreev? A brief summary will help answer this question. Then the dog was waiting for a good one.

Gradually, people got used to the night barking of the dog. Sometimes in the mornings they remembered about her and asked about where their Kusaka was. So they called the dog. Summer residents began to feed the animal, but at first she was afraid when they threw bread to her. Apparently, she thought it was a stone thrown at her, and ran away.

Kusaki's short-lived happiness

summary of Andreev "Kusaka"

One day, schoolgirl Lyola called Kusaku. At first she didn’t go to anything, she was afraid. The girl carefully began to advance towards Kusaka. Lelya began to say kind words to the dog, and she trusted her - lay on her stomach and closed her eyes. The girl stroked the dog. Here is a surprise that the reader prepared the work “Kusaka” by Andreev. Summary continues the positive story.

Lelia stroked the animal and she was happy about it, she called the children and they too began to caress Kusaku. Everyone was thrilled. After all, the dog, from an excess of feelings, began awkwardly jumping, somersaulting. Children burst into a good laugh at the sight of it. Everyone asked Kusaku to repeat their funny somersaults.

Gradually, the dog got used to the fact that she did not need to take care of food. Kusaka recovered, became heavier, and stopped running with the children into the forest. At night, she also guarded the cottage, sometimes bursting with loud barking.

It was rainy autumn. Many summer residents have already left for the city. The Loli family also began to gather there. The girl asked her mother what to do with Kusaka. What did the mother answer? This will help to find out the summary. Andreeva Kusaka was not happy for long. The woman said that there was nowhere to keep her in the city and would have to leave her in the country. Lelya almost burst into tears, but there was nothing to do. Summer residents have left.

The dog darted for a long time, running in their tracks. She even ran to the station, but found no one else. Then she climbed under the house in the country and began to howl - persistently, evenly and hopelessly calmly.

Leonid Andreev story "Kusaka"
Here is a work written by Leonid Andreev. The story “Kusaka” evokes the best feelings, teaches compassion for those who need it.


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