Tomatoes Stolypin: photo, characteristics of the variety, reviews

Tomato Stolypin was bred by domestic breeders relatively recently. However, he managed to gain huge popularity among summer residents. Over the past few years, seeds of this variety supplied by Aelita have been a real bestseller in specialized stores. Selling them up very willingly.

Where to grow

The great popularity of the Stolypin variety is due, among other things, to the fact that it can be planted in suburban areas in almost all regions of Russia. At the same time, these tomatoes give good yields both in the open ground and in greenhouses.

No matter where bushes of this variety are planted, they will look beautiful, neat, powerful and healthy. The photos of Stolypin tomatoes presented on the page fully confirm this.

Tomatoes Stolypin

Biological characteristics

Stolypin tomatoes are a variety, not a hybrid. That is, summer residents who grow such tomatoes in their area receive, among other things, the possibility of self-collecting seeds.

This tomato belongs to the group of non-standard determinant varieties. Stolypin bushes usually reach no more than 60 cm in height. At the same time, these tomatoes are also compact, which greatly facilitates their care.

The leaves of Stolypin are dark green. They grow on shoots very densely and at the same time perfectly protect the fruits from the scorching sun. On one brush of this variety can grow up to 10 tomatoes. General indicators of tomato productivity Stolypin are 9 kg per 1 m 2 . Of course, in comparison with many other modern varieties and hybrids, this is actually a very good indicator.

Fruit Description

Among the pluses of tomatoes Stolypin summer residents, among other things, include their simply excellent taste characteristics. Color The fruits of this variety are saturated red. Stolypin tomatoes do not grow too large. Their average weight is 100-120 g. At the same time, the fruits of the variety also differ in a very neat appearance. Their shape is round, slightly elongated. Near the stalk, these tomatoes never crack.

Tomatoes Stolypin

The taste of the tender juicy pulp of these fruits is very sweet. Some summer residents even call the tomatoes of this variety "pink honey." You can use the fruits of Stolypin both for the preparation of salads or in fresh form, and for canning.

Seed cost

Characteristics Stolypin tomato, as a variety, thus has just excellent. And since these tomatoes are simply very popular among summer residents, acquiring their seeds, if desired, will be absolutely easy. Planting stock of this variety is sold in any specialized store. A standard Aelita bag for 85-90 seeds costs only about 10-20 rubles. depending on the region. For sowing, it is allowed to use both last year's seeds of this variety, and two years ago.

How to grow seedlings

One of the features of tomatoes of this variety is an increased degree of resistance to late blight. Also, Stolypin is not very susceptible to other fungal and bacterial diseases. However, preparing seeds of this variety, like any other, before planting, of course, should be as carefully as possible.

Planting material of these tomatoes, like almost any other, must be soaked for 20 minutes before sowing. in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds of this variety are planted to a depth of about 2 cm. Seedlings are subsequently cared for by standard technology. When 3 true leaves appear on plants, they pick.

In open ground, seedlings are transferred at the age of 60 days. This variety belongs to the group of cold-resistant. In central Russia, Stolypin seedlings are usually transferred to greenhouses under film in the middle - end of May. In the open ground, these tomatoes are planted in the first week of June.

Early ripe grade Stolypin

Stolypin bushes grow, as already mentioned, quite compact. Therefore, it is allowed to place them in the garden quite close to each other. Most often, gardeners plant these tomatoes according to a 30 x 70 cm pattern.

Care Features

Too high tomatoes of this variety usually do not grow. However, Stolypin still requires garter. Tomatoes on the shoots of this variety with proper care ripen a lot. And if the bush is not tied up, it can simply break under the weight of the fruit.

Tied tomatoes of this variety are relatively good. But if desired, this process can be activated at Stolypin. This will increase the yield of plants. To activate the process of setting, tomatoes are sprayed with a solution of boric acid. At the same time, it is prepared as follows:

  • pour 10 g of boric acid into a half-liter jar;

  • insist a concentrated solution during the day;

  • pour 0.5 liters of solution into a bucket of water of 10 liters.

Seedling Stolypin

Watering Stolypin's tomatoes require moderate. The green mass of these tomatoes is quite dense and dense. Therefore, the soil under the bushes remains wet for a long time.

Reviews about tomatoes Stolypin

Opinion about this variety among summer residents was simply excellent. Gardeners respond about these tomatoes to the network at most only positively. The pluses of the variety gardeners, among other things, include:

  • high productivity;

  • good keeping quality and transportability of fruits.

To care for tomatoes Stolypin, according to summer residents, is absolutely simple. By late blight, judging by the reviews, the variety is really very stable. Even when other tomatoes on the site become infected with this disease, the fruits and shoots of Stolypin are absolutely clean. Spraying against late blight in the summer, at least this variety does not require.

Growing tomatoes Stolypin

But the most important plus of these tomatoes, gardeners still consider it is their excellent taste. It is for their juicy sweet pulp that these tomatoes deserve the best reviews from summer residents. In the photo, Stolypin's tomatoes, as you can see, look very neat and compact. When salted, these tomatoes do not crack and in no way lose their shape. Therefore, they look very tasty, not only on the bushes, but also in banks.

Judging by the reviews of summer residents, summer salads from these tomatoes also turn out to be simply excellent. Children, because of their sweet pulp, simply love to eat the fruits of Stolypin just fresh.

Tomatoes Stolypin

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we found out how Stolypin tomatoes differ in characteristics. The feedback from the summer residents of these tomatoes really deserved just excellent. Many gardeners grow this variety in their suburban areas from year to year. At the same time, such tomatoes do not cause any complaints from summer residents. Experienced gardeners on Stolypin are recommended to pay attention to those gardeners who are looking for a tomato variety for fresh use or for pickling for their site.


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