Thomas Hitzlsperger: life, career. Interesting facts about the famous German footballer

Thomas Hitzlsperger is a famous German footballer who has already completed his career. But in those years when he entered the field, the midfielder very successfully defended the colors of the national team of his country, and also showed obvious success in the game for clubs. Well, it’s worth briefly telling about his interesting life and career.

Thomas Hitzlsperger

Start of football activity

Thomas Hitzlsperger is a graduate of the best German club to date. He studied the art of wielding the ball in Munich “Bavaria”. After all, a football player was born in this city.

But in 2000, a young 18-year-old player moved to another team, namely, “Aston Villa”. It was a serious step in his career, the young football player did not just begin to defend the colors of another club - he moved to another country, to England. But his debut took place the following year - in 2001. Then he first entered the field as part of a team from Birmingham against Liverpool. But further prospects turned out to be imaginary, since this game was for Thomas the first and last in the English club. Because he moved to Chesterfield, where things went much better.

soccer player hitzlsperger thomas

Career development

Since 2001, Thomas Hitzlsperger has played for Chesterfield. At first it was a rental - he was still listed in Aston Villa. But in this team he often went on the field as a player of the main team. But then he went back to the club that owned it. The new head coach Graham Taylor saw talent in the young guy and began to often release him on the field. And on April 20, 2002 he scored his first goal, which he scored against FC Leicester.

Everything ended better than it began. For “Aston Villa” Thomas Hitzlsperger played until 2005, and during this time period he played more than a hundred matches.

In 2005, the player acquired the status of a free agent. But soon he already began to play in the Bundesliga, as he became a player in “Stuttgart”. In this team, he immediately became the main player. This was a new step in career development. Soccer player Hitzlsperger Thomas spent the most successful season in the 2006/07 season. After all, it was then that he, together with his club, won the title of champion of Germany. He then entered the field thirty times, and for all these games he scored seven goals. Moreover, since 2008, Thomas Hitzlsperger has held an important position as captain of the club. But from December 1, 2009, he was replaced by Matthew Delpierre.

hitzlsperger thomas biography

Last years

In 2010, the player bought the Italian club “Lazio”. There the footballer played not so much - only 6 matches, and scored one goal. So, in the summer transfer window, he moved to West Ham United FC, with whose leadership he signed a contract for the next three years. But unfortunately, before the start of the season he earned an injury, because of which he first entered the field only in 2001, February 21. It was a game against the “Burnley”, and then Thomas Hitzlsperger scored against opponents. But at the end of the season he left the team, as the club flew out of the Premier League.

The next player team was “Wolfsburg”. There, too, the career was not very successful - only 6 exits to the field and a lot of injuries. Thomas’s last club was Everton. In total, he spent seven matches in his composition, and in September 2013 announced that he decided to “hang his boots on a nail”. Such a career distinguished Hitzlsperger Thomas.

The biography of this person is very interesting, professional - especially. In terms of appearances for the German national team, the player was doing better. He was even her captain (up to 19 years old). He played in the senior, main team until 2010 and during all this time managed to win the status of the silver medalist of the 2008 European Championship, bronze at the 2006 World Cup and also third place in the 2005 Confederations Cup, along with the rest of the players. Hitzlsperger Thomas played pretty good matches - he helped out a team in many, made assists, scored. But he completed his career in 2010 - even earlier than the club one.

hitzlsperger thomas matches

Personal life

And finally, a few words about this topic, which has always been of interest to society. Thomas is known for the fact that in 2007, in June, he unexpectedly broke up with his lover named Inga. And it seems like nothing special if this did not happen just a couple of weeks before the officially scheduled wedding. And what’s most interesting - after Thomas ended his career, namely in January 2014, he announced that he was ... a man of non-traditional sexual orientation. Thus, he became the first of the famous German football players who did not hesitate to talk about such a personal moment. As the former player said, he realized this fact for a very long time and only in the last couple of years he managed to admit it to himself and understand that this is really so. Here is such an interesting nuance.


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