How to use peach hair oil: recipes, photos, reviews

In home cosmetology, peach hair oil is often used. It has a wide spectrum of action: improves gloss and growth, prevents cross-section and brittle curls. To obtain greater effectiveness, it is important to learn how to use this tool and remember useful recipes for masks.

Composition and properties

Peach oil contains almost all the minerals and vitamins that are so necessary for nourishing the hair. In addition, the product also cares for the scalp. With the help of peach oil, even damaged curls can be restored. As a result, they will be healthy, smooth, radiant, thick, without split ends. Dryness, irritation, itching and dandruff will disappear on the scalp. What substances in the composition of peach oil for hair are most useful?

  • Beta carotene. Restores the structure of damaged curls, improves their growth, natural pigmentation, gives them shine. Bringing the tips and sebum production back to normal.
  • Vitamins V. Accelerate the growth of hair and cope with dandruff. Remove irritation, inflammation from the scalp and repair damaged cells.
  • Vitamins E, C, PP, K. These are powerful antioxidants that protect curls from ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and free radicals. They also regenerate skin cells, strengthen and nourish the follicles, which significantly reduces hair loss.
Peaches on a branch
  • Micro and macro elements. Potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc, iron and phosphorus, which are in the oil, enrich cells with necessary substances. This helps to heal wounds, restore water and carbohydrate balance in the cells of the hair and scalp.

That is, peach hair oil will be of great benefit. But are there any side effects of this product?


This remedy has only one contraindication - it is an individual intolerance, due to which an allergic reaction can occur. To exclude it, you first need to test the tool in a small area. Drop peach oil on the elbow or wrist and wait a few hours. If there are no negative reactions, then the body transfers this product. Subject to dosage and proper use, side effects should not occur.

Result Reviews

According to reviews, peach oil for hair is used by many girls. And all of them were satisfied with the results. Immediately after use, the curls became alive and soft. Over time, hair stopped falling out, dry skin and dandruff passed. The greatest effect of women was noted with regular use of peach oil in the composition of masks. If you do them from time to time, then the result can not be seen.

The result of peach oil

Product cost

You can buy peach oil almost everywhere - in pharmacies, retail outlets and online stores. Usually it is packed in bottles from 20 to 60 milliliters. Most often, the products of the domestic companies Mirra, Mirrolla and Natural Oils are sold. On peach oil of the last producer, buyers respond negatively, referring to its inefficiency.

On average, one milliliter costs 2 rubles. That is, the packaging of the product will cost 40-120 rubles, depending on the size. Cheaper oil is not worth buying, because it can be unnatural or fake.

Selection and storage

First of all, it is important to pay attention to the cost of peach seed oil. For hair, you need to choose only high-quality products, and these can not be too cheap.

Good manufacturers take care of the packaging. It should be a darkened plastic or glass bottle. The latter, of course, is better. It is worth taking a smaller amount of oil for the sample, so that later you will not feel sorry for the money spent if the product does not like. A big plus is the presence of a cardboard box with enclosed instructions for use.

After the purchase, you need to see how the product looks. Natural peach oil has a light yellow color. The smell is pleasant and slightly perceptible. It should be similar to the aroma of fresh peach. By consistency, the product resembles sunflower oil. It is he who is used for fakes, adding flavorings.

Peach Oil Bottles

As a rule, oil can be stored in a dark place for two years. After opening, it retains its properties for up to two months if it is in the cold. For this period it is recommended to use it. Although many girls use one bottle of peach oil for hair for a long time. Testimonials show that this does not negatively affect the results.

Oil Recommendations

  • Peach oil can be used as a single product. But it gives the greatest result as a part of various masks.
  • Before use, the oil must be heated to 40 degrees in a water bath, in a microwave oven or under a hot stream of water.
  • Cosmetic formulations should be prepared in glass, porcelain or ceramic dishes. Plastic and metal containers are categorically not suitable for this.
  • If the prescription needs to use honey, then it should be heated to 40 degrees. The eggs for the mask must be beaten. If the composition contains herbal decoctions, then they need to be prepared in advance and cooled to 40 degrees.
  • Before applying the cosmetic mixture, it is recommended to test it. To do this, smear a little composition on the elbow or wrist and wait at least half an hour.
  • If recommendations are not indicated, then the mask must first be applied to the scalp with soft massaging rubbing movements. Then it can be distributed along the length of the scallop with not very frequent teeth. How it looks, demonstrates the photo below. Peach hair oil will be more useful if you create a greenhouse effect on your head with cellophane and a warm towel.
Peach oil distribution by hair
  • Masks can be applied to dirty hair. Then the composition must be washed off with warm water using shampoo. To enhance the effect, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs.
  • Peach oil should be applied regularly, only then it will give a pronounced effect. The tool is not addictive, so it can be spread on the hair all year round 1-2 times a week. But it is advisable to alternate the compositions of the masks, because an overabundance of other components can do much harm.

There are many options for using peach hair oil. With it you can do head massage, aroma combing, compresses, rinsing curls and various masks.

Head massage

Massage can improve the circulation of the scalp, accelerate hair growth and enjoy the pleasant aroma of peach, which has a calming effect. The procedure is simple and takes a couple of minutes.

Rub a few drops of heated peach oil between your fingers. Rub into the scalp with massaging movements. Leave for an hour and rinse with shampoo.

Aroma combing

This use of peach oil for hair is useful in that it restores their structure and restores shine. In addition, the product smells nice, so during the procedure you can enjoy a pleasant aroma.

Aroma combing with peach oil

Apply a few drops of peach oil to the massage comb and comb the hair evenly for ten minutes. If everything is done correctly, then the whole product will be absorbed, and the curls will not be greasy. Therefore, nothing needs to be washed off. The procedure is best repeated every day during the morning gatherings.


After each head wash, you can rinse your hair with water with the addition of peach oil. As the hair shows, in just three treatments, the hair will become shiny, silky and acquire a beautiful shade.

On a liter of water you need to add 10 milliliters of peach oil. Or a teaspoon per liter of chamomile broth.

Oil compress

With peach oil for hair growth it is useful to make compresses. To do this, before going to bed, thoroughly moisten the scalp and curls with the product. It is important not to spare oil, but to apply it abundantly. Cover the crown with a shower cap or cellophane. Then wrap with a bath towel. Wash off the oil the next morning with shampoo. The procedure is repeated once a week.

There are a lot of hair masks with peach oil. Next, the most effective recipes will be considered.

For fat curls

Recipe number 1.

  • Peach oil - 2 milliliters.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  • Castor oil - a tablespoon.
Castor oil and lemon for mask

Recipe number 2.

  • Peach oil - 2 milliliters.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - a tablespoon.
  • Oak bark - half a cup of broth.

Masks should be kept for half an hour. Greasy shine will disappear after the first procedure.

For normal hair

Recipe number 1.

  • Peach oil - 2 milliliters.
  • Burdock oil - a tablespoon.
  • Linden honey - 2 teaspoons.

Recipe number 2.

  • Peach oil - 5 drops.
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Quail eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Shredded fresh leaves of plantain - 2 tablespoons. Or a strong decoction of dry grass (a tablespoon in a glass of water).

Masks to keep on hair for two hours, but you can leave it at night. Shine and shine will appear after the second procedure.

For dry strands

Recipe number 1.

  • Peach oil - 4 milliliters.
  • Lavender oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Fat sour cream - 2 tablespoons.

Recipe number 2.

  • Peach oil - 4 milliliters.
  • Flaxseed oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Mayonnaise - a tablespoon.

Keep the mixture on curls for about an hour. As part of these masks, peach oil for dry hair is useful in that it improves the production of sebaceous glands, so the scalp is softened and the curls are moisturized.

Peach Oil Mask Components

Dandruff Masks

Recipe number 1.

  • Peach oil - 5 milliliters.
  • Fat sour cream - half a cup.

Recipe number 2.

  • Peach oil - 3 milliliters.
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.

Recipe number 3.

  • Peach oil - 10 milliliters.
  • Rose oil - 3 milliliters.
  • Aevit capsules - 4 pieces.
  • Peeled fresh ripe peach - 1 piece.

Masks keep an hour on your head. Dandruff should disappear after 3-4 procedures.

Recipes for strengthening the roots

The masks below can normalize the protein-fat metabolism on the scalp. Therefore, root nutrition and hair growth will improve.

Recipe number 1.

  • Peach oil - 3 milliliters.
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Chamomile broth - 2 tablespoons.
  • Vitamins B1, B12 - 4-5 milliliters (1-2 ampoules).
  • Vitamin C in tablets - 2 pieces.

If there is no olive oil, then it can be replaced with peach oil. For hair, you need to create enhanced nutrition, so it is better to leave the mask overnight.

Recipe number 2.

  • Peach oil - 15 milliliters.
  • Cosmetic clay - 2 tablespoons. (It must be diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream).

Keep on your head for 3 hours.

Recipe number 3.

  • Peach oil - 7 milliliters.
  • Lemon juice - 5 milliliters.
  • Pepper tincture (onion juice) - 4 tablespoons.

Rub the mask into the roots with circular massaging movements. The composition will irritate the bulbs, which will have a good effect on the metabolism of the entire scalp. With normal tolerance, leave for an hour. If the mask bakes very much, then keep it until possible. The next time it is better to reduce the amount of pepper tincture (onion juice).

Peach oil for hair ends

The masks below solve the problem of dry ends and brittle hair. Compounds are recommended to be kept for a long time. Therefore, they are best applied all day or during sleep.

Recipe number 1.

  • Peach oil - 3 milliliters.
  • Peanut butter - a tablespoon.
  • Vitamins A, E - 1 ampoule.
  • Ripe banana (avocado pulp) - 1 piece.

Recipe number 2.

  • Peach oil - 6 milliliters.
  • Olive oil - a tablespoon.
  • Mountain honey - 3 tablespoons.
  • Fresh chopped aloe leaves - 1.5 tablespoons.

According to reviews, peach oil, even in its pure form, can improve the condition of curls. But only in combination with other products does it work real miracles! The hair becomes beautiful, healthy, smooth and obedient. At the same time, the curls do not become heavier at all and do not become fat. Each girl can achieve such results, but only with proper and regular hair care.


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