How to remove a password from Windows 10 on a laptop: methods, instructions

Using system access passwords in all known versions of Windows often turns out to be very impractical and makes sense only if you work in the office or at the enterprise when several users are registered on one computer terminal or laptop. At home, you may need to use this method of logging in only if you want to restrict access to a PC for children or relatives. In addition, very often there are situations where the password is simply lost or you forget it, and after that you yourself can’t get access to the working system. In how to remove the password from a laptop with Windows 10, then it is proposed to understand. It’s worth mentioning right away that almost all the methods proposed below can be used for stationary PCs, and even for operating systems with a rank below “ten”, since they work without fail.

How to remove a password from a laptop in Windows 10: basic options and possible situations

First of all, let's find out in which particular situations it may be necessary to deactivate the password entry, since the decision made in each case will depend on this. It is generally accepted that using Windows 10 without a password is advisable in such cases:

  • access to the settings of the primary BIOS / UEFI systems;
  • Logging in immediately after loading (including situations when the password is lost or you forgot it);
  • exit from sleep modes;
  • gaining control over system settings that are blocked by the administrator.

We will not focus on the latter situation, however, we will consider one of the most effective solutions at the very end when describing the Windows login when the password combination is lost.

Primary BIOS / UEFI Settings

So, everyone knows that at the very beginning of a computer system boot, it is sometimes necessary to change important BIOS / UEFI parameters. But getting to them is not always possible, since the administrator could set a password to change this configuration. If you are your own administrator, you can skip this section.

BIOS Password Types

In the case of primary systems, either a password to change the settings or a password blocking access to the BIOS in general can be used. The first one can be changed by resetting the parameters to the factory state (something like Load Setup Defaults). For the second, you only have to remove the CMOS battery installed directly on the motherboard. On stationary terminals it is much easier to do this, but on laptops you have to tinker.

How to install Windows 10 on a laptop without registering a password?

Another reset option is to not use password access during the first (clean) installation or when upgrading an existing OS. How to install Windows 10 on a laptop without a password? There should not be any difficulties.

Creating a password when installing Windows 10

Just at the stage when the installer asks you to enter the administrator password, leave the fields to be filled in blank or skip this step by entering only the name of the primary user.

Deactivate password at login

There are several ways to deactivate a password in Windows 10 when you turn on your PC or laptop.

Change your account password

The very first and simplest one is to call up the account section from the “Control Panel”, go to the management of another registration, click on the password change link, enter the current combination, and leave the fields for entering a new password blank and save the settings.

Another technique that allows you to get rid of the password request when entering Windows 10 is to call the Run console and enter the combination netplwiz in it (or control userpasswords2 - a command that is completely identical to the first one).

Disabling password entry requirements at login

After that, in the settings window, you must select the user and uncheck the activated item for password entry. Please note that the system simply will not require a password, but the combination itself will not be deleted.

We set automatic entry in the registry

Now let's see how in Windows 10 on a laptop to remove the password for the option just described, but using the registry settings (regedit).

Setting automatic login in the registry

To do this, in the editor, go through the HKLM branch to the Winlogon section, as shown in the image above, and then set AutoDminLogon to the right for the current value.

Note: in addition, you can change the domain name, the user name used to log into the system by default, and the password used for it. On home laptops and PCs, you usually do not need to do this.

Special utility

If we are talking exclusively about automating login, you can simplify your task by using special portable utilities. The simplest is the program Autologon for Windows, developed by specialists from Microsoft. It must be downloaded from the Microsoft Sysinternals support service resource, run in Windows 10, enter the current username and password set for logging into the system, and then click the enable button. As in previous cases, the system will simply remember the password, but it will not be required to enter it at login.

We remove the password when leaving sleep: method one

When using sleep or hibernation, the main passwords for logging into the system are also used very often, and when you exit these modes, instead of the interface, the same window appears to select the user and enter the password combination that can be observed when the OS boots. How on a laptop with Windows 10 to remove the password in this case? Simple too. Four methods can be proposed.

Changing the input settings for sleep mode

The first and simplest one is to remove the password when entering Windows 10, which was preceded by a dream or hibernation, you can from the settings menu, where the account section is selected, then the login parameters are navigated, and then from the list of options for requesting password entry is selected meaning "never."

Awakening without a password: method two (power supply)

To deactivate the password entry requirement, you can also use the settings of the current power scheme.

Disabling the password in the power settings

Here you need to go to setting up the circuit and changing additional parameters, after which, in the list of available options, simply change the value for the item for entering a password when waking up for all power sources, setting it to "No" and then save the changes.

Getting out of sleep without a password: method three (group policies)

The second shutdown method in updated builds of the tenth modification may not be available. Therefore, you can apply a no less effective method. Call the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc), in the computer configuration, using the administrative templates and sections of the power management system and sleep settings, find two options for requiring a password when leaving sleep (one for power from the network, the other for battery).

Disabling password for hibernation in group policies

Double-click for each of them to open the edit window and set the status value to disabled.

Disabling a password when waking up: method four (registry)

Similar actions can be performed in the registry. In the editor, find the appropriate power management directory, as shown in the image below.

Disabling the hibernation password in the registry

If it is not there, through RMB on the mother folder create the required partition. In the right window, if there is a section initially, change the keys ACSettingIndex and DCSettingIndex, setting each of them to a value of zero. Again, if there are no such records, you will need to manually create the DWORD parameters, giving them the appropriate names.

Note: when working with the registry, a restart of the computer system must be performed, and when changing the settings of group policies, this is not required.

How to log in if you forgot your password?

Finally, the most unpleasant situation may be due to the fact that the user has forgotten the password for the laptop (meaning the combination used to log into the system) and even at the prompt it is difficult to recall it. Most users give up, believing that it is impossible to recover the password, and the system itself will have to be completely reinstalled. The deepest error! Hacking your own password (or even someone else's) with physical access to a PC or laptop can be very simple.

If you have enabled the use of the F8 button, from the start menu you can choose to boot in Safe Mode, and then change the password, as described in one of the first sections. If such a menu is not available, you can boot from removable media and select advanced start options. Then you can simply create a new registration with administrator rights, and then delete the old "account".

Renaming the ultiman.exe file

If this technique does not help, boot from a removable recovery disk or distribution media, proceed to recovery, run the command line, and then enter the command above to rename the ultiman.exe file.

Adding ultiman.exe to the command line

After it, run another line, shown in the following image, and reboot the system in normal mode without using removable media. On the login screen below, click the button with an icon that resembles a clock, and in the command console that appears, enter the command net user username password, where instead of username enter your registered name, and instead of password, enter a new password. Restart again and log in with the new password.

Return original ultiman.exe object

Note: to return the original file to its place, use the command shown above, but only when reloading from removable media.

You can also use the technique using the registry editor, in which the bush is downloaded and the password is reset, but it looks more complicated and is usually used for cases where no other methods work.


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