How and what to do with viburnum: useful tips

Viburnum berries have medicinal properties, and we all know this very well. They taste bitter, so you just can’t eat them. Well, what to do with viburnum? How to eat it? A variety of goodies can be made from the berries of this plant. There are many recipes for their preparation. Here we will share them with you in this article.

what to do with viburnum

What to do with viburnum? Let's make delicious juice out of it!

The berries must be sorted, washed and passed through a juicer. Pour the liquid into sterilized jars and seal with metal caps. No sugar is added to the juice, nor is it pasteurized. Such a drink is perfectly stored raw in the refrigerator or basement. They drink juice with honey.

Berry fruit marmalade

Not sure what to do with viburnum berries? Make them a sweet for children. In order to make marmalade, you will need viburnum and apples (half a kilogram) and sugar (kilogram). Berries should be poured into a pan, covered and steamed in an oven or on a stove. Grind them through a sieve or colander. Do the same with apples. Mix the fruit and berry mass with sugar and cook in a pan with a thick bottom until thickened. Then transfer the mashed potatoes to a baking sheet with a thin layer and dry in the oven at a temperature of 50-55 degrees. When the marmalade is ready, cool it and cut into cubes. Put on a flat dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

what to do with viburnum berries

Cooking jam is one more thing you can do with viburnum!

Dip the berries (2-2.5 kilograms) in boiling water for several minutes, and then drain. Prepare syrup from water (300 grams) and sugar (1000 grams). Pour it into the pan, lower the fruits of viburnum and leave it overnight. Then, over a small fire, boil the berry mass to the desired consistency. Hot jam is poured into clean steamed cans and clogged with tin lids. Cool the workpiece by wrapping all the containers in a blanket.

Drying viburnum

There are several ways to carry out the procurement process of this kind. Bunches of viburnum bind a few pieces and hang in a dry place: in the pantry, on the balcony, in the barn. You can simply spread the berries on a wooden flat surface and dry them naturally in the fresh air. In a city apartment, this process can be performed in an oven or an electric dryer. You need to store the fruits in plastic pouches or cloth bags. And what to do next with viburnum? Medicinal tea is brewed from dried berries, tinctures are prepared from them.

what can be done with viburnum

Viburnum fruit freezing

Put clean berries in a plastic bag, release air from it and put it in the freezer. For these purposes, food containers can also be used. Having been processed by cold, viburnum acquires a rich taste and aroma. In the future, it is used for the preparation of drinks, jelly, jam.

Healing bush on the site pleased you with a rich harvest? You know now what to do with viburnum, and therefore you can prepare from it many tasty and healthy goodies for yourself and all your household. Be always healthy!


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