Horsetail: Unlimited

Horsetail - a common plant in our country. Similar to small green Christmas trees, it has very long, up to 6-7 meters, roots, which can go to a depth of more than a meter. On the roots of the plant grow small nodule cones. The horsetail stalk can be of two types. In early spring, a brown stalk grows, on which spores mature. Later, when the brown stalk dies, a new one appears, green and faceted.

The plant is so rich in silicic acid that it gathers on its surface into small crystals, making its leaves and stems rough to the touch. In different areas, horsetail is called differently: papilla, Christmas tree, conifer, peanut, and also has many other names. It is called peanut because baked root nodules taste like nuts. Christmas trees are collected in the summer when the sun shines brightly. Then crushed, dried under awnings, stored in dark paper bags or wooden boxes.

Horsetail field application found in folk medicine, traditional pharmacology, cosmetology.

The plant is used for severe poisoning. It is especially good at cleansing the body of lead. Preparations or decoctions of peanuts help with edema, inflammation of the genitourinary system, they treat bronchitis, tuberculosis, high blood pressure. With the help of a field Christmas tree, you can rid the kidneys of stones, normalize the pressure.

However, before proceeding with treatment with a papilla, you need to make sure that infusions or decoctions will not do harm, because horsetail has contraindications to the field, although not very extensive. It is forbidden to people suffering from nephrosis, inflammation of the kidneys.

How else can you use field horsetail? Its use in cooking, for example, will help housewives surprise their home with delicious, unconventional dishes.

Stuffing for pies

Young leaves and spikelets are mixed equally with green onions, parsley, dill, other herbs to taste. Add chopped boiled eggs, salt to taste. For such pies, yeast dough is most suitable.

Okroshka: "Amateur"

The cut young greens of herringbone horsetail, nettle, scalded quinoa, fresh dill, parsley, and lettuce are mixed in approximately equal amounts. They are well pushed in an enameled bowl so that all the ingredients let out green juice. Then they add green chopped cucumbers, radishes, boiled eggs. The basis for okroshka can serve as kvass, whey, kefir, even just acidified water. Before serving, the okroshka is seasoned with sour cream.

Horsetail field for weight loss is simply irreplaceable. Here is one of the recipes that help to lose weight: a quarter cup of dry grass, the papilla is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for a couple of half an hour. When the broth cools down, it is eliminated from the cake, restore the initial volume of boiled water. It is recommended to drink the remedy per hour of food, about half a glass.

Traditional healers greatly appreciate the field horsetail, the use of which helps to create tinctures, decoctions from so many inflammations and diseases.

If you take a fresh broth made from equal parts of bearberry and peanut, you can get rid of excess cholesterol and cleanse the blood vessels. For this, the grass of a sapon, steamed in a glass of water, is insisted for 45 minutes, and then, after preliminary having been filtered and diluted with warm water, they drink a third of the glass before eating.

Beauticians also use field horsetail. Its use in lotions and creams reduces the enlarged pores, heals microcracks, strengthens the hair. Here is a recipe for homemade lotion that can be used instead of traditional foam to cleanse the skin of the face: about two tablespoons of herb insist in 1 liter of dry white wine. This composition can not only cleanse the face. A quarter cup taken in the morning will reduce the intensity of menstruation in women.

The herringbone is an almost universal plant that you must have in your medicine cabinet.


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