Hydrogen peroxide: application in folk medicine. Reviews on the use of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a common drug in medical practice. He is a powerful antiseptic. With its help, open wounds are disinfected, small bleeding is stopped. The chemical reaction that occurs when a substance enters a damaged part of the body ensures the smooth separation of necrotic tissue, dried blood clots and purulent growths. But not only in hospitals use hydrogen peroxide. The use of a substance in folk medicine is common. You will learn more about folk remedies containing hydrogen peroxide from our article.

Forms of drug release

Hydrogen peroxide is available in various forms:

  1. Most often, for medical purposes, use a 3% aqueous solution.
  2. The concentrated composition of hydrogen peroxide is called perhydrol. It is used in diluted form as an antiseptic or in pure form to achieve a bleaching effect, for example, when changing hair color.
  3. A mixture of peroxide and urea is called hydroperit. This composition is in the form of tablets. In addition to the disinfecting properties, they have an antibacterial effect.
  4. An alcoholic solution of hydrogen peroxide is used as ear drops for otitis media and other inflammatory diseases of the ear canals.

Hydrogen peroxide use in traditional medicine

Healing properties

Hydrogen peroxide has a formula similar to water - H2O2. But the properties of the substance are significantly different from H2O. In the body, peroxide enters into oxidative reactions, as a result of which atomic oxygen is formed . It is thanks to such reactions that hair bleaches and eliminates skin pigmentation. Oxidative processes have a detrimental effect on various pathogenic microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi. When ingested, the substance enriches the blood with oxygen, accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes cell nutrition, restores acid-base balance, is an antioxidant.

Thanks to such properties of the substance, hydrogen peroxide and traditional medicine were combined and implemented in the form of therapeutic agents that can be made and used independently at home.

Use in traditional medicine

There are external and internal ways to use hydrogen peroxide. They are not recognized by traditional medicine, have not passed the necessary tests and have no scientific evidence. But the recipes that are used in every family for more than one generation are trusted no less than the world luminaries of medicine. Reviews of many such folk remedies indicate their effectiveness and relative safety. The use of hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine involves the use of aqueous solutions, rather than a pure composition. This approach reduces the risk of skin burns while taking the drug.

The use of hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine

Drug injection

Intravenous administration of peroxide helps enrich the blood with oxygen, accelerate metabolic processes, and destroy pathogenic organisms. But such a procedure can only be performed by a qualified doctor. For injections with the drug, you need to clearly follow the proportions and doses of the drug. Self-medication in this case is contraindicated.

Ingestion of peroxide

Developed a whole technique for oral administration of peroxide solution Russian academician Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. He believes that an aqueous solution of the drug, when used correctly, cures a whole "bunch" of various diseases: diabetes, hypertension, problems with blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract. Traditional medicine confirms the effectiveness of this method: hydrogen peroxide inside helps people cope with serious diseases that are not amenable to treatment with traditional drugs. But official medicine does not recognize this method of healing and warns patients to self-medicate, especially when taking hydrogen peroxide inside. It is dangerous for burns and intoxication of the body.

How to take hydrogen peroxide according to the Neumyvakin method

According to Professor I.P. Neumyvakin, peroxide must be taken daily throughout life to prevent diseases of the body. But you need to do this, observing the recommendations of the founder of the methodology, namely:

  1. Do not consume more than 30 drops of H2O2 per day. With a three-day daily intake, the maximum single dose of the substance should not exceed 10 drops.
  2. Use only purified 3% solution.
  3. It is necessary to take medicine on an empty stomach. After eating, more than 3 hours should pass.
  4. You need to start taking one drop of hydrogen peroxide diluted in a tablespoon of boiled warm water three times a day. Then, one drop at a time is added daily. As a result, the maximum allowable dose should be 10 drops. After such a course, you need to take a break for 5 days.
  5. The next course can already be started with the maximum dosage. It is no longer possible to increase the amount of peroxide with this regimen. It is necessary to drink a course consisting of 10 days, 30 drops daily.

Neumyvakin in his work on the study of the beneficial qualities of hydrogen peroxide talks about possible side reactions: signs of intoxication, allergies, fever, insomnia, and others. The professor explains this effect by eliminating toxic substances and decay products of pathogenic microorganisms from the human body. The methodology says that such side effects should decrease after some time.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine

Outdoor application

For many diseases, hydrogen peroxide is used externally. The use in folk medicine involves compresses, rinses, applications, wipes, the manufacture of cosmetics and healing ointments. For external use, a 3% solution of peroxide or hydroperite in the form of tablets is also most often used. Improper concentration of the drug or prolonged use can lead to severe chemical burns to the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to use the substance with all precautions and carefully monitor the dosage of the drug.

We will tell in more detail about how hydrogen peroxide is used externally in folk medicine.

Rinse nose

From a runny nose and sinusitis, hydrogen peroxide will help. The substance destroys bacteria, relieves inflammation, reduces swelling, removes purulent secretions and mucus. To treat such diseases, the method of instillation or washing of the nasal passages is used.

For the manufacture of drops for the nose you need to dissolve in 1 tbsp. l water 15 drops peroxide solution. Drop a complete pipette of the resulting composition into each nostril. After 20 minutes, blow your nose, removing mucus and pus from your sinuses.

The use of hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine in the form of a solution for washing the nose has been known since the Soviet era. To prepare such a tool, you need a less concentrated solution. It is necessary to dissolve 20 drops of peroxide in half a glass of boiled water. With the resulting composition, rinse each nostril with the help of special devices or a teapot.


Treatment with hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine is also carried out for diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. The substance will cleanse the throat, tonsils, oral cavity. For the procedure you will need two solutions. The first is chamomile broth, and the second is a mixture of a tablespoon of H2O2 and half a glass of water. First, gargle with a composition of peroxide. After the glass with the solution is empty, rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs to relieve inflammation and soothe the mucous membrane.

Hydrogen peroxide use in traditional medicine

Dental treatment

The substance is often used to treat diseases of the gums, teeth, and also for the whitening procedure. Hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine has mixed reviews: some say that the substance is highly effective in dental diseases, while others say that the use of the solution damages enamel, and the condition of the teeth worsens as a result of such procedures. Doctors also do not recommend self-medication of diseases of the oral cavity using hydrogen peroxide, citing the insecurity of such methods.

It should be noted how rich in various recipes traditional medicine is. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine involves rinsing and local applications for dental diseases. So, for example, to reduce toothache, use the following recipe: dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in warm water (100 ml) and rinse your mouth with the composition for a minute.

Tooth decay is treated with such a tool: mix 20 drops of an aqueous solution of a substance with a pinch of soda. With this mixture, brush your teeth twice a day. After the procedure, it is not recommended to drink and eat food for 20 minutes.

Bleeding gums can be eliminated using the following remedy: mix 50 g of water and 2 tsp. H2O2 solution. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting composition and lubricate the gums with driving movements. Perform the procedure daily until completely cured.

For teeth whitening use different recipes:

  1. The easiest and most affordable way to whiten your teeth with H2O2 is to rinse your mouth daily with a 3% solution of the substance. Put a few spoons of peroxide in your mouth and rinse for a minute. Then clean the mouth with water and brush your teeth.
  2. You can prepare a tooth whitening paste. To do this, mix 10 ml of the substance with 3 teaspoons of soda, a pinch of fine-grained salt and a small amount of toothpaste. Put the resulting mixture on your teeth, leave for several minutes, then rinse your mouth with water.
  3. To remove plaque from a small area of ​​the tooth, you need to dip a cotton swab into the peroxide and wipe the problem area of ​​the tooth enamel with it.

Hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine

Beauty treatments

In cosmetology, hydrogen peroxide is also often used. The use in folk medicine involves the cure of acne, warts, enlarged pores, oily skin, hyperpigmentation. In addition, the substance is used to whiten the skin and bleach hair.

Rash, warts, boils are treated with lotions. For this procedure, you need such a therapeutic composition: 2 tsp. mix H2O2 solution with 50 ml of water. Moisten a cotton swab with a solution and apply to affected areas of the body for half an hour.

To reduce the appearance of freckles, improve complexion, fight against acne and other skin problems, you can dilute the peroxide solution in a 1: 1 ratio with a cosmetic tonic or milk and wipe the skin twice a day.

To eliminate problems with the skin of the face, therapeutic masks are made. For example, you can mix a tablespoon of honey with a teaspoon of aloe juice and 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply this mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The product will whiten the skin, relieve inflammation, reduce the manifestation of acne and acne.

To bleach excess hair on the body or face, you need to prepare such a tool: in a tablespoon of shaving cream, add a couple of drops of ammonia and 20 drops of peroxide. Apply the cream to the desired area, leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse. After the first procedure, the hairs will discolour, and with the regular use of such homemade depilation cream, they will become thinner.

Hydrogen peroxide in folk medicine reviews

Oxygen baths

Hydrogen peroxide is used to relieve fatigue, reduce headaches and fight skin diseases. The use in folk medicine of a bath with hydrogen peroxide helps to saturate the body with oxygen. In order to enjoy a session of this procedure, you will need 100 g of soda, 2 g of potassium permanganate and 200 ml of an aqueous solution of H2O2. Add all components to a bath filled with water and mix thoroughly. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide bath application in traditional medicine

Hydrogen peroxide: application in folk medicine. Consumer Reviews

As mentioned above, official medicine does not accept alternative methods of treatment with hydrogen peroxide. An incorrect dosage of this agent often leads to various kinds of diseases: from burns to malignant neoplasms. Doctors recommend using H2O2 as an aqueous 3% solution for external use only. Ingestion is unacceptable.

However, among the people there are a large number of diverse recipes that help against many diseases. Numerous reviews indicate that peroxide effectively whitens teeth, helps with diseases of the throat, dental problems. It recommends traditional medicine hydrogen peroxide for the stomach, improve the condition of blood vessels, speed up metabolism.

We talked about the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide. The use in folk medicine of this substance is not always justified, useful and safe. Use folk remedies or give preference to official medicine - the choice is individual. However, be aware of the possible adverse reactions and consequences that may occur after taking such an active and aggressive substance for the body as hydrogen peroxide.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14074/

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