Insensitive person. The problem of the insensitive attitude of a person to others: the causes of

We live in a world of people, communicate, interact and improve. Family, school, institute, work ... Everything that surrounds a child from infancy affects him, forms and educates him in a personality, prepares for life in society. Being by nature a simple biological species, a person develops as a social individual. It's no secret that people's behavior is similar. They think, say, perform some kind of action. At the same time, we are all different, we have only our own subjective traits. Individuality affects a person’s ability to work, his attitude to people around him.

insensible man

The insensitive attitude of man to man

If a person gradually replaces his feelings with rationality and prudence, then there were prerequisites for this. The exact causes of this behavior have not been studied. But most likely, it is a reaction to the surrounding reality. To experience less frustration, to suffer and be nervous, the individual begins to behave differently. He understands that in our difficult times, an insensitive person always wins. He does not care, he does not worry about anything. Therefore, the once-emotional individual turns into a cold and restrained type.

Refusing to take part in the life of others, a person loses the ability to empathize. From here follows an insensitive attitude towards people. The arguments to justify this phenomenon are simple: it is better to live according to some modern patterns. That is, work hard and pay less attention to others, think only about yourself and your own benefits. According to such an individual, stencils greatly simplify life, leaving no room for reflection and feelings in it.

the problem of a person’s insensitive attitude to others arguments

Coldness and calculation of an insensitive person

An insensitive person never experiences emotions that make him cry. He is not interested in what is happening. Or he treats him as something ordinary, boring, gray. He is devoid of compassion, experience, and participation. Such a person will never compromise. He is cruel in nature. Indeed, indifferent individuals live much easier. The problem of insensitive attitude towards people does not concern them. They are not affected by situations due to which many people suffer, worry and suffer. These people are not familiar with pity. Cruel hearts do not care about other people's troubles. They have a fairly low sensory threshold and a weak perception of the world.

Guided only by their tasks and thoughts, they move through life literally over their heads. They have strong armor from stressful moments and unrest - cold-bloodedness and selfishness. At the end of their life's journey, such people may have something human in their souls. And, looking back, they will understand what the insensitive attitude of a person towards others leads to. Arguments will no longer work: they will realize that they spent a miserable existence, remaining in old age in complete solitude, not knowing neither love, nor kindness, nor happiness.

insensitive attitude of man to man

The problem of a person's insensitive attitude to others. Arguments

The manifestation of insensibility often leads to tragedy. It breaks fate. A few years ago, the whole world was shocked by the story when a conductor in the middle of the road, in the winter, dropped off the boy from the bus because he could not pay the fare. And as a sad result - the baby went astray and froze. This attitude is unacceptable, as it led to tragedy.

It is believed that there is nothing worse than indifference and insensitivity. These qualities corrupt souls. And we value sympathetic, attentive and welcoming people. An insensitive person is found at every step - in the team, on the street, in the family. Now an unemotional attitude to everything that is outgoing is the norm, and not an exception. Insensitive are not only cruel and selfish people, but also those to whom they responded with evil to their participation, responsiveness. These people, fearing to get heartache again, pass by cruelty, trying to close their eyes.

What kind of life is this?

Let's see what an insensitive person gets who is not interested in the problems of others:

  • Self-sufficiency. Such a person is self-confident. It is harmonious and comfortable for him to be a "hermit", dealing exclusively with his own problems.
  • No need for other people. There is no need to be friends, because there is nothing to talk about with friends. They live in a world that is alien and incomprehensible to such an individual.
  • Exclusion of close contacts. Communicating with other people is permissible, but converging with them closely does not make sense. Annoying comrades will try to dictate their rules.
  • Lack of need for love. According to the individual, this feeling is dangerous. It makes one open, trust, and become weak. And for a self-sufficient person, this is a direct path to losing oneself.
  • Unwillingness to understand other people's feelings. When you are not interested in close relationships with others, then there is no need to penetrate their feelings.
  • Refusal of emotions. There is no time for this. If feelings did not bring joy, then, naturally, it is easier to refuse them.

problem of insensitive attitude to people

Reasons for insensibility

What is the reason for the depreciation of what is relevant to participation? The origins of indifference originate in deep childhood. It is the parents who bring up the insensitive attitude of a person to others. Their arguments are common: they are too busy making money to spend such precious time talking with children. And this is the main mistake of every adult.

With his own hands, he morally mutilates a child, educating him pedantically, following only psychological attitudes that do not imply empathy and participation in the baby’s life. Growing up, the offspring gets used to reason sensibly and coldly. He does not know how to show feelings. A little man who has not received cordiality and love becomes an egoist who ignores the problems of others and does not try to communicate with them.

the problem of a person's insensitive attitude to others

Characteristic of an insensitive person

It is difficult for insensible people to understand personal emotions, to learn to manifest them. Therefore, they do not understand the experiences of others. Insensitive people lack imagination and intuition. And the presence of infantilism leads to pragmatism, a false idea of ​​life and conflicts with others. Psychologists as follows characterize an insensitive person. In their opinion, it is peculiar to him:

  • Difficulties in identifying or describing personal feelings of others.
  • Problems in distinguishing emotions and bodily sensations.
  • Lack of ability to fantasize.
  • Focusing mainly on external events (to the detriment of internal ones).
  • The ability to reason sensibly with a deficit of emotional manifestations.

Often the reason for this is the lack of affection, care, attention and warmth in childhood. As statistics show, most insensitive people are adults who are not loved and have not been pampered. Sometimes parents teach children to hide their feelings, try to be strong and confident. And as a result, a person grows up who does not know how to love, feel and compassion.

insensitive to people arguments

How not to become an insensitive person?

So that your child does not turn into a callous type, deprived of any participation in other people, it is necessary to educate him in love. He should not be protected from those close by a wall of indifference. The problem of insensitive attitude of a person to others is very terrible. The arguments of this phenomenon, whatever they may be, are not worth the eternal joyless loneliness that you will receive “as a gift” for your egoism. A life without emotion awaits you. When suddenly everything around seems boring and unnecessary - it's scary.

In order not to become a person deprived of any manifestations of feelings, you need to enjoy life, perceive it here and now. Black stripes are replaced by white. No need to rush to nature reserves and save wild animals, go to underdeveloped countries, give huge sums to charity funds. You just need to become a little kinder, more merciful. Teach the younger generation this, and the world around you will change for the better. Kindness, purity of thoughts, the ability to feel and respond to requests for help make a person great and wonderful.


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