Eyelash extensions: bending L. Technique, care, features, reviews and photos

Modern fashion dictates its own rules. In recent years, such an ideal of girl's beauty has appeared: full lips, thick hair, flawless skin and, of course, long eyelashes. Not every female representative can boast incredible cilia from nature. However, what to do in this case? Most ladies resort to building. This is considered one of the fastest and most effective ways to transform your eyelashes. There are many performing techniques, but the most common is the classic eyelash extension with a bend l.

Fox effect

Why choose the L bend?

Of course, all the girls dream that their look was bright, languid and memorable. Beautiful and long eyelashes play an important role in this. When building, it is worth remembering the selection of the correct bend. If you make a mistake in your choice, then you can incorrectly change the shape of the eyes, make the face disproportionate. Be sure to consult with the master. What are the benefits of eyelash extension bending? First of all, this performance technique will make your eyes larger and your eyes more open. In addition, if your eyelid hangs, then in this way it is possible to visually lift it. Also eyelash extensions (classics) bending l corrects the shape of the eyes and makes it more rounded. Another significant advantage will be that this method is suitable for almost everyone.

Which effect is better?

Different bends

After choosing a bend, you need to choose the effect. Today, masters offer us a huge number of different options.

  • Natural effect - cilia slightly curl, which looks very natural and beautiful.
  • Puppet is suitable for courageous persons who are not afraid to look playful. It is best to choose it for events.
  • Sparse effect. Perform with a certain interval. This build-up does not look artificial.
  • Volumetric - this is the maximum giving of eyelashes density and splendor.
  • Squirrel - lengthen the cilia at the edges of the eyes, which makes the look mesmerizing.
  • Lysis gives the effect of drawn arrows, which makes the look expressive.

Experts advise choosing the effect based on the shape of the eyes and face. However, many girls choose eyelash extensions with a bend l and fox effect. He emphasizes the eyes and gives the image of mystery and charm.

Eyelash extensions, l-bend. Who is going to?

Beautiful bend

You decided to build cilia, but are not sure which type of equipment to choose? How to determine the shape of the eyes? It is best to talk with a master who will tell you the options that are right for you. But you can try to determine the form yourself. To do this, you need to draw a strip in a horizontal position. The line should combine the inner and outer corners. Next, look at the location of the trait. If it rises, then you are the owner of narrow eyes. If the outside corner is a little down, then you definitely have a wide, open look. Direct indicates almond-shaped eyes. So who should choose l-bend eyelash extensions? This type is suitable for both girls with a round shape and elongated. Close-set eyes are visually lengthened using this technique. L-curl eyelash extensions are a universal method that suits most girls.

Performance technique

Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extension is a painstaking work that requires a lot of time and patience. You should be prepared for the fact that the procedure is lengthy. Before starting the process, it is worth discussing with the master what material is better to use, as well as all the nuances. Extension cilia must be fixed evenly, one after the other. Explicit omissions should be avoided, as this may spoil the overall picture of the final result. Usually, the master applies glue to the fiber, and then with the help of special tweezers secures it at the base of the native eyelashes. The material must be of high quality and hypoallergenic.


On average, after eyelash extensions of the l-bend, you can enjoy the result from two weeks to a month with proper care. Over time, you still have to resort to correction. What features do this procedure have?

  • To begin with, a leshmaker with a special brush removes fibers that are loose.
  • Further, native cilia are treated with a degreaser.
  • Then you need to lubricate the fibers that will be subject to the correction procedure, a remover.
  • After that, the master fixes new cilia, which are located at a small distance from the roots of relatives.


Eyelash extensions

The extension of l-bend eyelashes has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be discussed separately. The advantages of this technique include:

  • Masters claim that fibers with a bend of l last much longer, because they have strong bonding due to the even base.
  • To this bend, you can choose absolutely any effect, whether it is natural or puppet.
  • This method of building will be in perfect harmony with any incision and shape of the eyes.
  • Bending l visually stretches the eyes and gives them the right almond shape.

Proper care

Eyelash extensions, bending L

If you want your eyelash extensions to be worn for a long time and look perfect at the same time, you need to learn a few simple rules for caring for them.

  • After the extension procedure, the fibers cannot be in contact with water. Otherwise, they will fall off.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes with your hands and a towel.
  • When wearing artificial eyelashes, you should forget about using mascara and eyeliner.
  • It is necessary to carefully study the composition of creams and other cosmetics. It is important that they do not contain alcohol.
  • It must be remembered that a sharp increase in temperature is harmful to hair extensions. It will help the glue to melt and the eyelashes to fall off.

You must follow these rules in order to maintain the original appearance of the eyelashes, as well as the bend and their shape.

Curl is able to change the shape of the eyes

If a girl does not like her eye shape or incision, then with the help of a properly selected bend, all the flaws can be corrected. In this subclause, we will talk about different types of curls and who they are suitable for.

  • Owners of bulging eyes should choose straight eyelashes for extensions with a fox effect, as they are able to narrow the incision a bit and make the look โ€œcatlikeโ€.
  • If you have small eyes, then it is better to give preference to even fiber with a doll-like effect or natural.
  • You can raise the outer corners of the eyes by choosing U and D bends.
  • Curl L with a fox effect will increase the distance between closely set eyes.
  • For far-set eyes, it is necessary to make strong curls at the inner corner and in the middle of the ciliary contour.

Is it worth it or not? Reviews

Still in doubt, do you need eyelash extension bending l? Reviews from people - confirmation that it is worth choosing this type of execution technique. Girls willingly share their impressions of building. They argue that the L-bend is the best option for anyone looking for beautiful eyelashes. Firstly, such a curl does not look vulgar and artificial. Everything looks quite natural and harmonious. And secondly, they last much longer.

L-bending has become the most suitable way to build beautiful and natural cilia. Of course, there are pros and cons everywhere. Many people prefer naturalness, so they choose the effect of L-curl.

Below in the photo eyelash extensions with l-curve.

The girls write that they have tried many different bends, such as D, U. However, the bend of L. turned out to be the best solution for many. The girls share their impressions and say that after building up with the bend of l they were satisfied with the result. Many note that such a curl makes close-set eyes more open.

Bend L +

Incredible build

What is the difference between curls L and L +? In the form of L + more pronounced, the curl has a sharp bend angle. In addition, if the base of L is straight and short, then of L + it is longer. They differ in that the cilia of L + are shorter, but at the same time the gaze seems more wide open due to abundant density and bending. The bend of L will look much more natural than L +. But, as they say, there is no companion on the taste and color.

How to choose a bend, effect? It all depends on the individual preferences of the girl. Someone likes to look as natural as possible, but at the same time expressive. Someone - bright and bold.

Now let's summarize. The L bend is a great way out for those who want to look natural, hide some of their minor flaws, and transform their eyes. The main thing before the procedure is to discuss all issues and nuances with a specialist in order to avoid misunderstandings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1409/

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