Hair dye “Capus”: a palette of saturated colors

Each woman who constantly dyes her hair is guided by certain considerations when choosing a dye. Someone prefers to trust the fame of the company or the popularity of the brand, someone carefully reads the composition of the product on the back of the package, for someone more important is the feedback of friends who have already used a similar product. Now on the market there is such a variety of hair colors that it is sometimes very difficult to figure it out. And advice in this area will never be redundant. In this article I want to talk about one such product. This is Capus hair dye. The palette of her shades is so rich that here every woman, whether blond, brunette or red, will be able to choose for herself the only option that completely suits her.

A few words about the product

hair dye capus palette

Leading Italian manufacturers bring to your attention a professional hair dye - “Capus” paint. Over its composition worked the best specialists chemists and hairdressers for several months. After all, it was important not only that “Kapus” hair dye appeared on store shelves, the palette of shades of which would amaze the imagination of customers, but also that it was harmless to curls. Therefore, to protect them during dyeing, tricoprotective agents were introduced into the product, providing shine, elasticity and color depth, as well as hydrolyzed silk, which envelops each hair with a thin invisible protective film.

On the advantages and disadvantages of this tool

paint capus palette

I would also like to say a few words about the pros and cons of this product. The advantages of Kapus paint are as follows:

• very resistant;

• economical;

• harmless, does not cause allergic reactions;

• does not cause discomfort during staining;

• rich palette of shades.

The opportunity to embody the most daring, most creative and most unusual images - all this is the paint “Capus”. The palette is represented by 67 rich and vibrant colors.

As for the disadvantages of this product, it is necessary to mention here that the shade presented on the package of the product may differ from the color that you get after staining. This can be explained by the fact that the structure of the hair is different for everyone. But if you paint them with this paint in the cabin, then do not worry. An experienced master will do everything competently and accurately.

Review of the paint “Capus”: the color palette is unrealistically rich!

capus palette

Currently, this product is often used in salons by hairdressers. Also, “Kapus” paint can be found on sale in specialized stores. Many women have already tried it and made up their minds about it. Most of them were satisfied with the result of its use. Hair dye “Capus”, the palette of which is represented by many different shades, not only paints the hair perfectly, but also takes care of them. Many of its consumers noted that after its use, the curls became soft and shiny, as after using a nourishing mask. When choosing this tool, only one thing confuses buyers - the difficulty of choosing the right shade, since the numbering system of colors and their names are quite complex.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that the “Kapus” hair dye, the palette of which is represented in various saturated shades, is an excellent tool for persistent dyeing of our curls. But if you still doubt that you can choose the right product for yourself and conduct the process correctly, then contact the salon, where an experienced stylist will do everything for you.


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