Breed of chickens ameraukan: description with photos, maintenance and care, reviews

Hens of mixed productivity are particularly popular among farm owners. Such a bird is capable of gaining a lot of weight while carrying many eggs. For example, abroad the breed of chickens of amerucan belonging to this group is very popular. Description and feedback about such a bird will be provided to the reader in this article.

What farmers value

A feature of this breed of chickens, in addition to high productivity indicators, is that they are able to carry eggs of different colors. It attracts not only foreign farmers, but also many domestic ones. Indeed, in one day, such a laying hen can, for example, lay a pink egg, and on another - a blue one. Also, farmers get beige eggs, white, olive, and blue from chickens of the Ameraucan breed.

Ameraucan Chicken

Where were bred

The history of this unusual breed began in the 40s of the last century. Then, at the World Exhibition in Canada, South American Ameraucan Indians brought unusual chickens that can carry colorful eggs. The breed really liked the organizers of the event and the audience.

Later in North America, such chickens began to cross with a local bird to adapt to a colder climate. As a result, a new breed of ameraukan was bred, which was more unpretentious and did not lose its ability to lay colored eggs. Subsequently, this interesting variety spread throughout the world.

General description of the breed of chickens ameraukan

In addition to the fact that representatives of this breed carry colorful eggs, they, according to farmers, also look very impressive. The body of such hens has a pronounced triangular shape. At the same time, the head of Ameraucan is very small, which gives them a proud appearance. The crest of these hens is small, oval, pinkish. The males additionally have a beard and earrings.

A feature of this breed of chickens, among other things, is the variety of colors. Description, reviews about the breed of chickens Ameraukan - all this allows us to judge it in the first place, as it is excellent for breeding mainly in small household plots. In the yards of private traders, such active animals feel freer and more comfortable than in poultry farms, gaining weight faster and carrying many eggs. In addition, such proud bright hens look in the courtyards of private houses, thanks to the beautiful color, very impressive.

Standards allow 8 colors of the feather of such a bird:

  • brown with a reddish tint;
  • light or dark yellow;
  • bluish;
  • the black;
  • snow-white;
  • lavender;
  • silver;
  • light beige with blue.

Photos of the breed of chickens ameraukan are presented on the page. As you can see, such a bird actually looks very bright and quite unusual. The plumage of these chickens is quite dense and fits snugly to the body. Also distinguishing features of amerucan are:

  • brown round eyes;
  • legs of medium length;
  • small curved beak.
Appearance of chickens

Productivity indicators

As already mentioned, ameraucana belongs to the group of universal breeds of chickens. This bird, like almost any other on the farmstead, starts racing at 5 months. For a year, from one such chicken you can get up to 250 eggs weighing about 65 g. Ameraukans are well carried, since they are still a more or less modern crossbreed, no longer than two years. Subsequently, this indicator of productivity is reduced. At this time, the bird is usually sent to slaughter, because keeping it becomes not very profitable.

Amerocans gain weight large and at the same time quickly enough. Adult 5-6 month old hens of this breed have a body weight of about 2 kg. Males in the same period weigh up to 3.5 kg. Below we present the reader valuable information, including photos of chickens of the Ameraucan breed. In size, such a bird can actually reach quite large.


This breed, therefore, is very interesting and quite productive. However, she, unfortunately, has one small drawback. Farmers who decide to raise such a bird should be aware of it. The fact is that both the males and the hens of ameraukan are quite active and at the same time “squabble” in character. In any case, keeping such a bird in the courtyard will have to be separate from other economic animals.

Moreover, the farmer will need to plant in different rooms even chickens and a rooster left as a producer. Otherwise, fights in the barn will happen very often. Layers of this breed without a cock in the house can be kept in fairly large groups. In this case, there are likely to be no fights in the barn. Chickens in the absence of a rooster and other domestic birds will become calmer, will choose the most active and intelligent laying hen as a “leader” and will subsequently obey her.

Males of this breed are even more aggressive than hens. They attack not only another bird, but often even the owner itself. Therefore, it is more careful to go into the compartment with the ameraucan cockerel.


The wings of chickens of the Ameraucan breed are quite long and wide. Therefore, such a bird, among other things, can fly quite well. Accordingly, the pen for such chickens should be covered with a net from above. Also a feature of representatives of this breed is a love of undermining. The aviary for ameraukan will have to be enclosed with a deep enough laid foundation (or a mesh dug into the ground).

Aviary for amerucan

It is necessary to take such measures when keeping chickens of this breed. If it happens that the ameraucans run away, driving them back to the aviary will be problematic. The bird of this breed, as already mentioned, is very active. She can go very far from home. In addition, when you escape ameraukan, beds with vegetables from all the neighboring neighboring gardens will be in great danger.

Propagation Features

What other recommendations and advice are there in terms of keeping such a bird from experienced farmers? The breed of hens ameraukan, in addition to the turbulent nature, also has such a disadvantage as the lack of maternal instinct. Unfortunately, such a bird will not hatch eggs and take care of chickens. A farmer who wants to increase the number of ameraucans will have to purchase an incubator. If such equipment is available, the breeding of chickens of this breed is carried out according to standard technology.

Later on, the young farmer who has grown up will have to, among other things, have to divide into groups (focusing on weight and character) and breed in different rooms. Otherwise, the strongest males and hens will slaughter the weaker ones and will not even let them to the feeder.

What should be a barn

In Canada, in the last century, American Indian chickens of the Ameraucan breed, as we have found, were bred with a local bird for adaptation. Therefore, such a bird is not particularly sensitive to frost. But at the same time, as you know, in Russia the climate is still colder than in North America. Accordingly, the shed for ameraukan will have to build quite warm. Below zero in a house with chickens of this breed the air temperature in any case should not fall. Ameraukan shed will need to be properly insulated with mineral wool and, possibly, even equipped with several heaters.

It is possible and even necessary to let out chickens of this breed on the street in winter. But to arrange a bird walks in the cold season is allowed only if the air temperature does not fall below -5 ° C.

Drafts in the chicken coop for ameraukans should not be in any case. Otherwise, this bird will begin to hurt. However, windows in the house for ameraukan should be equipped. Of course, lighting should also be provided in the barn in the form of lamps. In the dark, these hens rush, of course, will not.

Ameraucan Shed

Useful Tips

The content of chickens of the Ameraucan breed is a relatively simple matter. But the cultivation of such chickens has some nuances, including in terms of equipping the house for them. Experienced farmers, among other things, recommend that beginners, who decided to breed ameraukan, must provide a tambour in the barn. This will reduce heat loss in winter and avoid drafts. In any case, if there is a vestibule, the bird will feel more comfortable in the barn. Accordingly, and productivity indicators in terms of egg production, she will increase.

To breed, judging by the reviews, the breed of chickens of amerucan is best done using the outdoor method. Cell technology is completely unsuitable for this active bird. At the same time, it is quite spacious to equip the barn for ameraukan. Keeping these chickens in cramped areas is not recommended. In any case, for every 10 individuals in the constructed house, there should be at least 5 m2 of area.

How to equip a room

The drinkers and feeders in the shed for amerukans are installed ordinary, the same as those used for chickens of any other breed. Also in the house should be equipped with perches. The poles are fixed in the barn at the hens of the Amerucan breed at a height of about 70 cm from the floor. In this case, the length of the perches is calculated in such a way that one chicken has at least 40 cm, and a cock 45 cm.

Experienced farmers, among other things, I recommend to lay a double layer of litter under the perches for these hens. The fact is that when falling asleep, ameraucans often fall from the poles to the floor. These hens are quite large in weight, and therefore can be easily injured upon impact.

For successful breeding of chickens of the Ameraucan breed in the barn, among other things, it will be necessary to equip nests. You can place them both on the floor in secluded places, and on the walls. In the latter case, the nests are simply packed next to the perches, so that the hens can freely enter them.

Drafts Ameraucans, like representatives of most other breeds, do not like. However, stale air in the barn for these hens should not be. This can lead to an outbreak of an epidemic of any serious illness. In the ameraukan shed, among other things, it is necessary to provide for the simplest exhaust ventilation.

Ameraucan Egg Sizes


What other helpful tips for raising chickens of the Ameraucan breed? Of course, for such an active bird next to the shed, the farmer should definitely equip a spacious street aviary. Walking for amerukans is usually done either on the western side of the barn or on the eastern side. In this case, on cool days, hens can soak up the sun, and in the heat - hide in the shade. In the enclosure in the summer, several drinking bowls and feeders should be installed. During this period, hens are usually driven into the barn only at night.

As already mentioned, the aviary for ameraukan should be covered with a chain link from above. Also, it must be protected from undermining. Of course, for hens in the wall of the barn, you need to make a small door. Penetrates into the poultry house from the aviary should be without obstacles. Otherwise, they will get used to lay eggs anywhere.


The diet for amerucan is being developed as a standard, designed for chickens with a mixed direction of productivity. In summer, chickens are fed grain in the morning (usually wheat), after lunch they give a mash. Between feedings, fresh grass and tops of garden plants are thrown to the amerocans. It is also useful sometimes to feed such a bird with animal protein. This can be, for example, fish or meat and bone meal, earthworms, etc.

Owners of chickens are usually prepared by the owners of carrots from carrots, nettles, apples, zucchini, etc. That is, from all that grows in abundance in the garden in summer. Also bran and premixes, for example, “Layer”, as well as chalk and a little salt are added to such mixtures.

Concentrates - grain, compound feed and bran; in the warm season, chickens of this breed are not recommended to give too much. Otherwise, the bird will overweight and reduce egg production.

In winter, the bird is fed at least three times - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. At the same time, the basis of the menu is concentrates. Grain is given to the bird in larger quantities than in the summer, in the evenings. At the same time, root vegetables, potatoes, bran, vitamin premixes are added to the mixers. Such mixtures are most often made not on water, but on whey.

Ameraucan content


One of the undoubted advantages of chickens of the Ameraucan breed, in addition to good egg laying and fast weight gain, is, according to farmers, a strong immunity. Dangerous diseases such animals live extremely rarely. Lunge in the herd of amerucan for this reason almost never happens.

The only one, since the plumage of these chickens is quite dense, sometimes they can be annoyed by various kinds of blood-sucking parasites. In order to avoid a similar problem on the farm, in the chicken coop for amerucan, among other things, you should install containers with ash. The bird will bathe in such "baths", thus freeing itself from annoying insects.


Care of chickens of the Ameraucan breed, since they differ in good health, do not require much difficulty. The owner of the compound will not have to take any labor-intensive measures aimed at preventing the spread of infections in the shed with such a bird.

However, the house in which these hens live, of course, should be kept clean. In the stale air in the presence of dampness and drafts, even the strong immunity of these hens can not save. The floor in the Ameraucan shed should be cleaned at least a couple of times a week. The only exception is the winter season. During this period, a very thick litter is usually laid in the chicken coop. The purges are stopped. The processes of decomposition in organic matter in the thickness of straw in winter will become an additional heat source for these Canadian chickens.

Experienced farmers advise, among other things, from time to time to disinfect those rooms that contain ameraucans. To use for such a procedure, you can, for example, a solution of "White", "Front Line", "Bars" and any other similar means.


The description of the chickens of the Ameraukan breed given above in the article allows us to judge them as sufficiently productive and not bad for breeding, including in the Russian climate. Indeed, many farmers, for example, on specialized websites on the Internet, certainly recommend raising these chickens on farmsteads.

Judging by the reviews available on the Web, the advantages of such a bird are the owners of household plots, of course, fast weight gain and good egg production. Farmers also evaluate this bird as hardy, very healthy, also smart, and savvy.

Ameraucan Chickens

The nature of these chickens, according to the owners of farmsteads, is actually quite aggressive. But with a certain degree of patience, amerucan can be made much more tolerant of people and other living creatures. If the owner of the compound does not make sudden movements in the house, raise his voice on chickens, etc., then they can even, for example, be taught to take food from their hands.


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