How, without suffering, to define passive communion?

Communion - the brainchild of a verb and an adjective - has morphological features of both one and the other. The sacrament names the signs of the subject, answers the same questions as the adjective, but is formed from the verb. The question of its morphological status does not yet have a unified scientific point of view. Some philologists believe that this part of speech is independent, while others that it is, although it is special, but just a form of the verb.

passive communion

The signs indicated by the adjective and the participle are different. Take, for example, such a noun as a closet - large, heavy, bulky. These are adjectives, permanent features of the cabinet, the original, from the moment it was created in the furniture factory.

But suppose the owners decided to paint, modernize, update it. Now the cabinet has become painted, modernized, updated - these are the sacraments. The signs are not constant, they appeared only after someone worked on the cabinet, i.e. actions were taken. Therefore, the sacrament is called a sign of action.

The sacrament has appropriated some signs of the verb; it has not mastered the future tense, but the present and past are quite. In addition to time, the sacrament also mastered the form - perfect and imperfect. It also has the features of the nominal parts of speech, has a gender, number and case. Most often, participle in a sentence is a definition.

By the nature of actions there is a real and passive participle. Actual communion always tells the subject not only what it is, but also what it does. Actual participle is a sign that belongs to the object producing the action. Passive participle, on the contrary, calls a sign by the action of an object, which experiences it on itself.

Real participles, present tense, are based on the verb in the form of the plural of a third person in the present tense. Education occurs by attaching a suffix and ending to a verb stem.

From the verb of the 1st conjugation, the real participle is formed by the suffixes “infringement” / “yusch” + the ending “iy”, or “ye”, “her”, or “ay”. And from the verb of the 2nd conjugation - by the suffixes "ash" / "box" and, of course, endings.

From the verb-exceptions the following participles are valid in the form of the present tense:

passive past participle

shaving - shaving 1st sp-e

lay - laying first 1st

2nd directive:

endure - patient

twirl - twirl

see - seeing

hate - hate

depend - dependent

watch - looking

hear - hearing

breathe - breathable

hold - holding

to drive - driving

In the present tense, the participle is not formed from the verb when it is in perfect form, as well as from some verbs in imperfect form.

Passive participle is formed from a verb form of an imperfect form, a third person in the plural of the present tense without ending. If the verb of the 1st conjugation, the suffix “em” or “ohm” + the ending “ouch”, “oh”, “oh” is added, and if the verb of the second conjugation, the suffix “them” + the ending “ouch”, “oh” , "O":

light up - light up

store - stored

The past tense in real participles is formed from the verb stem in the initial form without ending -t. The suffix “vsh” is added to the base that ends in the vowel, and the suffix “w” is added to the stem to the consonant:

build - built

hope - hoping

Passive past participle is formed from the verb stem in the initial form and various suffixes and endings. The suffix “nn” can only join verb stems that end in –a or –i:

sign - signed

sow - sown

The suffix "enn" joins the various foundations of both the consonant and the vowel, except for the –a or –i vowels:

bite through

give - presented

see - seen

save - saved

see - seen

The suffix "t" can be attached to any basis:

smash - smash

sew up - wired

A brief passive participle answers the question of a short adjective. Only passive participles are brief . In a sentence, they are usually predicable: Water was drunk.


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