Tourmaline knee pads: reviews of doctors, instructions for use

Tourmaline is a mineral with unique properties. In many nations, tourmaline stone is famous as a nugget of natural energy and a solar mineral. It appears under the influence of very high temperatures in geysers, volcanoes and other natural sources. It is used in the treatment of various diseases. So, the tourmaline magnetic knee pad is becoming more popular today, which will be discussed in this article.

tourmaline knee pads reviews of doctors

Tourmaline Composition

It consists of aluminosilicates containing boron. The mineral includes 26 elements of the famous periodic table, including magnesium, manganese, silicon, iron, fluorine, iodine, potassium, calcium, lithium, sodium, oxygen, aluminum, boron, etc. The name of the stone comes from "Tura Mali" - in translated from Sinhala, this means "stone with different colors." Tourmaline, depending on the composition of the stone, is: green, pink-red, yellow, colorless, brown, brown, violet-red, black, polychrome and bright green. According to other sources, the name of the mineral comes from "Tumuli" - "attracting dust or ashes."

Tourmaline Properties

This is a mineral with unusual properties. Its crystals have negative and positive poles, and this on the surface of the mineral causes a constant microcurrent of 0.06 mA. In addition, it is a source of stable infrared rays reaching a length of 15 micrometers. They can penetrate the tissues of the human body and warm it. It is the only mineral capable of producing negative ions. These piezoelectric properties made it possible to use the stone in radio engineering and medical devices. In addition, it polarizes light.

tourmaline knee pads instructions for use

Healing properties

Until now, the healing properties of tourmaline have not been fully studied, although its use for recreational purposes began in ancient times. Microcurrents that appear on the surface of the mineral transform the composition of air, and also release negative ions that have a beneficial effect on human health - they strengthen immunity, improve metabolism, restore cell metabolism, and supply the body with natural energy. Therefore, various healing devices are made from it, for example, tourmaline knee pads (instructions for use are attached to each package). The microcurrent strength of 0.06 mA fully coincides with the microcurrents of the human body, which only positively affects its health.

Tourmaline warms

It is a natural source of infrared rays reaching a length of 15 micrometers. They, like an infrared heater, are able to penetrate deeply into the tissues of the body and warm them. This natural heat makes it possible to warm not the skin, but the blood vessels, muscles, capillaries, internal organs, joints. For them, tourmaline knee pads were created, instructions for the use of which are discussed in this article below. Infrared radiation warms up due to the effect on all cells of the body. Due to resonance, capillary vessels expand, blood supply improves, cells are supplied with nutrients and oxygen, and this causes the effect of strengthening immunity and regeneration.

Negative ions

All air particles have a negative or positive charge. Measurements of the content of negative ions showed a significant difference between air in nature and in the city. The city has a huge amount of electronics and technology that produces large quantities of positive ions. But negative ones are produced by nature during thunderstorms, rain, in forests, when water falls in a waterfall.

tourmaline knee pads Price

Tourmaline products

Scientists from Japan conducted a huge number of studies of tourmaline, which demonstrated that the following indicators increase when grinding stone: enrichment of the air with negative ions and infrared radiation. The use of the mineral in medicine made it possible to create from it a fabric, belt, bandage, tourmaline magnetic knee pad, reviews of which can be read in the article below, etc. Its durability is considered a remarkable property of such products, since the mineral can be charged from the rays of the sun and simply from exposure to heat.

Knee pads

Tourmaline knee pads, the price of which is very affordable - about 220 rubles - are designed specifically for the treatment of diseases of the knee joint. A very mild effect of the radiation of the mineral can penetrate into the tissues, warming the muscles, as well as improving cellular metabolism and blood circulation. The biocurrents of the stone completely coincide with the biocurrents of the human body, due to this the cells activate their functioning, their metabolism improves.

Knee joint treatment

They are the most important joints in the human body. The knee joints account for about 80% of the human load. Their insecurity leads to the direct effect of excessive loads, cold, etc. Their fatigue, insufficient recovery period, mechanical damage, such as shock, lead to thinning and degradation of articular cartilage, over time, it begins to lose its properties.

tourmaline magnetic knee pad reviews
Tourmaline knee pads (their price, as we found above, is low) are able to cope with these problems.

Joint pain

Unpleasant sensations appearing in the knee joints are a consequence of their defeat by various ailments, as well as the consequences of injuries.

  • Arthritis is an inflammatory disease. It can develop on its own or be the result of other diseases.
  • Arthrosis is a process of destruction and degradation of joint tissues. Arthrosis over time greatly reduces knee mobility and leads to deformation of the joint itself and leg bones.
  • Meniscopathy is a very rare ailment, it appears due to damage to the meniscus. Accompanied by sharp pains, without treatment it becomes chronic and leads to the appearance of deforming arthrosis.
  • Periarthritis is a lesion of the knee tendons. Pain with him is tormented in the region of the inner side of the knee, while becoming very strong when climbing or descending stairs.
  • In the joints and legs as a whole, when blood circulation is disturbed, people suffer from vascular pains that can accompany a person for life.

Tourmaline Knee Pads: Application

They have a very high efficiency. Interestingly, even 15 minutes of application is enough for 1 session. It is very convenient to use them, since they do not constrain human movements, are almost invisible under clothing and can be used everywhere - at work, at school, during sleep and at home.

Tourmaline knee pads (reviews of doctors can be found in the article below) do not need to be connected to sources of electricity. The mineral itself is considered a natural source of energy and is able to recharge from the energy of the sun. It is enough to hold them for 3 hours in the sun or battery - this charge is enough for ten days of their use.

tourmaline knee pad application

Their pads contain crushed mineral, which is considered a source:

  • Infrared, deeply penetrating radiation (up to 14 micrometers), which heats bone tissues, joint tissues, capillaries.
  • Permanent biological microcurrent, fully compatible with the biocurrents of the human body.
  • Negative ions in the air environment, as well as in the circulatory system and human tissues.
  • Their effect improves the flow of Qi energy in the body , blood circulation, in addition, the symptoms of stress, fatigue, insomnia, tension are eliminated.
  • A tourmaline knee pad (instructions for each of them is attached to the package) nourishes the human biofield, protects against geopathic, bioenergetic and electromagnetic harmful effects, and also restores the flow of energy in the human legs.
  • The use of infrared knee pads helps restore intraarticular fluid and cartilage of the joints, improves blood microcirculation and blood supply.

Knee pad action

  1. Increase immunity.
  2. Activate blood circulation.
  3. Reduce tissue swelling.
  4. Eliminate fatigue.
  5. Soothe and anesthetize.

Mode of application

It is necessary to place a pillow with a tourmaline filler in the pocket of the knee pads. Then it must be turned out so that the pocket is inside. Next, you need to wear tourmaline knee pads (doctors' reviews about them attract more and more attention to them). It is necessary to use them up to half an hour three times a day.

tourmaline magnetic knee pad
Sensations of burning, heat and cold are possible, in addition, redness is possible, which can disappear after some time.

Indications for use

  1. Osteoarthritis.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Pain in the joints of the knees.
  4. Weakening knee joints.
  5. Bone spurs.
  6. Arteriosclerosis.
  7. Feeling of cold feet.
  8. Bone hyperplasia.


We already learned how useful the tourmaline knee pad is. At the same time, he also has contraindications to use. It can not be used for problems with the thyroid gland, high fever, damaged skin, allergic reactions, people with pacemakers, pregnant women, children under 14 years of age, and nursing mothers. Do not smoke or drink alcohol during use.


Keep in mind that tourmaline knee pads require special care. Reviews of doctors about them are indicated in the article below. So, in their application should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not soak;
  • easy wash no more than 5 minutes;
  • hand wash with neutral powder or baby soap;
  • Do not iron;
  • water temperature no more than 40 ° ;
  • charge the knee pads every 3 days in sunlight, any heat source (while the temperature should be no more than 60 ° C).
    tourmaline knee pad instruction

Tourmaline knee pads: reviews of doctors

Reading the reviews of sellers about tourmaline knee pads, we can conclude that they are capable of miracles. Do doctors agree with this opinion? I must say right away that traditional medicine does not use numerous products with tourmaline in its practice. Most specialists, having studied consumer reviews, come to the conclusion that the effect of such treatment should be attributed to suggestibility of a person.

Moreover, doctors are sure that tourmaline products can have a weak therapeutic effect. Only tourmaline, as well as its electric field, has nothing to do with it. They facilitate well-being due to muscle relaxation, a warming effect, and a reduction in the load on the joint.

It is impossible not to say about contraindications. Such products can not be used by people with malignant tumors, the presence of a pacemaker, during pregnancy and feeding a child, with injuries of any nature, hyperthermia.

In any case, whether you listen to the opinion of specialists or not, remember that you can not abandon the traditional methods of therapy, and tourmaline knee pads can only become an addition to treatment.


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