Xuxu liquor - kiss from heaven

Xuxu liquor
Xuxu liquor was born in 1997 in the Bavarian company of George Hemmeter. This company specialized in fruit processing and juice production. Xuxu was originally a low-alcohol drink - only 10 degrees. But its beautiful creamy texture, the aroma of ripe strawberries with citrus notes of Caribbean lemon and grapefruit caught on all over the world. This explains the many names that liquor has been called in different countries. Here, his name is transcribed directly into Hee-hee, somewhere his name is Ksyu Ksyu and Ksu Ksu, and the British name the drink Strawberry Vodka. The producers themselves, through external and internal advertising, transparently hint at a kiss (the German word “Kuss” is played out).

Drink characteristic

Over the sixteen years of its existence, Xuxu liquor has matured and matured a bit. Now it is released fifteen degrees. Manufacturers are constantly working to improve the quality of the drink, and therefore the share of natural fruits in its content increased to 66%. Despite the dessert taste, sugar is not used in the manufacture of liquor. All sweetness comes from strawberry puree and berry juice. But the drink cannot be called sugary: lime harmoniously weaves its sour notes into the taste palette. We add that Xuxu liquor contains almost no dyes or preservatives - its rich pink color is also created by nature itself.

With what and how to serve?

Xuxu liquor price
This drink is always popular among the fair sex. It captivates with the fresh taste of strawberries and citrus fruits, is easily drunk, unobtrusively creating a holiday atmosphere with its elegant look. It looks very nice in a glass. What could be better at ladies' gatherings to freely talk "about yours, about your women"? Also Xuxu Liquor - the sales leader in nightclubs and discos. Not very strong, sweet and spectacular - exactly what you need to treat the girl to start flirting. They drink it both solo and as part of cocktails. You can consume it as a shooter - in this case, the drink is cooled to minus ten degrees. It also goes well with ice cream and other desserts.

Xuxu liquor - price

Xuxu liquor recipes
The glory of the German drink raised its value. A liter bottle in Russia costs from 750 to a thousand rubles. In Ukraine, “Strawberry Kiss” also painfully hits the wallet - 220 hryvnia. In duty-free shops, the initial version of the drink is still available - Xuxu Ten. From the name it can be seen that its strength is ten degrees. The price for a 250-milliliter jar is five euros or 225 rubles.

How to make Xuxu liquor yourself?

The recipes for this drink are quite diverse, and we give a brief overview, listing a few of them. Grind 400 g of strawberries in a blender. Pour one hundred grams of freshly squeezed lime juice (or other citrus juice) and a glass of good high-quality vodka into the resulting puree. Mix everything and hide for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Hee-hey-based cocktails are also good with champagne or sparkling wine. “Royal Ksyu-Ksyu” is served in a tall cocktail glass with ice cubes. This magic liquor can also be used to decorate desserts made of ice cream and fruit.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14101/

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