"Baykoks" for rabbits: instructions for use, composition, description, prices

Coccidiosis is one of the most dangerous and common diseases of rabbits. Take measures to cure it should be immediately after the discovery of the first symptoms. The disease is most often epidemiological character. Therefore, in case of delay, the farmer can easily lose the whole herd. One of the best means of combating coccidiosis is the drug "Baykoks". For rabbits, the instructions for use must be followed exactly.

What is coccidiosis?

The causative agent of this disease is a special type of parasite - eimeria. In another way they are also called coccidia. They usually settle in the intestines and liver of animals. At present, eight of their main varieties have been identified.

bikoks for rabbits instruction

Most often, this disease affects young rabbits - from the age of 2 weeks to 2.5 months. The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • poor appetite;
  • depressed state;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • dullness and ruffled fur;
  • yellow mucous membranes.

The incubation period of coccidiosis is only 2-3 days. The animal dies in the absence of treatment after about two weeks. It dies in convulsions, throwing its head back. Coccidiosis is mainly transmitted through feed and water.

Composition and description of the drug

It is a product "Baykoks" a colorless liquid that does not have any specific odor. It is packaged in bottles with a capacity of 1 liter or 10 ml. Often, the drug is sold in ampoules of 1 ml. In some veterinary clinics and clubs of amateur rabbit breeders, it can be implemented simply on tap. The composition "Baykoks" for rabbits, instructions for use which will be discussed below, includes only toltrazuril (a derivative of triazinone) and a special solvent. There are only two forms of this drug: 2.5 and 5%.

Baykoks 2 5 for rabbits instruction

How does it work?

Bycox is very effective for rabbits. Instructions, the price of this drug is carefully studied by farmers before the acquisition. Abstract prescribes to take it in certain doses. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the property of the product: it is able to destroy the shell of coccidia. Kills the parasite at any stage of development. With all this, it does not completely suppress in animals the natural production of immunity to the disease.

With regard to the danger to the body, “Bycox” belongs to the third class. This means that even a 10-fold excess of its dose can not do any harm to the rabbit. The instructions for its use, however, must still be observed. After all, the drug is expensive. And in any case, it should not be overspended.

bikoks for rabbits instruction price

When not to use?

There are practically no contraindications to the use of Baykoks. The only thing is that veterinarians do not recommend using it as a prophylactic drug for pregnant and lactating rabbits. But, of course, if the animal is already sick, it is worth treating it with Bycox. After all, coccidiosis can be transmitted, including rabbits - through mother's milk. It is also undesirable to use prophylaxis for young animals under the age of 21 days and weighing less than 400 g.

Bycox for rabbits: instructions for use

The method of application of the product depends primarily on its form. A more concentrated form of the “Bycox” preparation (5%) is most often given to rabbits either with food or directly in the mouth. The dosage of the drug is 0.2 ml per kilogram of animal weight. When using this form of the drug, usually only one course of treatment is performed.

Most homeowner owners, however, prefer to use Baykoks 2.5% for rabbits. Instructions for use require giving it with drinking water. Therefore, in this case, the treatment process is easier to control. The appetite for sick rabbits is not very good. Therefore, they can simply not eat food with medicine. Dilute this form of the drug in a proportion of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. Soldering animals should be 2-3 days. After 5 days, it is advisable to repeat the course.

Since the product is capable of forming a precipitate, it should be shaken well before use. After dilution in water or adding to the feed, the drug retains its therapeutic effect for 48 hours. Baykoks does not have any side effects on the body of rabbits.

How is prevention done?

Since Baycox is able to kill eimeria at all stages of development, it can be used to prevent outbreaks of rabbit epidemics. Prevention of coccidiosis with the use of this drug should be done once every six months. In this case, “Baykoks” 5% is most often used. Instructions for use for rabbits instructs to give it in an amount of 0.2 ml per kilogram of weight (the same as during treatment), adding to the feed. Healthy animals eat well, and therefore there will be no loss of medicine in this case. Of course, you can use a 2.5% form of the drug for prevention. This type of medicine should be diluted in a proportion of 1 ml per 1 liter of water.

baykoks instructions for use for rabbits price


In this way, the “Bycox” preparation is used for rabbits. Instructions for its use, as you can see, are extremely simple. The advantage of Baykoks, among other things, is that it can be used simultaneously with any other medicines. Also, this composition is compatible with all vitamin supplements and feed. The microflora of the intestines of the rabbit is not disturbed when taken.

Drug cost

Since Baykoks is a very effective tool and allows you to save the herd during an outbreak of coccidiosis epidemic by almost 100%, the price for it, as already mentioned, is high. For one liter of this drug, a concentration of 2.5% will have to pay about 3300-3500 rubles. 5% is even more expensive - about 2 thousand rubles. for 250 ml.

How to store?

The shelf life of the product is 5 years. In the event that the bottle is opened, according to the recommendations of the manufacturer, it is supposed to store it no more than 3 months. However, many owners of rabbit farms note the fact that Baykoks does not lose its healing properties in printed containers even after six months. This product is supposed to be stored in a dry, UV-protected place, at plus temperature (up to 25 ° C). Open containers must be sealed tightly with a rubber stopper.

Baykoks 5 instructions for use for rabbits


Thus, we have found out what the medicine "Baykoks" instructions for use for rabbits. The price of this effective and easy-to-use drug is really high. Therefore, far from all rabbit breeders can afford to use it, unfortunately. But in any case, coccidiosis should be prevented on the farm. The fact is that it is from this disease most often that there are livestock losses during the growing process.

If there is no opportunity to purchase “Baykoks”, it is allowed to use such an agent as “Koktsiprodin” for the prevention and treatment of this disease in rabbits. The effect on animals is almost the same as Baykoks. But it costs almost three times cheaper. For a liter of funds, the rabbit breeder will have to pay only about 1100-1300 rubles.

Baykoks 2 5 instructions for rabbits composition


Thus, we found out how to prescribe treatment with the drug "Baykoks" 2.5% instruction. For rabbits, this composition is bred in drinking water. As for the 5% form, it is better to use it for prevention, adding to the feed. If there is no opportunity to purchase an expensive “Baykoks”, it is allowed to replace it with “Koktsiprodin”, which should be used in almost the same way.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14114/

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