Dots on the head from headache and migraine. Acupressure for headache

The technique of acupuncture massage or reflexology has been familiar to mankind since ancient times. At that very distant time, this practice was applied by the people of China, and very successfully - with its help, many diseases were treated. And the essence was reduced to the impact on special points that are located throughout the human body. Now, reflexology has become widespread among almost all countries of the world. True masters know what these points on the head are from headaches and where exactly they are located. Now we should know about it.

The effectiveness of massage techniques

In case of headache, the purpose of massage is to weaken or completely eliminate unpleasant symptoms. As you know, in 80% of all cases, their appearance is associated with muscle tension in the head and neck. Therefore, an effect that is aimed at muscle relaxation produces an analgesic effect.

The most common ailment

In addition to a beneficial effect on the muscle structure, massage also has other beneficial properties:

  • Blood and lymph circulation improves.
  • Stimulation of metabolism in tissues, nerve fibers.
  • Not only improves memory and vision, but also helps to restore performance.
  • Minimizes neurosis symptoms and eliminates sleep problems.
  • Helps normalize the mechanism of self-regulation of the central nervous system (CNS).

There are quite a few techniques and methods for influencing points on the head to relieve headaches. Some zones have a remote effect - that is, the manipulation zone can be located far from the place of manifestation of the effect. A vivid example of this is the effect of acupressure on an arm or leg, which leads to a weakening of the headache.

Who may be shown massage

To perform the massage does not require special conditions, and it can be performed at any time. However, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is better to do preliminary preparation:

  • The patient should be away from sources of loud sounds (noise, vanity) and bright light.
  • You should take a comfortable position on a chair or couch.
  • Calm music will help to relax.
  • As an additional measure to ensure an atmosphere of relaxation, the use of aromatic oils, candles, sticks is allowed.
  • The procedure is better not to do immediately after eating.

In order to avoid protracted attacks, it is necessary to immediately deal with the effects on the points on the head so that the headache disappears when the first symptoms appear.

head massage on points in the salon

At the same time, despite all the invaluable benefits of massage, this healing procedure has its own contraindications:

  • Severe diseases (oncology, tuberculosis, blood diseases, kidneys).
  • Elevated body temperature.
  • Mental overstrain.
  • Head injuries.
  • High blood pressure.
  • The presence of papillomas, moles, pustules, fungal diseases, eczema on the surface of the scalp.
  • Drunk.

The patient's age should also be considered. For people over 75, massage is also contraindicated. As for children under 2 years old, they are not recommended to do massage. If headaches are accompanied by noise, you must consult a ENT doctor who will confirm or deny the ear disease. A vascular examination should also be performed for possible atherosclerosis.

Stimulating active points - the best alternative to medication

Stimulating points on the head from a headache is the best medicine when the appearance of unpleasant symptoms turns into a nightmare, and there is no suitable pill at hand.

Although the situation is not simple, you should not panic, because you can get rid of this unpleasant symptom through a point effect. The effectiveness of this technique has already been confirmed by specialized studies.

Reflexology Technique

The most important thing is to relax and feel in a comfortable environment. The procedure does not take much time - it usually takes about 30-60 seconds. You only need to know what points need to be affected in case of headache.


Also, this point is called the third eye. You can find it between the eyebrows, in the very place where the nose goes to the forehead. Exposure to it contributes not only to the elimination of pain in the head, fatigue is relieved from the eyes.

Zan ju

Active points on the face

These points on the head from a headache are near the inner edge of the eyebrows. Their stimulation will help get rid of the symptoms of migraine and runny nose. Massage should be performed with soft and light movements or moderate pressure on them for 60 seconds.


The zone of localization of points falls on the area under the nose near the nostrils. It is not difficult to determine them - for this it is worth finding a hole in the lower part of the cheekbones. Their stimulation will help get rid of stress.

Tian Zhu

Acupuncture areas

These acupuncture zones can be found between the spine and ear. Exposure to them relieves eye fatigue, migraine. It also has a positive effect on the work of the heart.

Shuai Gu

They are located below the temples 2-3 cm in the pits. It’s best to massage them with little effort. In this case, you can relieve temporal headache and eliminate eye strain.

Hye Gu

And these points are no longer located on the head, their localization is the area between the thumb and forefinger. Their stimulation helps to eliminate headaches and relieve tension in the cervical muscles. In turn, this will eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Use of towels

In addition to stimulating points on the head from a headache, you can resort to effective massage therapy with a towel. This will not take much time, at the same time, a beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the head and neck will be provided.

It is worth choosing a not quite coarse fabric and twisting it in a spiral. Holding the towel firmly with both hands, begin to move from the top of the head to the neck and shoulders. The entire procedure should be carried out several times with the same speed of execution. It usually takes about 3-5 minutes to relieve symptoms.

Muscle spasm is the most common cause of headaches. The technique using a twisted towel allows you to relax the muscles of the neck and head. As a result, the spasm disappears and the general condition of the person is relieved.

Japanese technique

In the modern conditions of the developing industry, it is not worth surprising that more and more people have a headache and irritability at the end of the working day. In this case, points on the head from headaches and migraines will be very helpful! There is a Japanese technique under the interesting name of shiatsu, which is an effective way to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.


Massage can be performed both independently and entrusted to another person, but better to a specialist. The essence of the procedure is to restore the energy balance and strengthen the protective functions of the body. The term "shiatsu" in Japanese means "pressure with fingers" ("shi" - fingers, "atsu" - pressure, pressure). In other words, by exerting pressure on particular points, the masters thereby contribute to improving the circulation of energy in the body.

The method was developed by Dr. Tokuiro Namikoshi, who took as a basis the more ancient Chinese Amma technique. Currently, Shiatsu massage is officially considered an effective healing technique in the country of the rising sun.

Shiatsu Technique

The main technique used by experienced masseurs is the impact on the points on the head from a headache (the photo can be found in the body of the article) with a small pillow. The strength is selected by the master himself, depending on the general condition of the patient and the specifics of the disease. The pressure intensity can be from maximum to barely noticeable touch. Often the effect is felt as a cross between a painful and pleasant sensation.

The direction of pressure is strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin, the pressure itself is produced not by the action of a finger, but by the entire weight of the body. Rubbing movements are excluded!

When massaging the head, the main thing is breathing. It should be deep, slow and relaxing. There is no need for strong pressure, on the contrary, wide movements should be made with the fingertips. In this case, it is necessary to move from the border of hair growth to the crown, having a slight effect.

If during the procedure a person feels pain in any zone, it means that it is there that the muscles are especially tense. In these places, all attention should be focused.

Healing technique from India

In India, too, they knew about the points on the head from a headache in a very long time. In this country, such a massage belongs to the ancient art based on the Ayurvedic treatment system, which totals about 1000 years. The main goal of this massage is to get rid of stress, which affects not only the body, but also the soul. As noted by the masters of the Indian methodology, this phenomenon has a completely material nature - stress accumulates in all body tissues, including the entire muscle and bone structure.

Indian massage is completely safe and will have a beneficial effect on any person, and the procedure can be performed anywhere. At the same time, benefits are concentrated in two directions:

  • Psychological - the power of the impact relates to energy channels.
  • Physical - muscle tissue and skin surface are stimulated here.

Performing a head massage for headaches at points, the specialist acts on special zones (marmas), which are scattered in large numbers on the neck, shoulders, head, face. As a result, the energy balance is also restored, blood circulation is stimulated, and tension is relieved, which was caused by stress.

Indian massage technology

Indian massage is performed in a certain sequence:

  • At the first step, the master balances the chakras, which leads to the restoration of the balance of the person’s internal energy.
  • In the second step, melting of fatigue is done by massaging the shoulders, upper back and neck. As a result, this leads to relaxation, which allows further manipulations.
  • Now comes the turn of the head massage itself. This stage is the longest in time and includes various implementation techniques. They help relieve internal stress, which accumulated under the influence of various kinds of factors, and improve blood circulation.
  • At the end of the procedure, the master proceeds to massage the temples. These areas are affected in a circular motion downward. As a result, headache and eye fatigue disappear.

Initially, the massage technique included only exposure to the head.

Relaxing massage

Now the possibilities have expanded - you can affect all points on the head from a headache. But at the same time, attention is also paid to areas on the shoulders, neck, upper arms, face and ears.


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