Cavitation method - what is it? What is the procedure for and what are the contraindications for cavitation?

One of the most urgent problems of our time is overweight, as well as the consequences associated with it, which affect not only the appearance, but also often pose a serious health risk. Such external defects as loss of skin elasticity, sagging, excess volume at the waist, violations of the lines of the figure are eliminated in a variety of different ways: from diet and fitness to therapeutic and surgical agents. New methods are being developed to overcome these problems. Recently, correction of the figure is more often carried out using cavitation. What it is?

Cavitation as a concept and its applications

Cavitation what is it

Cavitation is understood as the process of vaporization and subsequent condensation in a liquid stream of steam bubbles and the formation of cavities (caverns, or cavitation bubbles) in it, which are filled with vapor of the liquid itself. This process has found wide application in industry, military equipment and other related fields.

Cavitation in medicine

The effect of cavitation is also used in biomedicine. Cavitation is used in the operation of surgical instruments for bloodless excision of tissues of dense organs, and for sonoporation. It is also necessary when removing kidney stones, which is carried out using a lithotripsy shock wave . In dentistry, cavitation is used in ultrasonic cleaning of teeth to remove pigmented plaque and tartar.

The latest cardinal technique has taken a leading place in cosmetology. It is based on the phenomenon of cavitation. What are these procedures that have become the most significant competitor to surgical liposuction?

Aesthetic medicine

All modern means used to correct the figure are conventionally divided into therapeutic and surgical. The first include lymphatic drainage and vacuum massage, myostimulation, electrolysis, ozone therapy, various types of wraps. A popular surgical tool is classical liposuction. All these methods have long been used in centers of aesthetic medicine. But not all of them solve the problems of cellulite and other body defects. Therefore, experts pay attention to the study of new, more advanced techniques. The most effective and safest of them is body cavitation. What is this procedure, how effective and safe is it?

Body cavitation what is it
Today it is the most effective procedure for removing body fat in problem areas - on the abdomen, hips, arms, back, which does not require surgical intervention. Therefore, with the failure of non-hardware figure correction methods, it is precisely cavitation that is recommended. What is it, photo shows
Cavitation what is this photo
clearly - the difference in body lines before and after the procedures is obvious. The procedure allows you to remove problem defects, correct the figure. After the procedure, no scars or scars remain on the skin surface. The latest technique allows you to acquire harmonious harmony, removing defects only in the necessary areas.


Each patient asks when recommending a course of cavitation. What is this technique by which adipose tissue is removed from the body ? Its essence lies in the fact that during the procedure, problem areas of the body are affected by low-frequency ultrasound with a power maintained in parameters of 37-42 KHz. Microexplosions of gas bubbles generated by the release of more energy contribute to the thinning of unnecessary fat deposits and damage the cell membranes of adipocytes, releasing the triglycerides that make up fat cells. They are eliminated from the body through metabolic processes. Approximately 90% of them are excreted through the lymphatic system, the rest is absorbed into the bloodstream, where it is converted into glucose molecules. It should be noted that the effect of ultrasound on other tissues and cells (vascular endothelium, epidermal cells, muscle fibrils and others) does not have a harmful effect. They are not destroyed, because they are distinguished by a high coefficient of elasticity. The absence of harm is confirmed by the results of many studies that were carried out before the cavitation apparatus was introduced. into practice.

Cavitation apparatus
Instruments for cavitation and lifting procedures (professional, portable, multifunctional) have proven themselves in large medical clinics and beauty salons. They are quite effective in their main purpose - body shaping, skin rejuvenation and tightening, cellulite removal, bleaching, lymphatic drainage, restoration of elasticity and turgor, as well as improving metabolism. Using these devices, a wide variety of programs for general skin rejuvenation are practiced.

Indications for the procedure

To eliminate defects in such problem areas as the abdomen, buttocks, lateral surfaces of the thighs, ultrasonic cavitation is recommended . What it is, explain at consultations in medical clinics practicing the so-called cavitation liposuction, giving results equal to surgical intervention. In aesthetic medicine, it is recognized as the most effective therapeutic procedure.

Ultrasonic cavitation what is it

Indications for cavitation are getting rid of local "fat traps", reducing the manifestations of fibrosis, correcting sagging skin and defects after surgical liposuction.

Cavitation procedure

How is ultrasound cavitation performed? What it is? The procedure largely depends on the degree of obesity, on the area of ​​the problem zone. After examination, the cosmetologist selects the most suitable program and passes the manipulation on the surface. A lipolytic gel is previously applied to the skin to reduce the friction that occurs between the device and the skin. The gel when penetrating the subcutaneous layers of the epidermis also helps to accelerate the breakdown of fat cells.

Uz cavitation what is it

The cavitation effect of ultrasound occurs precisely in adipose tissue and does not affect surrounding tissue. This is due to the design of the maniple, the depth of which does not exceed 2-3 cm.

A qualified specialist conducting a cavitation session, tries not to fix the device over the projection of large joints, pelvic organs and parenchymal organs.

The choice of exposure method

The choice of exposure method, program and frequency parameter necessary to reduce body fat is selected by a specialist. Much depends on the localization of problem areas, their significance, the proximity of large joints. Using high-frequency cavitation, about 10 sessions are carried out, the duration of which does not exceed 30 minutes. They are usually enough, since high frequencies allow you to use a stable method of exposure.

Procedures with low frequencies are prescribed once a week. In total, their course can be 6-8 sessions of 40 minutes. With this program, the movements of the ultrasonic manipulator are slow and uniform, fixing the device in one place is not recommended.

The patient feels comfortable during cavitation. With an ultrasound of 2.7 MHz, sensations of pleasant heat and vibration in the projection of the maniple can be expressed, at 40 kHz more often, at the end of the procedure, a tingling sensation may occur directly in the processing zone.

On average, the duration of a cavitation session can be 20-30 minutes, the maximum - 60 minutes, but not higher to prevent overheating. If necessary, repeated courses of cavitation are prescribed with an interval of six months. To enhance the function of the excretory system, lymphatic drains are usually recommended.

Cavitation effect

On online forums, questions are often asked: "Cavitation - what is it?" The reviews of those who have tried this procedure diverge somewhat. There are those who are satisfied with the result, there are those who have not noticed any effect.

Cavitation what are these reviews
However, the result is achieved after the first cavitation session. What is it happens, patients do not always see, because often on the first day they expect a significant decrease in volumes, changes in weight. All these signs are more noticeable after subsequent procedures. A lot depends on the amount of adipose tissue, of course, that with minor problem areas in one session, you can lose up to 10-15 cubic meters. cm of fat, which means a decrease in volume at the waist by about 3 cm.

To achieve the best results, it is also important to adhere to an active lifestyle, proper diet.

Benefits of Cavitation Liposuction

Cavitation is carried out without negative consequences, which often occur after surgery. Its main advantages are non-invasiveness, non-invasiveness, painlessness, insignificant expenditure of time for carrying out procedures, quickly achieved aesthetic result, absence of a rehabilitation period.


Cavitation is contraindication
Among the undesirable moments for cavitation, skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, some diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncological pathologies, osteoporosis, renal failure, metal implants in the body stand out. There are also places where ultrasound emission is not recommended. This is the area of ​​the joints, ears, glands and genitals. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, it is better to consult a doctor, how cavitation can be harmless to you, that these are contraindications that do not concern directly to you.

Specialists conducting the procedure should collect a complete medical history of the patient, give recommendations on diet and physical activity. If during the examination it turns out that there are no contraindications, cavitation is carried out.

In most cases, this is one of the most effective and safe modern methods used in aesthetic medicine, which makes it possible to obtain the expected effect, which, as a rule, satisfies both the patient and the doctor.


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