How to measure grams without weights: types of products, various measurement methods, the use of improvised tools, folk methods and practical tips

Not every housewife has scales in the kitchen, and many are used to doing it this way by measuring products β€œby eye.” But it happens that you need to cook something according to a new recipe, where all proportions must be strictly observed. How to measure grams without weights? Of course, there are many ways, and the measure will be practically correct, but still with small deviations. This article will talk about how to measure grams without the weight of dry foods.

Weight table

handful of cereals

Such a hint can be found in the cookbook or use the one given in the article. Using the table is very convenient, since it contains the weight of products in grams when filling any dishes. For example, 5-7 grams of sugar are placed in one teaspoon, 25 grams in a dining room, and 200 grams in a regular faceted glass, if filled to the very top.

instead of weights

Hand measurement

A good folk method is known that will help solve the problem of how to measure grams without weights. This method will be convenient for those who do not want to exhaust themselves with mathematical calculations. The minus of the method is only an approximate result.

  1. If you need to measure a piece of fish or meat at 100 grams, then look at the woman’s palm - both size and thickness will correspond to 100 grams. If we take the male hand as an example, then add 50 grams.
  2. If you need to measure a portion of cereals, then 200 grams will be equal to the size of a female fist and approximately 250-280 - the size of a male.

Volume of dishes

different dishes

In the hardware store you can buy special containers made of transparent plastic or glass, on the walls of which weight measures will be written in grams of liquid and bulk products.

If there is no such dishes, just use any cup whose volume you know for sure. For example, you have a 100 gram bowl, and you need to measure 50 grams. Then just fill this bowl halfway and get the right amount of product.

Notebook sheet in a cage

Dishes and hands are, of course, good, but what if you need to measure, for example, manganese? To take the powder "by eye" is completely unacceptable, and then the reasonable question arises: "How to measure 1 gram without weights?"

We suggest using the old method, it has already helped out a huge number of housewives.

  1. Pour the powder into a teaspoon without top, it will be 5 grams.
  2. Pour the powder onto the notebook sheet into the cage, distribute it across the cells in an even strip so that it occupies 10 cells.
  3. Two cells - this will be a gram.

If the powder jar is not yet open, then you can use a simpler way - see the net weight on the package. If there is 10 grams, then pour on a sheet so that the strip takes 20 cells, and 2 of them will be equal to 1 gram.

How to measure yeast in grams without weights? Use the same method. If you need to take 5 grams of this product, then feel free to take 1 teaspoon without a slide.

To measure flour, this method does not work, since it is more dense and will weigh more. We suggest considering options on how to measure flour in grams without weights.

A teaspoon and a tablespoon for flour

different size spoons

When there is no balance, a regular spoon will help to measure a small amount of flour. The product should not be sifted, measure immediately from the packaging.

  1. Rake a teaspoon of flour, shake slightly from side to side, but so that the slide does not fall, you just need to shake the excess. All that remains is 10 grams. That is, if you need to take 50 grams of flour, then put 5 tablespoons with a slide.
  2. It’s easier to use a standard tablespoon. Rip the flour with a slide, slightly shake, all that remains is 25 grams. If you need 50 grams, then put two.

From the same calculation it becomes clear how to measure 100 grams without weights, when it comes to flour.

Glass for measuring flour

glasses for liquid

If you have a regular faceted glass in your kitchen, then it will become a real assistant when measuring products. Its volume is 250 ml to the rim, and this is suitable for measuring fluid. As for flour, we need to measure grams, and this is done in the following way:

  1. Using a spoon, carefully fill the glass to the rim. At the same time, flour does not need to be shaken and crushed, the weight will increase significantly. Spread the product evenly over the rim, and you will get almost exactly 160 grams.
  2. If you fill the glass to the very edges, it will be 180 grams.
  3. In the case when there is a glass of only 200 ml in volume, the weight will be 130 grams when filling to the rim.

This is how flour is measured in glasses. Many people make the mistake of believing that a 200-ml glass can hold 200 grams of flour, and put so much when cooking. Grams and milliliters are two different things. Milliliters are used to measure liquids that are denser than bulk products.

Two pots for measuring bulk product

beautiful pan

How to measure grams without weights, if there is no time and desire to use spoons and glasses, and the product needs a kilogram, two or more? Two pans will help, our grandmothers used this method as well! Measuring the product weight in this way is very simple, the main thing is to have:

  • large pot;
  • a small pan that fits completely into a large one;
  • cargo - a weight in kilograms or an unopened packaging with flour or cereal.

So, if you need to measure the exact weight of the product, it will act in the following way:

  1. Put a load in a small saucepan, the weight of which you know exactly - kilogram, 600 grams and so on.
  2. Place the saucepan with the load in a large saucepan or basin.
  3. Fill a large container with water to the level, if any, or to the brim.
  4. Remove the load from the pan, water will become less.
  5. Now you can fill a small container with the product you want to measure. As soon as the water in the large saucepan rises to the previous level, the weight of the product in the small saucepan is the same as the load.

Totally easy! At first glance, it seems that the process is long, but this is not so, and you will be convinced of the simplicity of the method as soon as you try to measure yourself.

How many cereals are in a glass or spoon?

cereal spoon

All bulk products have different densities. So, the measure of a glass or spoon will be different for different cereals. We suggest considering weight measures in grams of the most commonly used products in the kitchen.

  1. Buckwheat: if you measure a serving with a glass, then raw cereals in faceted (volume 250 ml) when filled to the rim will be 200-210 grams. In a tablespoon will be 25 grams.
  2. Semolina: 200 grams will fit in a faceted glass to the rim, 25 grams in a tablespoon, and 8 grams in a teaspoon.
  3. Oatmeal: this is a light product, and when filling a glass of faceted to the rim it will turn out only 90 grams. One tablespoon will fit approximately 12 grams.
  4. Perlovka: a heavier product, 230 grams will enter a faceted glass to the rim, and about 25-30 grams in a tablespoon.
  5. Barley groats: 180 grams will fit in a faceted glass, and 20 grams in a tablespoon.
  6. Millet: in a glass will be 180 grams, in a tablespoon - 20 grams.
  7. Rice: in a glass to the rim - 230 grams, in a tablespoon - 25 grams.
  8. Beans: in a glass it will turn out 230 grams, we will not measure with spoons, since the product is large.
  9. Shelled peas: 230 grams will fit in a glass.

Now you know how to measure grams without weights in the kitchen. There are many methods, and all of them give the most accurate results!


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