The use of fennel seeds, useful properties, composition, contraindications

The beneficial properties of fennel have been known for a very long time. This plant, which belongs to the umbrella family, among the ancient Romans and Greeks was a symbol of victory and success, and was also considered a strong defense against evil spirits. In addition to eating, it was used to treat various diseases. Fennel is widely used in our time both in cooking and in pharmacology.

properties of fennel seeds

Is fennel and dill the same thing?

A decoction of dill seeds was well known to our ancestors, who used it as a carminative. But not everyone knew what fennel was. Many still believe that fennel and dill are one and the same. In fact, this is not so, although the plants are really very similar. In addition, fennel is sometimes called Volosh dill. This two-year-old plant with a fleshy root and a thin stem reaches a height of two meters. Fennel seeds are green, oblong, ribbed. The plant is leafy and vegetable, the aroma resembles anise. All parts of this culture can be eaten. Salads and soups use greens and onions, which gives the dishes a special aroma and pleasant taste. Dried seeds are added to various sauces, fish and meat dishes, confectionery and bakery products, they are good for preservation.

fennel and dill are one and the same

Dill is a herbaceous annual plant. It grows up to 165 cm high. It has thin, dissected leaves and small seeds of a dark brown color. The smell of dill is refreshing, spicy. Suitable for eating leaves and seeds.

Fennel Composition

This spice contains vitamins of groups A, B and C, necessary for the body micro and macro elements, glycosides, flavonoids. Fennel seeds contain water, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. In addition, the plant contains essential oils, which give it a spicy taste and pronounced aroma. This product is dietary, as it has an energy value of only 31 kcal per 100 grams.

Effect on the body

The beneficial properties of fennel seeds protect the body from many diseases. This product has an anti-inflammatory, healing and soothing effect, and is also an antioxidant. Fennel is used to treat colitis, flatulence, in order to increase appetite. For gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to chew two to three grams of fennel seeds after eating. The use of this spice also contributes to the expansion of the blood vessels of the heart and lower cholesterol.

Fennel is successfully used in the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, as it has an expectorant, bactericidal, antiviral and antipyretic effect. A very effective infusion of fennel seeds for colds, flu, and throat diseases. For its preparation, one tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water. You need to take the drug in a third of a glass or gargle with it.

Nursing mothers using plant seeds increase lactation. Adding spices to food helps to calm the nervous system, eliminates nervousness and a sense of fear. Also, the plant is recommended for stomatitis, pharyngitis, inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, with an irregular menstrual cycle. During menopause, fennel tea helps relieve the unpleasant symptoms that accompany this condition. In case of violations of the female cycle, juice from fennel grass is used, which is consumed separately or with carrot or beet juice. Useful infusion of seeds and for diseases of the genitourinary sphere, because it is a good diuretic and anti-inflammatory.

fennel seeds in a pharmacy

For the treatment of sexual disorders, a therapeutic tincture is used. Fennel fruits and celery leaves (100 g each) are poured with a liter of dry wine. The medicine is infused for a month. It is important to shake the tincture daily. After a month, the remedy needs to be filtered. Consume 150 grams after a meal.

Tea from fennel seeds is useful for poisoning, as it helps to remove toxins from the body. Also, this drink is used for the prevention of oncology.

Essential oil is obtained from fennel fruits by distillation. This colorless liquid has a strong peculiar aroma reminiscent of anise. Oil is used as a remedy for flatulence and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Fennel slimming

The product is recommended for those who want to lose weight. Adding fennel to food dulls the feeling of hunger, thanks to the diuretic effect, the plant helps to eliminate excess fluid. By activating metabolic processes, fennel helps to gently cleanse the body, reduce appetite, gives energy and vigor. With regular use, the work of the pancreas is normalized, and this stabilizes body weight.

fennel seed

Want to lose weight? Try tea with fennel. To cook it, crushed seeds of the plant (20 grams) are poured with a glass of boiling water, put on a small fire and boiled for about five minutes. After removing from heat, the drink is allowed to infuse for half an hour.

You can cook a low-calorie diet salad. Fennel root is cut into small pieces, seasoned with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.

For children

Tea with fennel is also useful for young children. Giving it is allowed from four months. Such gulls help rid the baby of intestinal colic and flatulence, helps strengthen the nervous system and increase immunity. The composition of fennel contains calcium, so this product has a positive effect on the skeletal system of babies.
To make a drink, you need to purchase fennel seeds in a pharmacy, pour two teaspoons in a small saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil over low heat for several minutes. Children are given the drug no more than six times a day, one tablespoon each.

tea with fennel

Fennel in cooking

Due to its specific taste and aroma, this plant is very much appreciated as a spice. Dishes with its addition become refined and unique. Fennel can be added to soups, main dishes, salads, used for preserving vegetables. In addition, it can be served separately. This is a good side dish for meat or fish. Before serving, the plant is scalded with boiling water. Heat treatment is optional.

Fennel fruits are especially popular in cooking. Dried and ground, they are used as a spice for fish and meat dishes. In a crushed form, fennel is often added to various pastries, vegetable oil is insisted on it.

Tea is very aromatic and tasty, for the preparation of which fennel seeds are used. Raw application of this product is also beneficial.

fennel seeds application


Among the contraindications, only individual intolerance can be noted. A large amount of fennel should not be used by women during the period of bearing the baby, epileptics, as well as those who suffer from diarrhea.


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