What is memorization? Psychology

Memory is a person’s ability to preserve, reproduce and accumulate information, knowledge and skills.

Saving information gives a person not only the opportunity to be part of society, but also to actively exist in it. After all, it is with the help of memory that the intellect and logical thinking of people develops.

Without these qualities, it is impossible to learn oratory, writing, counting and many other things that are necessary for a modern person. It is for the perception of new information and its preservation that such a process as memorization is responsible. What is he like?

memorization is

Types of memorization

Go to them right away. Memorization is the psychological process of entering information into memory through thinking and associative connections. In social psychology, several of its types are distinguished: voluntary and involuntary, as well as mechanical and semantic.

Involuntary memorization is what happens by chance, without the manifestation of any effort on the part of a person. And although psychologists believe that the material learned in this way is fixed in our brain worse and faster forgotten, in fact it all depends on the mental abilities of the individual.

With arbitrary memorization, a person sets himself a specific goal - to consolidate the necessary material that he personally needs. Or the one offered to him is not the point. That is, it is a special action performed with the help of associations, systematic repetitions and logical reasoning.

Mechanical storage of information occurs without awareness of the logical connection between the various parts of the perceived material. It is based on adjacency associations, that is, that one follows the other.

Unlike mechanical memorization, semantic is much more productive. And the material learned in this way remains in memory for a very long time, since the process itself is based on an understanding of the logical connections between its individual parts.

memorization technique

Interesting to know

Each person is able to store this or that information in memory, but everyone has different abilities to remember.

American psychologist Carl Emir Sishor argued that people use their memory only ten percent. And a disease like hypermnesia is an example. Patients with hypermnesia are able to remember very many things in great detail, but memorization in this case occurs unconsciously. And often in a state of passion.

memorization of information


Nowadays, a lot of techniques, techniques and exercises have been invented for the development of memory and instant fixation of information in the brain. Some memorization techniques are of particular interest. These include mnemonics.

This is a way to memorize numbers, events, and words based on associations. This technique originated in ancient Greece. It was the Greeks who noticed that people who receive more impressions have brighter and longer memories.

Thus, it was revealed: in order to better remember, it is necessary to connect various associations. For example, using mnemonics, you can easily memorize a huge number of numbers. To do this, you need to attach a letter to each digit, then with the help of letters we form words. It’s best to come up with a few sentences or a story, so the material will be remembered even better.

tricks of memorization

Memorizing English words using mnemonics

Very often, learning foreign languages ​​requires learning a huge amount of material. To make this process faster and more productive, you must create an image associated with the word.

Next, you need to associate it with the value of a structural unit using association. For example: owl in English means owl. It is consonant with the Russian word “aul”, which means “eastern settlements”. One can imagine that an owl flies to the aul. At the right time, such an association will help you remember the English word. Does the picture seem ridiculous? All the better! Funny, funny and absurd is always imprinted in memory better and brighter.

English to remember

Cicero Method

The legendary memorization technique! This method is based on spatial imagination. Used to assimilate a large amount of information. The meaning of the methodology is as follows: objects that are important to remember, mentally need to be placed on familiar objects (premises, city streets, path in the forest and the like).

For example, to memorize a large number of foreign words, you need to imagine a room. Next, you need to draw on paper (or directly in your imagination) the objects in the room. And to each of them attach a word that you need to remember. The same can be done with numbers, phrases, and formulas.

Aivazovsky technique

This memorization technique is also worth paying attention to. This technique is visual and involves careful observation of the subject.

A few minutes you need to peer into the subject. Then close your eyes and try to fully recreate in great detail what you saw earlier. With the help of this technique, the great artist Ivan Aivazovsky was able to write amazing, as if living sea waves. Using this technique daily, one can achieve amazing visual memory results .

words to remember

RWD method

The indicated abbreviation is deciphered as follows: main thoughts, careful reading, review, refinement. It is used for text memorization and allows you to capture a fairly large amount of information in four steps in your brain. Perhaps this is one of the most interesting tricks of memorization.

First you need to read the text and try to understand the main thoughts of what they read, their relationship.

Further, in no hurry, thoughtfully familiarize yourself with it again, only more carefully, paying attention to even the smallest details. The main purpose of this paragraph is to connect the details with the main thoughts.

After this, you can proceed to the third paragraph. The review involves a quick reading of the text (preferably from the end) and further analysis of what has been read.

The last trick is fine-tuning. It is necessary to recreate the previously read text from memory, trying to recall all the details, based on the main thoughts. For more effective memorization, the material must be repeated after some time.

memorization technique

Methods of remembering a foreign language

It would be worthwhile to mention them. English for memorization, in principle, is simple, but not everyone can quickly learn unfamiliar words, phrases and rules. In order to facilitate the study of foreign words, there are several effective methods:

  • "Memories." This is a summary of the material in verse. Suitable for both adults and children. This technique is interesting in that, in addition to rhyming words that are easy to remember, there are elements of associations. For example, verses with English words: “Plum is here, and plum is there. "Plum" in English - plum . "
  • "The fairy told me in a dream:" pear "in English pear ."
  • "Cards". It is necessary to prepare several cards. An English word is written on one side, and a translation on the other. These cheat sheets should always be in sight. You can divide the cards by topic or sound. For children, you can decorate with drawings.
  • "Marking." Very interesting memorization technique. This is especially suitable for the baby. On stickers / stickers you need to write the names of the household environment (home furniture, appliances and more) and stick them on objects. This way you can label a huge amount of things. Words for memorizing will be learned quickly, since they will not only constantly flash before your eyes, but also be associated with a material thing.
  • "Opposites." To easily replenish the vocabulary with new foreign words, you can memorize not only the word, but its antonyms and synonyms.
  • "Stories". Learning new foreign words, it is worth writing them in a special notebook, and then writing short stories. This technique will help not only learn new words, but also use them correctly in the text. And such memorization is also a good way to develop your imagination.
  • "Time". Another great method. The learned word must be used immediately, then use it after 10-15 minutes. Then - an hour later, the next day. After that, without any effort, you can use the learned word in the colloquial vocabulary of a foreign language.

To master any technique of memorizing, the main thing is to remember: without desire, perseverance and self-control, even the easiest and most interesting task will seem boring and difficult. Therefore, in the first place, it is important to set a goal and clearly follow the plan.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14121/

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