Zhivitsa pine: medicinal properties and contraindications

The secret of the effectiveness of traditional medicine in the use of only natural components that are in stock in nature. One such remedy is pine resin. The healing properties of this substance have long been known, but in our progressive time, people gradually forget about them. Given that this is quite affordable and at the same time very effective material, it is worth remembering in which cases resin gum is used and what it is all about.

pine gum healing properties


Everyone who has seen a pine tree at least once knows that trees can also cry. A broken branch, a crack from frost, a knife mark on the bark lead to the formation of a wound on a tree trunk. A viscous, clear or slightly yellowish liquid oozes from this wound. This pine resin, the application of which is very wide, is called pine resin.

For a tree, this juice has one meaning - healing. Soon after isolation from the trunk, the resin hardens, the wound becomes covered with a film that prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and fungi into the tree. Resin can boast not only pine, but also all conifers: there are spruce, fir, larch resin, resin pine and pine. All these resins are used in treatment, but nevertheless the most common use is pine bum.


Three quarters of resin is composed of resin acids. In their normal state, these acids are solid, but gum remains a liquid, albeit quite viscous.

pine resin application

The secret of the form of the substance is that in addition to acids, terpenes are contained in the composition. The share of these substances is 18% of the composition. However, they are so good solvents that this is enough.

This composition allows the resin to move along the moves inside the tree. Sometimes resin is accumulated inside the "tar pockets" - most often this happens with fir and spruce. In pines, such pockets are much less common.

The official name of the hardened pine resin is barras. Unofficially, it is called sulfur. However, this substance has nothing to do with the chemical element "sulfur".

Chemical composition

Pine gum, the medicinal properties of which are widely used, incorporates a large number of various useful substances, including vitamins K, D, A, E, C, P, PP, vitamins from group B, iron, carotene, cobalt, manganese, calcium, copper, phosphorus, nickel, vanadium, silicon, zinc, potassium, iodine, molybdenum and others.


Zhivitsa pine, the medicinal properties of the life-giving force of which were discovered in time immemorial, was used at the very beginning in small quantities. Then only the quantity that nature itself offered to man was used. Things changed when industry began to develop.

The first thing that began to be used from pine is pine resin. It was used to pitch boats and, later, gear for ships and the wooden ships themselves. In order to obtain resins, they didn’t use gum itself, osmol was used more - resinous branches and stumps that stood at the cutting site for more than one year.

gum ointment

The fishery was developed in areas where massifs of pine trees grew along the banks of rivers. In our country, the industrial production of resins began in the early 19th century. During this period, almost every peasant had a kind of "resin plant". However, the word "plant" was not related to what is meant by it today.

At the beginning of the fishery, the β€œplant” was a half-dugout equipped with a firebox, a cube for branches and stumps and a tray for resin drain. In the summer, they prepared the pitch, in winter they started directly to distill the resin. Given the lack of civilization, the work was extremely difficult, but still generating income. During unavoidable colds, the healing properties of pine resin were used.

In the spring, barrels of finished resin were collected by a reseller. These barrels were put on rafts and lowered along rivers to large cities. Resin was transported from cities to St. Petersburg and to various shipyards.

pine gum healing properties of the life-giving force


The harvesting of pine resin is called the tapping. First of all, bark is removed from a part of the trunk. In a special way, the funnel-shaped receiver is strengthened, in which the resin from the cut tree is collected. The collector goes around the site and replaces all filled containers. Wounds need to be renewed, as the resin is hardening.

From one tree, usually 1-2 kg of resin is collected, provided that the tree lives. Long-term tapping leads to weakening of trees and even their death. Most often, trees intended for cutting down are used. Currently, in our country there are very few areas in which the extraction of useful resins is carried out. Trees are simply cut down, not trying to benefit from them.

healing properties of pine resin

Modern enterprises have gone far from the first "factories" for the extraction of resins. However, the principles of processing remain the same. By distillation dry or using water vapor from turpentine distillate turpentine. The substance remaining from the resin is called rosin. This substance is transferred for further processing.

In modern life, turpentine is used differently than before. It is mainly used to dissolve paints and varnishes. A small part of turpentine is also used for the manufacture of medicines. Medicine uses only natural turpentine obtained by processing gum.

The most famous use of rosin is rubbing bows. But in addition, it is necessary for tinning, in the production of plastics, cardboard, rubber, soap, rubber and other products. It is also necessary for the manufacture of medicines.


Pine resin, the use of which is currently not as widespread as before, is found in China, northern India and western Asia. Gum production is carried out in Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, Japan, Italy and Algeria.

Healing properties

Zhivitsa pine, whose medicinal properties have been used since ancient times, is an excellent antiseptic and has antibacterial properties. It heals wounds, relieves pain and relieves inflammation. Perfectly affects suppurating wounds.

pine resin and its beneficial properties

Of course, gum ointment has an effect only on the consequence of the disease, as, for example, in the case of furunculosis - gum is able to "kill" only the boil itself, but will not eliminate the cause of inflammation. For the treatment of the disease itself, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Gum is similarly used to treat various wounds and fungal diseases.

Treatment with resin should be very pleasant. For example, insomnia is removed from the bathroom, into which about 2 grams of resin is added.

Oral consumption of hardened gum grains helps relieve cough.

When treating with a derivative of gum - turpentine - you need to know that it is extremely toxic. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the substance. When treating, it is important to count every drop so as not to exceed the required amount.

There is the so-called Zalmanov method, which involves the treatment of turpentine baths with a large number of diseases. Official medicine does not recognize the achievements of this method, however, it exists, like the followers of the method.


Tar needles are a powerful natural antiseptic that stimulates the immune system, it heals and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The tool has not only external, but also internal use. Pine gum and its beneficial properties are used to treat a large list of diseases. Among others, resin is used to treat:
- burns, open wounds and boils;
- various heart diseases;
- diseases of the respiratory system;
- varicose veins;
- radiculitis;
- mastopathy;
- nervous disorders;
- internal parasites;
- impotence;
- vaginitis, cystitis, hemorrhoids.

In addition to the treatment of gum, on the basis of which various medicines are made, including gum ointment, derivatives of this substance are also used for medicinal purposes: rosin and turpentine. Purified turpentine can be found in a pharmacy - it is used for inhalation in various diseases of the bronchi.

Turpentine liniment is used for grinding with muscle diseases and various joint inflammations.

Olimetin, created on the basis of turpentine oil, is used to treat gallstone disease.

Application in traditional medicine

Zhivitsa pine, whose medicinal properties are very important in folk medicine, has a beneficial effect on the human body. In addition to the immediate problem for which treatment was started, the resin is to reduce the effect of the disease on other organs, preventing the occurrence of new problems.

resin resin

The use of resin inside is possible in the form of decoctions, sucking candies and similar products. Apply one half teaspoon to an empty stomach.

For external use lotions and rubbing are used. It is recommended to mix crushed gum with olive, sea buckthorn, and vegetable oils. This mixture is heated in a water bath. To achieve a greater warming effect, honey is added to the resulting ointment.


Despite the large scope and a huge number of useful properties of resin, it is necessary to make sure that there is no allergy or individual intolerance to the product. To check how the body reacts to the drug, it is necessary to make an carpal test, observing it for less than a day. If the place of application was covered with a rash, reddened or other negative signs appeared, the use of pine resin is prohibited.

Preschool children and pregnant women cannot use this substance inside.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14123/

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