Male view of women: understanding, characterization of relationships, important points, nuances, communication features, similarities and differences

Men and women are two complete opposites. First of all, this can be seen in their appearance. Differences lie in the psychological organization. How do men and women manage to interact with each other and understand each other? How can these two polar opposites find a common language and live as one family, while maintaining love for each other?

man and woman under umbrella

The psychology of men has many differences from the female. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are most important logic. Women live experiences, emotions and images. A similar psychological type of both sexes was formed not only in connection with genetic differences. This was influenced by various social and historical aspects. And in the event that in the behavior of people belonging to different sexes, similar features are not found, love and mutual understanding will never be born between them. In order to achieve harmony in family relationships, the fairer sex is desirable to know what he is - a male look at women.

Beauty or mind?

Everyone knows that a woman, regardless of how much she lived with a man, prefers to remain beloved and desired for him. But at the same time she wants to please everyone. And there's nothing to be done about it. This is the essence of women. To maintain their attractiveness, ladies have to do expressive makeup, bright manicure and stylish hairstyles, do not forget about beauty salons, tanning salons and SPA-procedures. But in addition to desperate fashionistas, some women believe that it is still more important for men than appearance, but the inner world of the chosen one, her soul. Which of them is right?

Sweetheart Choice

All men are different. Some of them have a soft soul and kind heart, easily succumbing to the sweet entreaties of women and their tricks, while others, on the contrary, have a rather harsh character, which leads to violence and the suppression of the will of the chosen one. But the masculine view of women in any case has many characteristic features.

How do representatives of a strong half of humanity choose a soul mate? The fact is that all of them, experienced and not, are connected by the natural instinct of reproduction. That is why, at the first meeting, the male view of women is such that it is only intended to evaluate the figure of the girl, the length of her legs, the size of her chest, and the thinness of her waist. At the same time, the smell of a lady is also important. Here, male physiology works in relation to women. And it is aroma that sometimes contributes to the continuation of relationships or repels them.

Choice of spouse

And how does a man choose his woman? The male view of a person who has already matured for family relationships is somewhat different than in the case considered above. Here, the external parameters of the lady are moved to second place. Of course, an attractive image is still important, but most of all, a man begins to peer into the qualities of character, behavior style and inner harmony of a woman. Most psychologists are of the opinion that in family life, young people prefer their companion to be like a mother. They dream of a caring, obedient, loyal, friendly, understanding wife who is at the same time a good housewife.

External data

What woman can interest a man? It is rather difficult to predict which image he will like the most. For example, handsome macho will never rush into a choice. And this despite the fact that in his environment there will be many beautiful women. As a result, he will choose the “gray mouse” for family life, deciding that it is for him the most reliable partner for procreation. Attracts him with the inaccessibility of the girl.

woman smiles at man

A short man seeks to choose a handsome beauty as his wife. This will help him compensate for physical disabilities and complexes. Unapproachable girls will prefer him too.

But still, how does a man choose his woman? The male look will certainly stop at the eyes of the fairer sex. After all, they are known to be a mirror of the soul. Peering at them, the man will seek to know a piece of the inner world that is still unfamiliar to him.

In addition, a woman should have delicate and well-groomed facial skin. A man should have a desire to touch her.

Another of the factors that the representative of the strong half of humanity will certainly pay attention to is the female form. And this will happen even when the acquaintance began with correspondence. Among men there are such emotional personalities that, impressed by the ideal figure of a woman, they are ready from the first minutes for reckless actions and accomplishment of feats. Sometimes a girl may even be overweight. However, at the first meeting, how she was able to “feed” her body is of great importance.

It is simply impossible to consider a rather long list of parameters by which a man evaluates a woman. And the matter is not only in its impressive size, but also in personality. Every guy wants to see something different in the girl. So, some look at the tall, and others - at the miniature ladies. Someone prefers full, and someone slim. Some like blondes, and others like redheads. That is, each man has his own taste. Guided by him, he makes a choice for himself.

An interesting fact is that between men and women the difference of views on the world exists in the literal sense of the word. And it is proved by scientists. Women possess scattered, and men have focused vision. That is why the representatives of the weaker sex see the picture of the world wider.

This explains the importance of a masculine view of a woman. How can you tell if he likes her? In most cases, a man stares intently at the object of his sighing. The woman, on the contrary, does it completely unnoticed by the guy she likes.

Character traits

Caring for her appearance, the lady should not forget about femininity. Among the representatives of the fairer sex, there are those who, with their unearthly magnetism alone, are able to attract the attention of a partner, holding it for a long period.

What else can be said about the masculine view of women in relation to character? All representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by responsiveness and affectionate attitude, the ability to support in a difficult period of life and empathize in difficult situations. If a girl possesses such qualities, the young man will immediately see in her the mother of his future children. On a subconscious level, next to her, he will feel comfortable and calm, showing complete willingness to marry.

Intellectual abilities

However, the male attitude towards a woman is based not only on the beauty, tenderness and sexuality of the chosen one. An important role is played by her intellectual abilities. A silly and uneducated girlfriend is unlikely to be interesting to anyone.

By nature, men are hunters, owners and winners. They always take the chance to show off their “booty”. So it is in this case. A young man will certainly be happy if he presents his friends with a respectable, smart, girl he has won.

Love and sex

In this matter, men's logic in relations with a woman also has its own characteristics. For the majority of the fairer sex, sex and love are concepts that are not identical, but nevertheless closely related. In this case, physical intimacy is as important for a girl as spiritual.

man closes eyes to woman

A male view of a relationship with a woman is more frivolous. Sex for a guy is nothing more than a process that allows you to have fun. Most men are easily ready to sleep even with a stranger. Love for this has nothing to do. And subsequently, the guy is unlikely to choose an affordable girl as his wife.

The male view of relations with a woman is such that representatives of a strong half of humanity always want specificity and honesty. A self-sufficient and active girl who plays by her own rules likes guys. The fairer sex should always remember about male secrets in relations with a woman. The process of conquest is very important for young people. And if interest in a woman continues to persist, then this fact will guarantee a lasting and lasting relationship. Male psychology differs from female psychology in its straightforwardness and lack of susceptibility to emotional overtones.


Already for the first time having come to visit his chosen one, a man will definitely pay attention to the comfort and order in her house. It is important for him to feel its accuracy and cleanliness. And even if the girl puts on herself a clean snow-white house dressing gown, for all her friendliness, this will not erase the paintings in the form of scruffy things, dirty dishes and dusty shelves.

The woman’s ability to create and constantly maintain order is one of the important advantages of the chosen one. The wife, according to the man, should provide him with a joyful meeting after work, a tasty dinner and please him with comfort in the house.

Family creation

The male opinion about relations with a woman does not coincide in matters of wedding. Since childhood, girls begin to talk about marriage, dreaming of creating their own family as soon as possible.

children as bride and groom

Guys think about this only by the age of 25-30. What is the reason for this? First of all, with the fact that after the wedding the man has the obligation to provide for a new family. At an early age, this is unlikely to be possible for them. In addition, the guys understand that their man's view on love for a woman and on sex with her is unlikely to please the chosen one. In this regard, for representatives of the strong half of humanity, marriage is not only the creation of a family and the beginning of a happy life with a loved one. For them, it is also to some extent a restriction of freedom. Many men anticipate these effects. And those who did not realize this and got married, sometimes bitterly regret it.

It should be borne in mind that the psychology of men changes with age. And if a 20-year-old guy is quite enough that a beautiful and interesting girl is next to him, then at the age of 30 he will begin to realize his responsibility for marriage, both spiritually and materially.

Family lifestyle

How do men behave in marriage? A family arrangement can have a completely different hierarchy of power. Of course, all men are different. Some people prefer to become leaders in the family. Others are happy with the fact that they quietly sit out to the side. But most men still arrange first roles in the family. After all, the instinct of leadership in them is laid by nature itself. It would be better if a woman did not compete with her husband, not even trying to shake his position.

Psychologists note that men, in contrast to the weaker sex, are not so dependent on the opinions of others. In this regard, they are purposeful and able to take serious volitional actions. In case of critical situations, men, thanks to their analytical mind, can quickly mobilize and immediately respond to a changing environment.

Manifestation of feelings

Another nuance that a man's view of love for a woman has is the manifestation of emotions. It seems to many wives that their soul mates treat them very coldly. However, this is most often not the case. The fact is that for the most part, men do not allow themselves to openly express emotions. They show their feelings in a completely different way. For example, they take care of their chosen one, protect her and take her side.

man and woman at sunset

Some men can only say the word “love” several times in their lives. But at the same time, each of their recognition is literally worth its weight in gold. A person who is not scattered by words can be trusted.

Sincerity of feelings

How can a woman determine that a man loves her? To do this, you need to look at his reaction in various situations. For example, when clarifying a relationship, male wisdom in dealing with a woman should be manifested. Those who are interested in their soulmate will not ignore the controversial situation and step aside. If a man has something important, he will prefer to find out right away.

Meet Parents and Friends

Men prefer to have strong friendships. Moreover, they are very dear to them. Not every girl they will acquaint with friends and parents. After all, such a step is a clear sign of sympathy.


As mentioned above, a man is a hunter by nature. He loves to boast of his prey, seeing at the same time that others want to get it. However, he will never share the trophy.

man yells at woman

Same thing with women. Most men prefer to be near attractive girls, but they do not like it if they start flirting with someone.

Men's mistakes

Relations between two people should always be based on understanding and mutual respect for each other.

quarrel of lovers

However, sometimes there are male errors in relations with women. Consider the most basic of them:

  1. Stinginess on compliments and words. Sometimes men openly do not want to emphasize the beauty of a woman. In this case, over time, she begins to forget to admire her life partner and praise him. The result is mutual discontent.
  2. A frequent lie. The guy who lied for the first time should not think that this can go on forever. If a woman really did not notice this once, then the next time she will certainly convict him of a lie. The case may end in a terrible scandal. At a man who is constantly lying, a woman begins to look from a completely different perspective. Such a situation can lead to a collapse of relations.
  3. Constant comparison with a mother or with another woman. The first time, the chosen one of such a guy can still endure. However, she will certainly begin to tell him about other men.
  4. Total control. In their relationship, men tend to become owners. Sometimes they not only constantly jealous of a woman, but also try to tame her like a dog. Having an imperious character, a man will certainly begin to demand from his wife a report on all her movements and meetings. And this sometimes continues immensely and constantly. However, it is possible that over time, the wife will nevertheless make an attempt to break out of this "cell". In this case, the case, quite possibly, will end in a break.
  5. Removal from problems. Sometimes in relations with women, men do not like to resolve conflicts on the spot. Why is this happening? The fact is that they just run away from solving problems, hiding their heads in the sand like ostriches. But it is worth keeping in mind that an unresolved problem sometimes comes back, taking the scale of the disaster, which harms family relations.
  6. Indulging the whims of the chosen one. Such actions can "spoil" a woman. And then the man begins to complain that his lover "sat on his neck." Of course, representatives of the stronger sex sometimes want to pamper the lady. However, this should be done in moderation.
  7. "Purchase" of the senses. There are some male tricks in dealing with women. In order to attract their attention, the guys give their lovers expensive gifts and drive them to trendy restaurants. If the young man has the financial means, then this is very good. However, in this case, the girl begins to perceive the man only as a solid wallet with money. Love relationships are hardly possible.
  8. Ignoring romance. More often than not, men don’t even think about simply giving flowers to a woman or committing an unusual act for her. And girls really like it.


Sometimes a man who understands that a woman loves him wholeheartedly begins to use this for his selfish purposes. Moreover, such situations are quite common.

Male manipulations in relations with women turn their chosen ones into some dumb lambs that either continue to be victims for the rest of their lives, or abandon their partner.

Most often, gullible and conscientious ladies get into such networks. Their wonderful human qualities bring them many troubles. As a rule, manipulators are well acquainted with the art of seducing women. At the first meeting, they ask questions regarding their lives. This allows you to find out the weaknesses in the nature of the chosen one. A trusting and sincere woman puts almost everything to a man, including negative information from her past. And this is her main mistake. In the future, the manipulator man will constantly reproach the woman with her misconduct, which will allow him to instill a sense of guilt in her. As a result, she will begin to forgive much to her lover, since she, as it turned out, is even worse than him.

Such manipulation can be prevented. To do this, a woman needs to add a little common sense and insight to her positive qualities.


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