Kayaput essential oil: application, useful properties and reviews

The myrtle family consists of plants, both decorative and medicinal. The latter include a tree that stands out among others for its unique properties - a white tree, or kayaput. From the wood of this culture, people have learned to extract essential oil that is multifaceted in its properties.

Plant location

The kayaput tree is widely distributed in Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, the Philippines and neighboring island states. To get the right amount of cayaput essential oil, trees are grown in large plantations, and it is Australian oil that is considered the highest quality and most popular in the aromatherapy field.

The appearance of the plant

Since ancient times, the white tree has been actively used to protect against bites of tropical insects, to disinfect wounds and eliminate severe pain in the teeth.

Essential oil: properties and applications

Experts identify the optimal dosage for each method of applying the essential oil of this plant:

  1. Cold and hot inhalations. Take 1-2 drops for a procedure lasting from 4 minutes (at the beginning of treatment) to 7 drops (after getting used to). Inhalations with hot air are best done only in the presence of throat diseases, in other cases use only cold inhalations.
  2. Aroma baths. The procedure is suitable for restoring the human psychoemotional system, as well as for getting rid of pain. 6 to 8 drops of the kayaput should be dripped into the bath.
  3. From 5 to 7 drops of plant essential oil are added to the aroma lamp on a standard size room (15 sq.m).
  4. Massage. The procedure is carried out using 7 drops of essential oil per 15 grams of base (when rubbing, the dosage should be doubled).
  5. Warm compresses and rinses. To do this, 4-6 drops of oil per glass of warm water is enough.
  6. Applications and rubbing. Oil mixtures are prepared in a ratio of 5 drops of a kayaput per 15 g of base oil (for acne, tooth pain, rheumatism). It is also used in the manufacture of aromatherapy and alcohol solutions in the proportion of 1 drop of the product per 5 drops of the base (for dermatosis, neuralgia and ulcer).
Healing properties of oil

Essential Oil Description

Despite the fact that the genus of kayaput includes a huge number of varieties, the oil extracted from them has the same characteristics, so when buying money in a store, you can take any brand - the benefits of this will not change. White tree is a close relative of eucalyptus, cloves, as well as tea tree.

If we consider the properties of kayaput essential oil, then they can be compared with the properties of tea tree oil with enhanced qualities. Another advantage of this product is that it is almost impossible to fake imperceptibly (in rare cases, it is replaced with a mixture of tea tree or eucalyptus, but this can be quickly understood by the changed smell). It is not always possible to find oil in pharmacies, since they are delivered in rather small quantities, but the remedy is not expensive either.

Essential Oil Description

The real kayaput essential oil can be easily identified by the eucalyptus smell with a mint-menthol overtone and camphor overflows, and it is precisely according to it, as the psycho-emotional impression of communicating with a person (oil helps to quickly gather thoughts, cheer up and tune into the work process), the easiest way guess about the fake.

Product mining

In Malaysia, kayaput essential oil is commonly called kaji paths. Its extraction is carried out from freshly cut green tops of leaves and tree shoots. The less time passes from the moment of trimming the material to its receipt in the production of essential oil, the higher the quality of the finished product. In the production process, many enterprises use the standard method - steam distillation.

It is for this reason that the extraction of essential oil from parts of a plant is carried out, as a rule, in those places where trees grow. On average, they get about 1.5 percent of aromatic oil, which is considered a pretty good value for oil from green parts of woody crops.

By its consistency, the finished product is very liquid, has good fluidity, like tea tree or citrus oil, is transparent, but has a poorly distinguishable yellowish-green overflow, which is easiest to see in darkened bottles (cast with a cold shade).

You can store the product for five years in a tightly closed dark bottle, avoiding sunlight.

Properties and uses of kayaput essential oil

It is rather difficult to give an exact definition of the smell of oil: it is complex, is multilayered, and also multifaceted. The strongest and most volatile notes are the top overtones of menthol and eucalyptus, which can be felt immediately as the bottle cap opens. After the first smell, a camphor base appears in the air, and only after that various camphor notes begin to appear. At this stage, the smell is perceived most acutely: it is tart, cold and grassy-fresh, almost coniferous.

The intense aroma of essential oil is volatile, adaptive and provokes unpleasant sensations in a person only in the first minute of inhalation, after which it quickly adapts to the human smell, showing mint, eucalyptus and coniferous notes.

How to apply kayaput oil

Similar aromas that would go well with the smell of cayaput oil are pretty hard to pick up. Some good supplements include bergamot, lavender, ylang-ylang, orange, cloves, rosewood, nutmeg, palmarosa, limet. When conducting therapeutic measures, some doctors additionally recommend using other oils with characteristic properties - cedar, rosemary, spruce, eucalyptus, cypress, lemon, tea tree, pine, excluding aerosol options.

How does it affect a person’s emotional sphere?

Cayaput essential oil acts on the human psyche as a powerful “collecting” agent. It helps to restore the person’s attention and concentration, helps to become more determined and bold in their actions, to begin to think rationally and not to be afraid of actions even in the most difficult situations, as it may seem.

Fragrance Features

The essential aromatic oil of this culture is the most effective in the fight against disorders of the nervous system, hysteria, tics, problems with self-esteem, anxiety, sudden mood swings, stressful situations. The strong and multifaceted properties of the aroma help to accept and endure any life difficulties, to feel safe and secure, to begin to believe in yourself. The product helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, to get rid of the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness in just a couple of moments.

What medicinal properties does it have?

Among all plants, it is kayaput that has a high bactericidal effect (it is several times more effective as an antiseptic, compared with a tea tree). The essential oil of the plant is unique and contains a complex antiseptic, analgesic and antispasmodic effect.

Kayaput essential oil effectively fights high body temperature, has an expectorant, diaphoretic and anthelmintic effect. Most often, the remedy is used for problems with the functioning of the respiratory system and bronchial cough. It eliminates a sore throat with laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, cleanses the nasal passages, eliminating congestive rhinitis, regenerates the skin and removes wounds in the oral cavity.

The use of kayaput essential oil is recommended for recovery at the time of influenza virus epidemics, colds, because it gives an antibacterial and antiviral effect by acting on the lesion sites, thereby helping to prevent the development of complex and obstructive bronchitis.

Disease control

The white wood remedy relieves colic and inflammation in the digestive tract, soothes and fights bacteria with enteritis, dysentery, and parasite infection. It works well with cystitis and other processes of inflammation in the urinary tract. With the help of a complex of psychoemotional and calming properties, cayaput oil eliminates an unpleasant condition before the onset of menstruation.

What diseases does it cure?

Also, essential oil is often prescribed to treat internal inflammation, because it speeds up healing and relieves pain. Due to the wide range of valuable properties, the agent penetrates to the foci of infection in a matter of hours, works well in the presence of muscle pain, fights arthritis, arthrosis, gout, sports injuries, and neuralgia.

A good therapeutic effect of the product can be achieved by using cayaput oil as a massage, as well as while taking aromatherapy. The product relieves toothache, is effective in the treatment of otitis media and inflammatory processes in the auricle.


In cosmetology, the product is often used to eliminate problems on the surface of the skin, as well as in the treatment of inflammation. Oil is best combined with complex therapy against pustular and acne, helping to maintain the original structure of the skin. Perfect as a makeup product for oily, depleted, problematic and too pale skin (with anemia).

Use in cosmetology

Skin restoration

Cayaput, lavender and rose essential oil will help to eliminate the increased sensitivity and irritability of the skin, acting as an adaptogen. Aroma oil can relieve inflammation and irritation in a matter of minutes, relieve anxiety and itching during an insect bite, eczema, psoriasis, and lead to rapid healing of wounds and restoration of skin cells. Reviews of essential oil with kayaput are mostly positive: consumers note a quick effect and the absence of adverse reactions.

In addition, the product is actively used in hair care: it has a powerful therapeutic effect, helping to combat dandruff and inflammatory processes on the scalp. Reviews of Kayaput essential oil are recommendatory, consumers note a pleasant aroma from the product and its relatively low cost.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14129/

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