Product quality control using drinking milk as an example

Surely many are interested in the sphere of production, in particular quality control of the product and how it is generally implemented. It should be noted that at each enterprise there is a service that manages the entire control system.

Technical control of product quality is the control of materials, raw materials, production and auxiliary processes, as well as the control of finished products, in order to ensure the production of products in full accordance with the requirements of formulations, technical instructions, technical conditions and state standards. In fact, this is the basis of all production and its well-being.

Quality control of finished products is divided into the following types:

1) Input - carries out quality control of raw materials received for processing, as well as the product itself, intermediate products, materials and containers.

2) Technological - control of technical processes of processing incoming raw materials and production of products. At this stage, raw materials and intermediates are examined at specific control points indicated in the scheme of technological control.

3) Operational - controls the quality modes of washing, apparatus and equipment, disinfection of dishes. It also includes control of reagents, control over the condition of laboratory measuring instruments, detergents and disinfectants, controls the consumption of raw materials and the yield of finished products.

4) Acceptance - controls the quality of finished products, packaging, labeling, as well as the procedure for the release of finished products from the manufacturing enterprise.

Product quality control is carried out in the food production laboratory of the enterprise and is divided into departments: bacteriological, physico-chemical, organoleptic. The food production laboratory must prevent the development and delivery to consumers of products that do not meet the requirements of the current standards of technical documentation. In addition, it should strengthen production and sanitary disciplines at the enterprise and increase the responsibility of all production departments for the quality of products.

In order to better understand? how the quality control of products is carried out at a food enterprise, consider the control process using the example of the production of drinking milk.

At the input control carry out the acceptance and sorting of milk.

Next is the stage of milk normalization (normalization is the process of withdrawing or turning on milk fat, for example, milk with a fat content of 4% was received for production, we produce milk with a fat content of 2.5% - therefore, we need to remove 1.5% of fat by milk separation ) At the normalization stage, the fat content is determined, and such indicators as acidity, density.

The next step is homogenization. It is a grinding of fat globules in milk with the aim of preserving it. At this stage, control is not carried out.

This is followed by pasteurization and cooling of the resulting milk. Before pasteurization, milk determines the acidity, the presence of bacteria (mainly bacteria from the group of E. coli) and some other microorganisms. During the heat treatment, the laboratory assistant controls the temperature of the milk twice a shift. After cooling the milk, its organoleptic characteristics, temperature, acidity, density, mass fraction of fat and protein are checked.

Then the milk is poured, packaged and labeled. In each batch, the amount of fat, protein, as well as organoleptic indicators are checked again.

Microbiological control of packaging and containers is carried out once a month.

Therefore, product quality control is an important item in food production. Only through strict control do products safe for human life and health fall on the shelves of retail chains.


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