Cerso: what is it? Rules of the game

Few have heard this strange word, and even fewer people understand its meaning. So what is it - cerso? A hoop game, the essence of which is tossing it into the air and then catching it with a stick. Cerso has been very popular since ancient times, however, this game is now a little forgotten. It is worth noting that there are a lot of entertainment options, each people comes up with their own rules. As for the material, here the preference was always given to wood and metal. The hoops were made of plywood, and the sticks, respectively, were made of iron. However, over time, the game improved, and now they use metal sticks and hoops. In this article we will talk about the meaning of the word "serceau", and also consider the useful properties of entertainment and possible gameplay options.

History of cerso

To date, this game is not very popular, so it is worth considering it from the side of historical development. Now Cerso is played in America and Africa, but other sports and entertainment are more common.

Cerso: what is it in the concept of the ancient Greeks? In ancient times, this word was called any game where a hoop was used. At that time, almost all the children were busy with this business. The hoops were made of iron, copper or bronze, and then rolled with a stick on the ground. The ancient Greeks really liked this kind of entertainment, so even Hippocrates recommended this game as healthy.

cerso what is it

Cerso: what is it in the concept of the ancient Romans? The Italians borrowed the idea of ​​this game from the Greeks, hence the name: “Greek hoop”. The stick for serceau was made in the form of a key, and the hoop was made of wood. Sometimes, instead of the main component, a wheel was used.

Game benefits

What is serceau? A game that promotes the development of all the basic physical qualities of a person. In the process, you will improve your dexterity, speed, endurance, you will be able to better navigate in space. Serso is not such a simple game as it might seem at first glance. Experts believe that it affects the volitional qualities of the participant, raising courage, endurance and perseverance to a new level.

what is serso

In addition, a person learns to work in a team, to help his comrades. The main goal is to win a group of people, and each participant makes every effort to achieve a result. Playing cerso, you will involuntarily strive to perform exercises not only correctly, but also as quickly as possible.

What is serceau? rules

We can say that the game we are considering is universal. After all, it is suitable for classes in the gym, as well as for general fun. Cerso: what is it? The bottom line is that all participants are divided into pairs, and the game takes place between people in tandem. Some people throw hoops, while another catches them with a stick.

Meaning of the word serceau

The distance is chosen by the players themselves, depending on experience. The one who caught the most rings in a certain time won. Most often they play for the winner in a pair, and then the best meet each other. This is done in order to ultimately determine the strongest participant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14132/

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