Creeping thyme: useful properties and contraindications

In ancient times, this plant saved people's lives more than once. With his help, they tried to put seriously ill people on their feet, with almost no chance of recovery. No wonder it was considered by people to be divine grass. This herb has a huge number of names - swan, lemon darling, muhopal, incense, chebark, thyme, thyme. Its useful properties are used today. In this article, we will talk in detail about this valuable grass.

Thyme herb beneficial properties


Thyme grass, the useful properties of which have been known to mankind for many years, is actually a perennial shrub. It belongs to the Yasnotkovs. Today, about 400 of its species are known. At the same time, half of them are growing in the CIS countries. Varieties differ in shades and shape of leaves, color of flowers. There are compact bushes, whose height is 15-30 centimeters. Other plants are equipped with creeping twigs. Such shoots have a length of about 5 centimeters. They create a thick β€œcarpet” that covers the earth tightly.

The most popular option is ordinary thyme. On its basis, a huge number of hybrids appeared. It is worth noting that the compact form creates a low (about 15 centimeters), while the spreading bush. The color of the leaves is pale green; the color of the flowers is pale purple or white.

At the base, woody shoots, covered completely with small leaves. They have a slight pubescence on the back. Some varieties have curly branches. These shoots are located close to the ground and create additional roots. Inflorescences in the form of a ball are flowers. They are at the ends of twigs.

Places of growth

The homeland of creeping thyme, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described in the article below, is the Mediterranean. Moreover, in the form of a cultivated plant cultivated in America and parts of Europe, in Africa. It prefers steppe regions in the temperate zone; in addition, it lives on rocky and rocky territories.

The habitat is all of Russia. From Siberia and the Urals to the Caucasus. It occurs in the middle lane in open areas. Prefers glades in the forest, meadows, edges. But can be found in the mountains.

Plant composition

We will talk about the beneficial properties of thyme, the photo of which is presented in this article a little lower, now we will figure out what they are due to. One of the most valuable ingredients in herbs is carvacrol, an active antibiotic. This substance can triumph over staphylococcus. Thyme is also rich in essential oil, which contains thymol, linalool, and caryophyllene.

Thyme photo

The complex of vitamins B, antioxidants, beta-carotene, ascaridol, cimol, choline, ursolic acid, borneol complement the composition. There are trace elements - potassium, selenium, iron, sodium, calcium.

Useful properties of thyme

The plant has a pronounced antiseptic effect. They are used in the treatment of various inflammatory processes, for which the most diverse forms of processing of raw materials are used.

There are types for internal use, but also prescribe compresses, inhalations, rinses, rubbing. Rinses are relevant for diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis. In addition, they are used for diseases of the throat - pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Thyme also helps in the fight against SARS.

Benefits for men

Nature was able to endow thyme with useful properties simply unique. With their help, you can support men's health. Resistance to stress, normalization of pressure, relieving muscle cramps, struggle with problems arising in the intimate sphere, stimulation of hair growth - the action of the grass is actually universal.

With sexual weakness

For any man, erectile dysfunction is a diagnosis, to put it mildly, sad. But here also the beneficial properties of thyme will help. Molybdenum and selenium, which are part of it, make it possible to cope with this misfortune. A drink from miracle grass will save you from early ejaculation.

To do this, pour half a liter of boiling water into a thermos, pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material, insist for 2 hours. To use twice a day for two weeks in one glass. After you need to take a break, and then the treatment resumes again.

Thyme useful properties and contraindications

Thyme oil is rubbed into the perineum to increase sexual energy. The tool can be bought at the pharmacy, as well as cook it yourself. To do this, pour 15 g of grass with olive oil and clean for a month. Further, the resulting infusion can be used as necessary.

In case of impotence, take a spoonful of dry pink inflorescences, pour a glass of boiling water, wrap for half an hour. Drink up to 6 times a day before meals.

With myositis

Movement becomes stiff with muscle inflammation. This disease also affects sexual function. In order to stop the development of the disease, compresses should be done. And here the beneficial properties of thyme will help. It is necessary to steam the raw material for 30 minutes in boiling water, squeeze. Wrap the cake in gauze, attach to the sore spot, secure with polyethylene.

For hair

In case of baldness, a mixture of a spoonful of vodka and 3 drops of thyme essential oil can be regularly applied to the scalp. The tool is better to hold longer without rinsing. Ursolic acid, which is part of the Bogorodskaya grass, strengthens hair follicles and stimulates hair growth.

Properties for women

The plant helps with emerging pain in inflammatory diseases of the appendages, menstruation. The beneficial properties of thyme tea to enhance lactation during breastfeeding are also known. To create a drink, take one teaspoon of raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Tea is ready in a few minutes.

The herb is actively used in cosmetology, where it is treated with acne. To do this, on a glass of broth you need to finish off the juice Β½ lemon. Use this product to wipe the skin.

Rinsing with thyme decoction after washing your hair makes it possible to avoid dandruff, and also soothes irritated skin. These procedures remove excess dry hair.

Also, fragrant grass can be added in the form of seasoning to fish and meat dishes. This advice is especially relevant for those who want to lose weight, but it is worthwhile to understand that green healer does not burn fat, it activates the metabolism.

For children

Rinsing with thyme will help with stomatitis and tonsillitis in babies. The plant is an active ingredient in various cough syrups.

Creeping thyme useful properties and contraindications

The main amount of medicinal synthetic drugs has many contraindications, unlike preparations created on a plant basis. The antiseptic, calming, disinfecting effect of thyme is used to benefit babies.


Children whose sleep leaves much to be desired can add 10 ml of infusion to the bath. These procedures will prevent the occurrence of diaper rash in babies, help with rickets.

With concussion

The grass helps to resume the functioning of the brain in a natural mode after an injury, strengthens the nervous system, relieves headaches, improves sleep. Such therapy lasts 6-12 months. To do this, pour a spoonful of raw materials with two glasses of water, boil and remove from the stove. The container with the decoction needs to be wrapped in a blanket and removed for an hour. Drink 1/3 cup before meals three times a day.

With gout

In the fight against this ailment, the anti-inflammatory effect of this small doctor is used. Dried or fresh leaves need to be brewed and consumed instead of tea twice a day.

Thyme beneficial properties

From alcoholism

To cope with this dependence allows thymol, which in the grass contains a lot. This substance in case of an overdose causes vomiting. For this, 15 g of thyme is poured into 0.5 l of hot water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the infusion is drained and again brought to 500 ml. They drink 60 g of this potion several times a day, drinking 30 ml of vodka with it. Nausea or vomiting occurs very quickly. The course of such treatment is 1-2 weeks.

With a stroke

A very simple recipe will be effective:

  • 8 large spoons of flowers need to be poured with a bottle of vodka;
  • keep in the dark for two weeks;
  • drink three drops a day, 35 drops;
  • rub numb areas with a ready-made product.


Grind 100 g of raw material into powder. Add Β½ kg of honey. Strain for one hour in a water bath, stirring occasionally. Eat every night 1 spoon before bedtime. Store in a cool place.

Thyme thyme beneficial properties


Continuing to consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme, it is worthwhile to dwell on the latter. For oral administration, thyme-based products are contraindicated for self-administration with:

  • peptic ulcer disease;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • period of feeding and pregnancy;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • individual intolerance;
  • myocardial infarction.
Thyme thyme photo

In official medicine, the plant plays an important role. This herb is included in various medications. Since the plant has expectorant properties, it is used to treat pneumonia and bronchitis. Before use, be sure to clarify contraindications. For girls, it remains an indispensable tool that significantly alleviates menstrual symptoms.


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