The causes of conflicts in the organization

For constructive resolution of counteractions in the organization, it is necessary, first of all, to identify the existing causes of conflicts. They can be divided into several groups:

  • objective;
  • subjective (personal and socio-psychological).

Let us consider in more detail the main characteristic of each of them.

The subjective causes of conflicts in the organization are mainly associated with the individual and psychological characteristics of opponents. It is they that lead to the emergence of such a method of interaction. A person will not compromise on the problem. He will not concede, avoid conflict, seek a mutually beneficial elimination of the contradiction.

If the subjective causes of conflicts appear, then the so-called counteraction strategy is chosen. The fact is that in every pre-conflict situation there is a real opportunity to prevent a collision. But the prerequisites, because of which a person chooses precisely the opposition, will be subjective.

Typical socio-psychological causes of conflict:

  • loss, distortion of information in communication;
  • the choice of various methods in assessing the results of professional activity.

The main interpersonal reasons for the appearance of counteraction are as follows:

  • the presence of a subjective assessment of the behavior of your partner as unacceptable;
  • lack of socio-psychological competence;
  • distorted level of claims ;
  • choleric temperament and pronounced accentuation of the character of employees.

The second group is more numerous and complex. The objective causes of the conflict include organizational and managerial prerequisites that relate to the creation and functioning of the organization, team and group.

They can be divided into several large groups.

Firstly, the structural and organizational causes of conflicts arise when there is a mismatch between the device of the company and the requirements of the ongoing activity. The organization of the company is determined by the tasks to be solved, since it is created to solve them. But the opposition appears when it is not possible to achieve a perfect match in a given structure.

Secondly, the functional-organizational causes of conflicts are caused by non-optimality in the functional relationships of the organization with the environment. A prerequisite may be a mismatch in the structural elements of the company, as well as between specific employees. To avoid this, external relations in the company should correspond to the maximum of those functional issues that need to be resolved, ensuring their implementation.

Thirdly, the personality-functional causes of conflicts are associated with the inability of the employee to comply with ethical and professional qualities in accordance with the requirements of the position. That is why there is a confrontation between him and the leader.

Fourth, situational and managerial reasons for the conflict are determined by errors that are allowed by managers and subordinates in solving various kinds of tasks. When choosing the wrong option, there is a chance of a confrontation between its author and performers. In addition, if employees fail to fulfill the tasks set by management, this will also cause a conflict in this regard.

Therefore, without knowledge of the causes of the emergence and development of conflicts, it will be difficult to achieve an effective and timely settlement.


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