Alert is ... The meaning of the word. Alert - translation

For most Russian-speaking people, the word alert does not cause any special associations. However, for those who speak English well (or have lived in countries where this language is a state language for a long time), this term is well known. Why is that? To understand this, it is important to understand the meaning of the word alert. What is it like? Let's find out.

What does alert mean in English

As often happens, in the language of prim British, this term is simultaneously a noun, adjective and verb. Regardless of which part of the speech this word is in a particular case, its meaning is the same - to raise an alarm or warn about something.

alert is

As an example, several suggestions can be considered.

  • Now Hawaii is under another storm alert. “Now in Hawaii, another storm warning has been announced.”
  • The teacher alerted the pupils that tests would be given the next day. - The teacher warned the students that tomorrow they will have a control.
  • We must alert the public to the danger. - We are obliged to warn citizens about the danger.

The last example demonstrates that you should not confuse the term in question with other well-known words: Danger (“dangerous”), Warning (“carefully”), Caution (“attention”). Since alert (the translation above) does not directly mean danger, but warns of something requiring attention. That is why, as an adjective, this word can be translated not only as “worried about something”, but also as “alert”.

Persistent expressions with the word alert

There are several common phrases with these terms in English. The most used of them are:

  • full alert (full alert);
  • alert condition;
  • keep alert (be on the alert);
  • alert information.

Canadian settlement Alert

Having considered how the studied term is translated, as well as the most common phrases with it, it is worthwhile to find out in what other names it can appear.

military base alert

For lovers of geography, as well as Canadians, Alert is the name of the northernmost settlement in the world. It is located on Ellesmere Island, which is Canadian territory.

Five daredevils live in this unusually cold place. At the same time, they do not have to be bored, because they are seventy military personnel from the military base in Alert. Unlike the extreme inhabitants of the settlement, the soldiers here serve only a certain period of the contract, and then are replaced by newly arrived colleagues.

What are Forex Alerts?

The modern public order is still far from perfect. That is why in it actors playing doctors earn in one day as much as an ordinary physician in the CIS for a month, and sometimes a year. And those who produce some products get a penny, compared with those who resell it. Perhaps that is why today the most intelligent people on the planet go to business, not science. After all, if you properly manage your money, you can become a millionaire in just a few years.

One of the available and popular ways to do this is to carry out currency transactions on the "Forex". This is the name of the world-famous market for interbank currency exchange at free prices.

To participate in these trades and monitor trends, most traders use specialized programs, the so-called Forex trading terminals. One of the most popular of them today is MetaTrader 4 (MT4).

In order not to burn out on the exchange, the trader must tirelessly monitor what is happening on it. However, sitting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week near the screen is simply physically impossible. For this reason, the developers of such a program came up with an alert signal.

What is an alert in the Forex trading terminal? This is a programmable event alert. There may be several.

what is an alert in a trading terminal

For example, a certain trader expects the value of the dollar to fall to a certain mark, so that it would be profitable to buy the currency and resell later. This can happen in 10 minutes, or in 10 days. In order not to watch all this time at the monitor screen, a mark is set in the program. Now the businessman can focus on other projects, and as soon as the currency falls to the right price, he will receive an alert signal about this and he will be able to carry out his plan.

Using alerts, traders are simultaneously able to oversee dozens, if not hundreds, of business transactions at once.

PSO "Lisa Alert"

In addition to all of the above, the term under study is included in the name of the famous Russian search and rescue squad - “Lisa Alert”.

what are forex alerts

Most of the employees of this organization are volunteers who on a voluntary basis are engaged in the search and rescue of missing people. Most often, it is children and the elderly who disappear.

The date of creation of Lisa Alert is September 24 (according to other sources, October 14), 2010. The reason for the appearance of this PSO was a very sad story. In September 2010, a woman and her niece Lisa, 4 years old, disappeared in the Moscow Region and went out to walk a dog in the forest. Relatives of the missing reported the incident immediately. However, law enforcement agencies delayed four days.

Desperate relatives decided to search for the missing on their own. Through social networks on the Internet, they announced the beginning of searches and asked for help from everyone. Many people learned about the event, and almost five hundred people joined their parents.

Together, they combed the forest for five days and finally found a woman who fell over with a tree, and she died of hypothermia. The body of Lisa and her dog was found the next day. The girl, apparently, went with her dog for help to her aunt, and got lost. An examination showed that if Lisa had been found a day earlier, she could have been saved.

Shocked by this outcome, the search participants decided to organize a volunteer PSO Lisa Alert. Since that time, the organization has been actively searching for disappeared in many cities of the Russian Federation. On account of her saving many lives.

It is worth noting that the PSO is actively cooperating with the police and the press and takes every opportunity to help the disappeared.

In 2017, the drama by Andrei Zvyagintsev “Dislike” was released. In addition to the main plot, it shows the work of this volunteer search organization.

alert translation
Also, representatives of Lisa Alert took part in the filming of the project and advised its creators.

International alert

The word "alert" is also included in the name of another non-governmental charitable organization. This is an International Alert. This is an international association that aims to maintain peace on the planet.

In addition to organizing various assistance in establishing armed conflicts in various hot spots, International Alert also tries to deal with such negative consequences of the war as economic problems, climate change, etc.

Computer game Red Alert

In addition to the expressions discussed in the first paragraph with the word "alert", if others. For example, Red Alert, which means "number one preparedness." It is interesting that, in addition to the military term, the phrase "Red Alert" is also the name of a very popular computer game in the genre of real-time strategy.

alert meaning of the word

In Russian, this name is often translated as "Red Threat". Although this is not entirely true. Probably, such a translation was associated with the anti-communist organization of the same name, popular in the first half of the 20th century, in the USA. However, it had a slightly different name in the original - Red Scare.

As for the game Red Alert itself, it originally came out as a sequel to Command & Conquer. At the same time, her personal popularity among gamers exceeded the success of the first part. Therefore, she received a separate line in which 2 more games were released.


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