Mylnyanka officinalis: description, photo, application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, many herbs are used. To the useful plants is the soap dish medicinal. What kind of grass is this, what diseases can the remedies based on it help? First you need to figure out how the plant looks and what properties it has.

soap dish medicinal

What is this grass

Mylianca officinalis is a herbaceous plant. Belongs to the clove genus. This plant has a fairly powerful root system, which is strengthened in the soil by long spreading roots. They are characterized by a brownish-red hue.

The stalks of the soapwort are naked and straight. It is on them that the leaves are located, which gradually taper to the base. They have opposite and very short cuttings. As for the inflorescences, these are panicles. In the soap dish they are pale pink or even white. As a fruit, a plant filled with seeds ripens in a plant. The flowering period is from June to November.

There is a soap dish, the photo of which is presented below, in Central and Southern Europe, in Western Siberia, as well as in the Caucasus. The plant usually grows near apartment buildings, on the edges of the forest, in meadows, fields and valleys, as well as along river banks.

soap dish photo

Plant composition

Soapwort root is used in folk medicine, as well as in everyday life. At the moment, 9 varieties of this plant are known. Soapwort can be wild, as well as cultivated. The root of this plant has healing qualities. Usually, it is he who is used to prepare medicines. The red soap root contains vitamins D, C, B and A, saponazides, triterpene saponins. In some cases, the ground part of the soap dish is also used. As for the green part of the plant, they contain ascorbic acid, glycoside saponarin and saponaroside.

Some components foam beautifully. Because of this, the roots of soap dish are called soap. They are often used for washing wool products, as well as for bathing animals. In addition, soap dish has a choleretic, diuretic and diaphoretic effect. It can also be used for constipation as a laxative.

soap dish root

Medical use

How is soap dish used in medicine? A photo of this plant allows you to accurately represent its appearance and not be mistaken when collecting. However, it is better not to take risks and buy grass at the pharmacy. What properties does this plant have?

The soap dish contains a lot of ascorbic acid, as well as saponins and glycosides. Thanks to these components, products based on this plant are often used for severe cough and bronchitis. In addition, the soap dish has a laxative and diuretic effect. It is often added to various collections designed to purify the blood. Often, grass is used to make sweatshops.

The plant is suitable for the treatment of certain diseases of the respiratory tract, jaundice, metabolic disorders and joint pain. Usually soap dishes are used in the form of decoctions and infusions, which are prepared quite easily. The drug from the roots is used to treat diseases of the liver and spleen.

As for the method of application, the herb soap dish is used for the preparation of lotions, ointments, powder and bath solution. Such drugs are used to treat skin rashes, dermatitis, furunculosis, eczema and scabies. Also, preparations based on this plant can be used by those who can not overcome scaly lichen.

red soap root

Decoction of the roots of the plant

Such a drug is used for certain liver diseases, as well as for eczema. Preparing a decoction from the roots of soap dish is very simple. To do this, take 10 grams of prepared raw materials, chop the roots and pour boiling water. This amount of plant requires 250 milliliters of liquid. You need to boil the product on fire for five minutes after boiling. Ready broth of the roots is worth filtering.

It is recommended to use such a drug from a soap dish up to three times a day for 100 milliliters. The broth can be used with angina instead of a gargle.

Tea from Saponaria officinalis

To prepare such a tool, you only need a teaspoon of raw materials. To do this, you can use not only the roots of soapwort, but also grass. This amount of plant should be poured with one glass of boiling water. In this form, the product should stand for three hours. After the preparation is infused, it is necessary to pour more water into it, preferably boiled, to obtain the initial volume.

Take this tea should be a few glasses a day with a strong cough. Also in the resulting preparation, you can add chamomile decoction. Ready solution can be used for wraps and compresses.

herb soap dish medicinal

The cure for bloating and nausea

Mylianca officinalis is often used to combat bloating and nausea. To prepare the drug, you need a mixture of herbs. The composition of the collection includes 5 grams of soapwort roots, 10 grams of St. John's wort and 3 grams of celandine. All components should be crushed and mixed. A tablespoon of the resulting mass must be brewed with a glass of boiling water. The product should stand for about half an hour. After this, the drug should be filtered.

It is recommended to take such a drug no more than three glasses during the day. This collection of herbs helps to cope with gallstone disease.

Infusion of soapwort

In alternative medicine, the roots of Saponaria officinalis are used to prepare a drug that will get rid of increased gas formation. Decoctions and infusions from this plant can cure gout and rheumatism. In addition, drugs of a similar plan are used to combat some skin ailments: furunculosis, scaly lichen, eczema and so on.

To prepare an infusion from these diseases, you need a teaspoon of the roots of the soapwort, pre-ground, brew a glass of boiling water. This medicine should be infused for 4 hours. It is recommended to use the finished composition no more than three times during the day, preferably before meals. The dosage should not exceed 2 tablespoons.


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