To steal is how? Meaning, Origin, Synonyms and Interpretation

Have you ever been caught red handed? For example, you vowed not to eat at night, but suddenly you find yourself in front of a refrigerator, chewing a piece of cake in the dark, and then the light turns on! After this, any excuses are meaningless. You got caught, and it's sad. Let's talk about the meaning of the verb, its origin and synonyms for it.


White mask and red cloth

Here it is appropriate to recall another word beginning with the letter “y” - “wretched”. The etymological dictionary says that the adjective (or noun) owes its meaning to the forgotten meaning of the word “god” - wealth, and “y” gives the word negation, that is, “deprived of wealth”. We, as you know, apply this word either to health or to well-being. It is also interesting that in the etymological dictionary “u” is called the prefix, although now the root of this word is “wretched”.

How does this relate to the meaning of the word “convict”? In the most direct way. Because the object of study also has the prefix "y", which over time has become part of the root. And “face” is a face. But let's not forget that the “mask” is a mask, which means that the reconstructed meaning is the following: “pull off the mask” or “show the true face”.


Referee's hammer

After a historical excursion, it is easy for us to understand, convict - this is what it is. But still, we exclude amateur performances and turn to the explanatory dictionary: “To expose, prove guilty.”

The most common and obvious case is a lie. For example, let's take such a common phrase as “convicted her husband of treason”. And immediately the picture is automatically presented. He is a good hero, he immediately runs home from work, and his wife is happy, and then it turns out that all his work is the flowers of guilt. And then a thought rises in my head: “Ah, you ...”

A more innocuous example is also possible. The child promises that he will no longer eat jam, his parents believe, and then convict him that he secretly drags the desired sweetness.

If serious charges are taken into account, they usually say that when they find a criminal directly at the crime scene: "The killer froze over the lifeless body of the victim."

If the reader does not like our examples, he can easily and freely come up with his own. Fortunately, that he already knows, to convict - this is what. The rest is a matter of technology and imagination.


Light bulbs as a symbol of insight

And although the word is used quite actively, but its ancient roots make it difficult to understand. In order to avoid difficulties, it is necessary to select clarifying the meaning of replacing the object of study. Let's get down to business without delay:

  • discover;
  • to catch;
  • expose;
  • to see clearly.

Let the reader not be embarrassed by the small number of synonyms to “convict”, for we have got rid of cognate words and phraseological units. But if the reader needs the latter, then we give them a separate list:

  • open eyes;
  • catch by the hand;
  • tear off the cover.

And still, we left something for independent searches of the reader. What? Any teaching should have homework. Why not do a little work. After all, as Nietzsche said, "only the knowledge that is acquired by himself is valuable." Some mountains are worth storming yourself. This is how the road of an original and diverse human experience opens. But the reference point, a kind of runway, we gave the reader. And he will not be able to convict us (of which we are sure) of lies or insincerity.


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