Uncomplicated Words That Cannot Be Transferred: Examples

The division of words into syllables and their transfer does not cause any hitches in children until more difficult cases begin in their language practice - monosyllabic and two-syllable words that cannot be transferred, as well as those containing various morphemes. To prevent errors associated with word wrapping, a phased, focused work is required.


Acquaintance with the concept of "syllable" occurs during the period of children learning to read and write. Based on observations of the pronunciation of words of various structures, the child, directed by an adult in his reasoning, concludes that the stream of air at the time of pronunciation leaves the oral cavity with a continuous stream, and with small tremors.

monosyllabic two-syllable three-syllable words
One portion of exhaled air is enough to make several sounds. They form the syllable - the house, ma-shi-na, ba-nan. In this case, the vowel must be present in the syllable.

Types of syllables

In Russian, when vowels are extracted, the voice takes the most part. The pronunciation of consonants is less sonorous. For this reason, it is the vowels that perform the syllabic function. This leads to the conclusion that you need to know very well - how many vowels are in a word, how many syllables are in it.
Words with one syllable are usually called monosyllabic. It is easy to guess which words are called bisyllabic, trisyllabic, polysyllabic.

uncomplicated words that cannot be carried
In addition to the above classification, there is a division of syllables into open and closed. In the Russian language, syllables tend to be open, that is, most often they end in a vowel - ma-li-na, dô-ma, che-re-pa-ha. Closed syllables end in a consonant. Such structures are characteristic of the end of the word - pa-ro-hod, zem-le-kop, zamok.
Formation of proficiency skills is an important skill that is subsequently used to determine the stressed vowel in a word, as well as those syllables that the stress does not fall on. The rules for writing words when they do not fit on a line and require hyphenation are also associated with the ability to divide words into syllables.

The basic rule for wrap words from one line to another

When writing words, very often there is a need to transfer their parts from one line to another. In the Russian language, there is a basic rule that indicates how this can be done correctly without violating the structure of the word.

two-syllable and three-syllable words
Its essence lies in the fact that all words are transferred only by syllables, there is no other way, for example, dump, re-beat, fence, bed. It follows that it is impossible to bear such words as pouring, living, elephant, under, over, table and many others - they are monosyllables. Two-syllable, three-syllable words, as well as those containing a greater number of syllables, are transferred from line to line in compliance with this and some other rules.

Syllable structure and hyphenation

In addition to words consisting of a single syllable, there is a large list including two-syllable words that cannot be transferred. The prohibition rule applies to words composed of syllables of a special structure. Sometimes they can include only a vowel, for example, I-sha, I-box, I-ma, i-yun, bel-e, and-me. The list can be greatly increased.

two-syllable words in Russian
None of these words is transferred, since there is a rule that prohibits leaving a letter on a line or transferring it to another line, even if this letter forms a syllable. The same rule must be observed when transferring words that have the following structure: a-ri-i, a-ka-qi-i, re-in-lu-qi, a-va-ri-i. Correct transfer options exist, but care must be taken not to make mistakes.
An analysis of the language material shows that most often there are two-syllable words that cannot be transferred from line to line due to the fact that the first or second syllable consists of one vowel.

Letters b, b, th in the composition of the word

In the Russian language there are monosyllabic, two-syllable, three-syllable words, which include the letters y, b, b. Proper transfer of such words is possible only subject to certain rules. There is a manual that indicates how to proceed when transferring such words from one line to another.
The basic rule prohibits the separation of these letters from the one that precedes them. Therefore, the transfer should look like this: announcement, may-ka, postman-on. Words like pour, eat, may not be tolerated, as they are monosyllables.

Composition of the word and its transfer

When they are transferred from one line to another, two-syllable and three-syllable words require knowledge of their composition, since there is a whole group of rules based precisely on this.

two-syllable words rule
So, for example, one of them says that the first consonant of the root during the transfer does not separate - style, build, harm. If the root of the word begins with a consonant, then the final consonant of the prefix is ​​separated from it: the news, the selection, diverged.

Special word wrap rules

Topics requiring close attention include polysyllabic and two-syllable words. In Russian, there is a rule that forbids the transfer of a part starting with a vowel. An example is such words as play along, track down and others.

what words are called two-syllable
Word wrapping with double consonants is also subject to special rules. Its meaning is that one consonant stays on the line, and the other is transferred, for example, group-pa, An-na, collective. Similar bilingual words do not cause difficulties when performing the transfer.
The rule sounds different when it comes to words where the double consonant is at the beginning of the root or second base of complex words. In this case, both consonants during the transfer remain with the root, for example, a new introduction, quarrel.
Among the words of the Russian language there are a large number of those where there is a concourse of consonants. When transferring them, there may be several valid options, in connection with which a large number of questions arise. In this case, preference should be given to the option where the integrity of the significant parts of the word is preserved - the root, prefix, suffix.

Word Wrap Exercises

To form a strong ability to transfer words from one line to another, regular training exercises are necessary. There are many methodological techniques that allow students to learn the topic well.
To perform such tasks, it is recommended to offer children a variety of materials. It can contain monosyllabic and two-syllable words that cannot be transferred, as well as words with the letters y, b, b and others.
For example, the exercise can include the words love, train, porch, about, linen, crazy, nameless, fit, mass, kinship, Alexandra, cool, boletus. To complete the task correctly, the student needs to remember many transfer rules. The frequency of the exercises and their complexity depend on the level of assimilation of the material by the child.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14156/

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