Equipment and layout of workplaces

The layout of the workplace is an important step in the arrangement of production facilities, offices, offices. The essence of this procedure is the proper placement of equipment, items needed in the workplace.

General planning is divided into two stages: external and internal. The first includes all work to ensure the necessary distance between objects, workplaces, ways of moving vehicles, etc. The second includes rational placement of equipment directly at an individual workplace.

workplace planning requirements

The main requirements that apply to the internal layout are:

  • grouping of objects, for example, cold press dies are located in one part of the workshop, and hot - in the opposite;
  • the location of objects depending on the order of the technological operations (it is impractical, for example, to install a packaging system in front of the conveyor).

Requirements for the planning of the workplace (internal) are as follows:

  • the most optimal arrangement of objects (improvised), which minimizes the physical movements of the employee;
  • ensuring the movement of improvised funds in one direction (more often, to oneself).

Required equipment for workplaces in enterprises

The equipment of the entire workplace includes absolutely all the equipment that is necessary for carrying out a particular process.

job planning

Requirements for equipment are as follows:

  • ensuring the continuity of the operation;
  • reduction in employee labor costs;
  • safety of use;
  • ergonomics;
  • ease of use.

At each enterprise, the main and additional (auxiliary) equipment is used.

The layout and equipment of workplaces, for example, at an enterprise manufacturing metal products, includes the following elements:

  • manufacturing accessories (basic equipment): various machines, packaging lines, etc .;
  • auxiliary equipment: delivery (conveyors), loaders / unloaders, technical control.

Site organization

An important point in the planning of production is the correct distribution of all the necessary associated units. These include:

  • equipment for warehouses and utility rooms;
  • providing the required furniture;
  • organization of places for storing documentation;
  • installation of communications, lighting;
  • organization of labor protection measures (hazardous places and areas should be identified, open access to safety instructions for employees).

For example, the layout of the seller’s workplace must meet the following requirements:

  • areas (length and depth of the counter) are calculated depending on the purpose of the store and the number of employees;
  • the goods storage area (warehouse, refrigerator) should provide unhindered access to the desired product, as well as comply with sanitary standards;
  • equipment (scales, cash register, computer, etc.) is located in the most convenient place.

Mechanical production: how to organize a working shop?

Enterprises manufacturing and processing metal products must meet a number of specific requirements. The number of the latter depends on the type of production (large, medium and small batch), type of work (manufacturing or processing).

The organization of the workplace of the turner and its layout should primarily ensure the rational use of the workshop area, convenient installation of equipment, the required temperature, and accessibility to frequently used tools.

layout and organization of the workplace

The temperature of the workshop should not exceed the normalized temperature: in most cases 16 ° C). Humidity and lighting should also create a comfortable working environment.

Depending on the type of workpieces being processed, racks are located near the machine. Their size is selected taking into account the dimensions of the workpieces. Various technical documentation, such as drawings, manuals, instructions, tools, are also within walking distance on the bedside tables.

Office premises: what are the features?

An employee in any kind of production should know his duties and fulfill them. Since all requirements for them are developed by a special department, the latter must also be equipped with everything necessary.

The layout of the manager’s workplace takes into account two working zones: normal and maximum. In the first case, work is done manually (more often, in a sitting position). The normal zone should be equipped with improvised means, the main objects of labor that are used in the first place.

workplace layout and assessment

Maximum work involves the use of the entire body. In such a zone are objects of labor that are used less frequently.

In a convenient place should be communications, various computing and computer equipment, furniture, etc. At the same time, one should not forget about the compactness and parts of the room specially allocated for this or that equipment.

Organization requirements for modern production

The layout of the workplace of modern management is somewhat different from the usual. In most cases, the modern management process is partially or fully automated. These places have special requirements.

In general terms, a modern place with a given control is equipped with entire software systems, hardware, etc. An automated workstation provides for some offline operations.

workplace layout

The development of such a project takes into account the following features:

  • Reliability of technology. In the ideal case, the manager only oversees the automatic execution of the work.
  • In the event of a technical malfunction, the control unit independently performs the necessary work in manual mode. This means that processes and technologies should not be too complicated to understand.
  • The company should operate a repair team.

Permanent Workplace Requirements

Equipping, planning jobs means having the necessary equipment. This is the main and auxiliary.

The first type of equipment, most often stationary (stationary). The second group includes:

  • devices for movement: hoists, live rolls, carts;
  • instruments;
  • storage equipment, for example, refrigerators, warehouses, shelves, coasters.

The main equipment is selected in accordance with the technical documentation that operates in the country. Ancillary and organizational equipment is designed directly for a specific production.

Certification of work areas

Similar events are held to study the layout of the workplace and its assessment. Each place must be designed in accordance with applicable standards and requirements.

When assessing the working area determine:

  • working conditions;
  • various levels of place (economic, organizational);
  • compliance with safety measures.

layout of the workplace of the head

Sanitary stations, fire inspections, etc. participate in the measurement of some factors. A general assessment is carried out by a commission, the composition of which is determined directly at the enterprise.

Important! Certifications are subject to absolutely all places. When taking into account the total number of jobs, temporarily idle are also taken into account.

Definition of working conditions

The general condition of existing conditions is determined by:

  • current state regulatory documents;
  • the severity of labor;
  • activity and variety of work performed;
  • the availability of necessary components and means for protecting the health of employees.

Upon completion of the audit, the layout of the workplace and working conditions are evaluated. The evaluation result is expressed as follows:

  • Certification passed. If all the criteria are valid - such a workplace has passed the test.
  • It is necessary to refine. If there are some violations, but they can be improved, this workplace will be tested in the future.
  • Certification failed. This means that the flaws cannot be fixed, and the place cannot be verified.

What are the requirements for the organization of work?

The layout and organization of the workplace must meet the following requirements:

  • profitability;
  • the feasibility of placing equipment and auxiliary materials;
  • ergonomics;
  • ensuring optimal working conditions ;
  • rational distribution of space;
  • ensuring the free movement of the employee.

layout equipment jobs

In general, the complex of measures is aimed at providing the most comfortable and safe working conditions in the workplace. Regular inspection of the workplace reduces the frequency of work-related injuries and accidents. Instructions that are developed depending on the characteristics of working conditions are also an important component in planning a workplace.

The requirements, as well as regulatory documents can be found in special firms for the design of production. Due to the frequent modernization of equipment, the documentation is also changing. Therefore, the manager should regularly study new legislation, as well as maintain the state of jobs at an appropriate level.


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