Profession Tax Inspector: Description and Responsibilities. Where to study as a tax inspector

The profession of a tax inspector is well known. Someone speaks these words with bated breath, while others dream of being in his place. Indeed, the work is very prestigious and desirable. This material contains basic information about this profession.

Who is the tax inspector?

To begin with, it should be noted that this is an employee of state bodies, whose duties include possession of a large amount of information, the ability to analytics and frequent trips, business trips. A tax inspector is a position of an employee who monitors the timeliness and completeness of revenues to the state budget from all categories of the population.

tax inspector

The first mention of inspectors can be found in the Bible, only then taxes were called “tithes”.


The tax inspector, whose responsibilities are defined by law, should be involved in checking various enterprises, summarizing the data of financial statements and accounting, and receiving clarifications from payers.

profession tax inspector

Its jurisdiction also includes the ability to use financial sanctions against violators. The inspector of the tax service has a number of duties that he must perform in a quality manner. These include:

  • monitoring compliance with tax laws;
  • holding payers accountable;
  • knowledge of constitutional and tax law;
  • verification of financial documents for concealment of payments;
  • awareness of the economic enterprises with which he deals;
  • implementation of on-site inspections, as well as spot checks;
  • analysis of the results;
  • imposition of penalties;
  • impartiality;
  • record keeping;
  • consultations for citizens;
  • collection, study and analysis of a large amount of financial information;
  • preparation of documentation of a financial nature (reports, sales contracts and others).

The tax inspector is in some way a unique profession, because the list of duties includes many items that require the performer to have certain skills.

Qualities required for the profession

A tax inspector, whose duties have a wide range, must also have a number of necessary qualities to cope with his work. It:

  • ability to analytical thinking ;
  • long attention span;
  • increased attention to detail;
  • emotional stability;
  • impartiality;
  • honesty;
  • responsibility;
  • confidence;
  • ability to defend one’s opinion;
  • perseverance;
  • exactingness to oneself and others;
  • orderliness of thoughts;
  • ability to make decisions quickly;
  • laboriousness;
  • good memory;
  • ability to generalize;
  • perseverance when working with documentation.

Profession history

In order to understand where the profession of the state tax inspector came from, you need to look into the distant past. In ancient times, kings and feudal lords levied various fees on all people to ensure the existence of the state and the court of the king.

These fees were called "wash" - duty, fee. Therefore, since ancient times in Russia people of such a profession have been called "publicans." From this we can conclude that at first the tax inspector was engaged exclusively in collecting funds from the population.

work tax inspector

In the XVIII century, such workers began to be called fiscals (from "confiscate"). The chief tax inspector of that time performed the function of collecting money, and for those who did not pay, he wrote denunciations to Peter I. The king introduced a special order for this, which was called "ober-fiscal." After that, this word also has a new meaning - “yabednik”. Later, to avoid all sorts of estimates, the position was renamed the tax inspector.


This is a very prestigious job. A tax inspector is a position whose main components are stability, high wages, a full social package, and constant communications.

In addition, the main advantage of the profession of inspector is that all its representatives are civil servants. From which it follows that tax officials will never lose their significance and will always have protection from the state. The pluses include the fact that this is one of the most sought-after professions, and a good master of his craft will always be needed.

state tax inspector

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a person who gives advice to other people can always help himself. Possession of knowledge of law and finance is essential in everyone's life.

Also, the main advantages of the profession include a high salary. Salary is one of the largest among the posts that are considered to be budgetary.

And, of course, representatives of this profession have their own holiday. Tax Inspector Day in Russia is annually celebrated on November 21.


To become a good tax specialist, you need to understand all the shortcomings of this profession:

  • a large amount of information to be remembered;
  • a lot of routine work with documents;
  • high level of responsibility;
  • frequent changes in legislation;
  • possible frequent business trips, which usually interferes with family people.

A tax inspector is a very difficult profession, requiring constant concentration. You can’t relax for a day, so not every person copes with such a position. There are not so many shortcomings, especially if you consciously chose this path.

The post requires special attention to detail, continuous training and a lot of time.

Speaking about the shortcomings, it should be noted that there has long been a dislike for tax inspectors. Therefore, people in this profession are often insulted for nothing, they are afraid and unflattering about them. The profession also has some psychological stress.

Well and most importantly, what stands out in the shortcomings of this prestigious work is its monotony and the almost complete lack of variety.

Places of work

The state tax inspector has a small selection of jobs. Many of them are budgetary. This is a narrow circle of organizations, which includes the tax inspection service, the Federal Tax Inspectorate, and some government agencies that collect funds from individuals and legal entities.

tax inspector day

However, it is important to remember that, having received a diploma, you are not limited to the list of the above jobs. As a person who has the professional skills of a state tax inspector, you will submit to any profession related to law, economics, and even politics.

Tax inspector: where to study?

In order to master a specialty, higher education is required, which is obtained at the economic and financial departments of universities. And also a special professional, which is given in accounting and credit technical schools at the department "Taxes and Taxation".

tax inspector where to study

The best higher educational institutions of Russia graduate brilliant specialists. You can enroll in:

  • Academy of Economic Security under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • All-Russian State Tax Academy under the Ministry of Finance of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Finance (MESI);
  • Russian Academy of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov;
  • Russian University of Trade and Economics (and its branches).

But if you have natural abilities, a predisposition to this profession, then any economic or legal education will open the door for you in the field of taxation.

Professional skills

During the training, you can radically change your personality. At the university you will be given a good theoretical base, but there are such skills that you must develop in yourself. Some of them are described below.

Profession tax inspector includes such skills as knowledge of tax legislation. However, university teachers will be able to provide you with only a small part of the theory, because the laws are amended every day. You must accustom yourself to daily monitoring of news in the main areas, especially those related to your activity.

Also, you will be shown the basics of compiling tax documentation, various reports. You will need to practice and bring up the skills of automatism yourself. At universities, future tax inspectors are told how to navigate the basics, types and forms of accounting. But this business will also have to be studied independently.

Speaking of professional ethics, they will explain everything to you theoretically, but you need to be able to correctly apply your knowledge in practice.

Extra features

State Tax Inspector must have higher education in the legal, economic or financial field. A person in this profession needs a number of additional skills. It must be remembered that immediately after graduation you do not become the main tax specialist of the country. This is a very complex and multifunctional profession that requires daily work on yourself. Often, all newcomers begin in small services, and their duties include monotonous and routine work with documents. This should be taken as an indispensable practical experience and a transition period in building your career.

Representatives of this profession play a crucial role in the development of the state. After all, they are the ones who ensure that tax collection is carried out as honestly and impartially as possible. These funds replenish the state budget. They also perform the function of providing state institutions. Therefore, a huge responsibility rests on the shoulders of the tax officer, which not everyone can withstand. In fact, it depends on his honest work whether the state will give a decent life to its citizens.

The profession of an inspector has many aspects that you need to pay attention to before you start getting an education. After weighing the pros and cons, you should clearly know if you can handle such a difficult and demanding job.

Career and salary

Every tax inspector must get a higher or special education. Where to study - at a university or college, it does not matter if you become a good professional. Since the position is public, you have a lot of chances to find a job. The profession has an average level of demand, but good specialists are always needed.

Salaries are quite high, in addition, tax authorities are provided with bonus, vacation, preferential compensation, allowances. They have an excellent social package.

tax inspector duties

Career prospects are clearly visible in this area. Since the structure itself is very complex and multi-level, tax inspectors begin with an ordinary position. Then there is a chance to take the post of head of department. This may be followed by the post of chief inspector of the area. Well, having conquered city services, you can reach the all-Russian level.


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