Alexander Rybka - biography, rating, statistics

How many great goalkeepers who played for Dynamo Kyiv can be remembered over the past 20 years? Only Alexander Shovkovsky comes to mind , but in recent years another Alexander has come on his heels - Alexander Rybka - the goalkeeper, who managed to play both in the Dynamo Kiev team and in the Donetsk Shakhtar team.

Alexander Rybka - biography

Can the city of Kiev boast an echelon of football players who were born in the capital? A rare occurrence in modern football has become a player such as Alexander Rybka. The future goalkeeper of the champions of Ukraine was born in the hero city of Kiev in 1987. Like many children of his age, since childhood, Alexander was fond of more than just football. This sport also fought tennis, basketball and hockey. Anthropometric data allowed him to play and try to build a career in any of the above sports, but Alexander's choice was focused on football.

Alexander Rybka

But it is worth saying that basketball lessons were not in vain, because in training, Alexander Rybka developed the skills of jumping and catching the ball. Perhaps this was what later became the decisive factor in the selection to the Dynamo Kiev Academy, where the then goalkeeper of the sports school Viktor Iosifovich Kashchei invited the young goalkeeper.

Progress is evident

Being a very young footballer, in the 2005/2006 season, Alexander managed to make his debut for the then-strongest team in Ukraine - Dynamo (Kiev). Most likely, this was the message in order to challenge this young football player to the youth team of Ukraine under 21, where the team, participating in the youth Euro, reached the finals and won the silver medal of the championship. The team sparkled with the names that every football layman now knows - Artyom Milevsky, Alexander Aliev, Andrey Pyatov. The coach of the youth team and ex-soccer player of Turin Juventus believed in Sasha and released him to a series of penalty shoot-outs in the semifinals against Serbia. It was Alexander Rybka who then brought victory to the team and the whole of Ukraine, which was clearly the first major achievement in his exciting career as a football player.

Problems at Dynamo

Alexander Rybka himself was considered the second goalkeeper after the forever first Sasha Shovkovsky, but in some matches he was very lucky, and he appeared on the field. So it was in the Champions League match against Real Madrid, in which the football player got a concussion after a skirmish with the cream defender Sergio Ramos.

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One of the most serious cases in his career happened in the first league in the match for Dynamo 2. His team met with the local Obolon, and after one of the clashes with the Brewers striker , Alexander received a strong blow to the head. Without thinking twice, he got up and started beating his offender with his feet, which was simply unacceptable and was regarded as unsportsmanlike behavior. The referee of the match managed to calm the fight by removing Alexander, and later he was disqualified for another 10 matches with the Oboloni coach, who also decided to participate in the fight. Today, this case is practically not recalled, but still this is the first spot in Rybka’s career, although not the last.


In the summer of 2011, Alexander Rybka signed a contract with Dynamo Kyiv's worst enemy - Donetsk Shakhtar. The contract was designed for 2 years, and the most amazing thing is that he immediately managed to gain the confidence of Mircea Lucescu and get a place in the starting lineup. It remains only to remember and enjoy those moments when Rybka rescued the team, it would seem, from situations in which it is impossible to save the goal from the ball.

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An excellent reaction, jumping ability, the goalkeeper had all this, but one blood test for doping revealed something terrible - furosemide. Caught on a doping test, Alexander Rybka completely despaired, because the relevant authorities in UEFA, without thinking twice, issued their verdict, and the goalkeeper was suspended from football for 2 years. The contract with Shakhtar expired, but either Rybka did not want to continue cooperation with the club, or Shakhtar considered it too unprofitable and unprofitable, but the goalkeeper and the club parted, shaking hands.


These 2 years, Alexander Rybka spent in maintaining his form in order to find a job at the end of his disqualification. It was easy to guess that Rybka decided to maintain his uniform in Kiev, and more precisely in such local teams as Arsenal, Obolon and Dynamo. It was the latter who offered Rybka a contract that would allow him to return to big football and try again to win the competition against Sasha Shovkovsky. At the moment, and remains the goalkeeper of Dynamo Kyiv, fighting for his place in the starting lineup, Alexander Rybka.

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Biography, rating, statistics - all this speaks for himself. He is in fact an extra-class goalkeeper, and it is unlikely that anyone would reproach or reproach him with unprofessionalism and disrespectful attitude to football, as to the craft with which he makes money. Rybka Alexander Evgenievich - a professional with a capital letter.


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