The sixth sense is intuition. Five basic feelings of man

Every person at least once in his life heard about the sixth sense. This is a collective term. And to be more precise, colloquial definition. This is what any sense of man and even animal is called, which is not included in the main five. But this is too short an explanation of the concept. The topic is interesting, and there is a lot of interesting information about it. Well, it's worth getting acquainted with it.

the sixth sense is

Scientific evidence

It is worth looking at the official information before moving on to such a term as the sixth sense. It is important. And we will talk about the main sensory organs. They are a specialized peripheral anatomical and physiological system, which, due to receptors, ensures the receipt and primary processing of information from the outside world.

Everyone knows that there are five senses of man. Or rather organs. They are divided into distance (smell, hearing, vision) and direct (touch and taste). The first of these can perceive irritation at a distance. We can see what is hundreds of meters away from us, smell the smell coming from the kitchen, hear a scream from the street. But only through direct contact can a person learn the taste of food and experience a tactile sensation from touch.

It is important to know that 90% of all information we receive through vision. The saying “Better to see once than to hear a hundred” becomes clear. But by ear, a person perceives about 9% of information. And only 1% - with the help of other organs. But still, the five senses of man are irreplaceable. If at least one is not enough, then life will no longer seem complete.

five senses of man

"Third Eye"

This is also called the sixth sense. This is a very vivid comparison. It allows you to roughly imagine the essence of this definition.

The sixth sense is a unique ability that allows you to feel the invisible world or another dimension. You can add to this list more intuition, clairvoyance, premonition. A person with a developed sixth sense can sometimes catch the cause and effect of a certain event without realizing it. Without the use of experience, memory, reasoning and logic. A person simply receives information - it seems to appear in his head. Many perceive this with skepticism. After all, how can information that is not based on logic be true?

But skepticism is excessive. And it is sometimes better to listen to what the sixth sense says. Human intuition rarely fails. Especially in any important or dangerous situations. How many times has this happened: a person has felt a bad feeling about it, his heart has become restless, and as if something told you - you should not do this, it’s better to prevent what is planned or to do otherwise. But he ignores the message, after which he regrets with the thoughts “I felt like!”

what is the sixth sense of man

Can the sixth sense be developed?

The question is interesting. And relevant. Many people, having learned what the sixth sense of man is, have a desire to gain such a unique ability. It is believed that some have it since birth. Even if a person did not engage in spiritual practice. They say this is because such people have reached a certain level in a past life.

You can develop the sixth sense. To do this, you need to become a less rationalist, expand your own worldview, become open to new knowledge and more attentive. Maybe dreams are visions? Or the thoughts that come to mind in the process of finding a solution to the problem, but seem completely inappropriate? A person with intuition, a sixth sense - he is the same as others. Only he does not establish a framework and boundaries in thinking. And so it is growing spiritually.

Interesting to know

Our brain generates up to 60 thousand (!) Thoughts every day. And most of them (about 95%) are outdated information. She could be stored in the brain yesterday. Or even a couple of years ago. Each person at least once noticed how a long-forgotten memory suddenly appeared in his head. Or a strange thought - for no reason at all. All this is called mental garbage. In order to get rid of it, you need to develop intuition, with the help of which it will be possible to clear the consciousness. Mental trash drowns out the inner flair. Having got rid of it, you can more clearly hear the call of the sixth sense.

scientists have found a sixth sense gene in people

Training methods

One of the most famous researchers of intuition is Jose Silva. He also authored the program for the development of the sixth sense, which was based on the four rhythms of the human brain. These are alpha, beta, theta, and delta. The technique is aimed at developing not paranormal abilities, but the ability to pay attention to those signals that consciousness sends to a person. You can learn to control memory, easily get out of difficult situations, achieve success faster.

The scientist assures that success can be achieved if you meditate daily. Relax allows you to clear your mind, get rid of stress and prepare your mind for the maximum amount of information. During meditation with closed eyes, you need to try to visualize the place in which a person feels free. It is necessary to remember all the details - the smell reigning around, the weather reigning around the landscape.

And before you go to bed, you need to think about unresolved issues and problems, as well as ways to solve them. So it turns out to activate your imagination. And in the process of sleep, a decision may come to a person from the subconscious.

sixth sense of man evidence

About rational intuition

The subconscious is an interesting thing. Intuition, also called the sixth sense, is the ability to understand what is happening instantly, without conscious control.

It is said that the experienced eye sees more, as opposed to the look of beginners. A person who has been engaged in certain activities for years can judge a lot without any logic. It’s just based on experience. And often intuitively, unconsciously. This happened to every person at least once in a lifetime. When a journalist types a text in a document, he automatically places punctuation marks, arranges his material in a certain structure. And if you ask him why in this sentence he put a comma in front of this word, he will think about it. And not the fact that he will answer. He has been engaged in his activities for so long that he simply does not need to explain the rule. That's right - that's all. And this statement is based on experience.

Or take, for example, experienced aviation designers. When they see a plane, they can immediately, without calculations, determine its approximate flight characteristics and prospects. Choosing students in a group, the choreographer will immediately understand who has a dancing future and who does not. There are many examples, but the essence is one.


What do scientists say?

For many people, the sixth sense of man is of great interest. Evidence of its existence is highly controversial. Again, there is too much skepticism about this topic. But a few years ago the news thundered - scientists have found a sixth sense gene in people! And this, as American experts assured, proprioreception. With this term they christened the ability of a person to feel the position of body parts relative to each other in space. Her loss can adversely affect speech, coordination, even walking ability.

sixth sense of man intuition

About opening

Such a statement was made by a pediatric neurologist named Carsten Benneman. The specialist is on the staff of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, which is located in the United States. He observed two patients with similar symptoms. One was 9 and the other 19 years old. Both suffered from scoliosis, walked with difficulty, had insensitive skin. And the limbs were strangely bent.

The scientist conducted some tests. It was possible to find out that the girls walk normally and touch the nose only with their eyes open. In the absence of visual control, none of the above could be done. They did not even feel touch. Only pain and temperature.

Thus, Carsten found out - they have no sixth sense. They are not aware of their limbs in space. This can be partially compensated by vision. To be more precise, these girls would not be able to instinctively switch gears while riding a car, type text without looking at the keyboard, play a musical instrument. And all because of the rare and severe mutation of the PIEZO2 gene, which is associated with tactile sensations.


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