Valery Borchin. Biography and sports career

All people from early childhood take their first steps. But only those who know how to walk fastest and long distances become champions. This is not such an easy task. Try it yourself: when you go slowly, everything will be fine, but no one will give you a medal for this. The most interesting thing begins when you accelerate when walking, mechanically your movements are already running. You will definitely want to make a moment of flight between the steps and bend your leg when moving vertical to carry forward. In sports walking for such movements after three warnings you are simply disqualified.

The hero of today's story can not only walk, but does it faster than anyone in the world. Meet - Borchin Valery Viktorovich. Athletics of Russia owes its development to such amazing personalities. Honored Master of Sports, two-time world champion, Olympic medalist in 2008 (Beijing) in the discipline "Walking 20 km."

Valery Borchin. Biography

Valery Borchin

Valery was born on September 11, 1986 in the small village of Povodimovo, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. By nationality - Erzya (an ethnic group living in the region of the rivers Sura, Moksha, Volga and Belaya). What should the boy do where there is only one high school, boarding school and youth sports school? The nearest train station is as much as twenty kilometers. The peoples of Mordovia, as the athlete himself said, are famous for their endurance and even, one might say, obstinacy. From childhood, Valery Borchin dreamed of becoming independent faster and not sitting on his parents’s neck . But dreaming and doing are two different things. Therefore, some remain in thought, while others, of which there are not many, become Olympic champions.

First Steps to Success

Valery Borchin biography

Since 2004, Valery Borchin (a photo of an athlete in the champion title suggests that this person always achieves his goal) went on a professional level and began his great sports career. The head coach of the athlete was Viktor Mikhailovich Chegin (from 1995 to 2015 he was the head coach of the Olympic training in the city of Saransk). Also, mentors on the way to medals with Valery were Klimkin S.M. and Desinov A.V. In March 2015, the athlete was convicted of receiving ephedrine and suspended from the competition for a year.

First achievements

Valery Borchin photo

The first time in 2006, Valery Borchin won the Russian Championship in Saransk in 20 km walking with a result of 1 hour 21.48 minutes (in his career he became two more times the champion of the country in 2008 and 2009 in Adler). In the same 2006, he received silver at the European Championships in Gothenburg (Sweden), improving his personal achievement to 1 hour 20.00 minutes. The following year, he won the European Youth Championship, which was held in the Hungarian city of Debrecen.

Olympic gold

Borchin Valery Viktorovich Athletics

So Valery Borchin made his way to the main start in his career - the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. In his country, Valery was at that time the best walker for 20 km, and he proved this in a difficult situation at the Olympics. So far, many protests have been filed from foreign federations about re-checking the athlete’s tests for doping, but everything is clean and there were no refutations. The medal is obtained in a fair fight. Twice Valery Borchin proved his superiority at this distance by winning the world championships in 2009 (Germany) and 2011 (South Korea).

Difficult period

At the Olympic Games in London 2012, the athlete had a malfunction in the body from exhausting loads. Valery almost lost consciousness, and only a fence at a distance saved the athlete from falling on bare asphalt. This was not the last failure in the life of an athlete. Further throughout the country, political intrigues began. In December 2012, the IAAF submitted information to the All-Russian Athletics Federation immediately on five walkers of the Russian national team that they had overestimated biopassport standards.

What it is? An athlete’s biopassport is a growth indicator of an athlete’s indicators that the organization is already aware of by some calculations of some people. That is, indicators are excluded, which for unknown reasons are simply not provided. Thus, the individuality of development of the athlete is lost. If athletes train more than the norm and in fresh air, and even drink natural herbs, then their performance will be good. But such a development of events, unfortunately, is not provided for in the International Federation. As a result, many athletes of the Russian national team were even stripped of the Olympic awards. Valery Borchin lost the well-deserved gold of the world championships (2009, 2011). As a result, the team of Russian athletes was not allowed at the Rio 2016 Olympics. And yet our athletes were deprived of the right to speak for two years (until the end of 2017). If sport becomes politics, then there is no place not only for athletes. Coach Valery Borchin - Viktor Chgin - was deprived of his coaching status for life, and the athlete also ended his athlete career on November 8, 2013. The most interesting thing is that Valery was appointed a decision to disqualify for 8 years on January 20, 2015. And in addition to everything March 24, 2016 In Lausanne (Switzerland), the Arbitration Court (Sports) issued a verdict on the deprivation of all awards for the period from August 14, 2009 to October 15, 2012

Despite all the difficulties and misunderstandings, Valery Borchin is the Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of Russia. He was awarded the Order of Friendship by the President (for his great contribution to the development of international sports and good results on the world stage).


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