Online store "Avtodok": reviews

Today, the market is moving to the Internet. Everyone knows about this, and no one is surprised by the fact that you can order anything online, and it’s half the price than in the usual places.

Car parts are no exception. Given that each part costs quite a lot, and it is necessary to deliver it most often from abroad, saving on spare parts due to ordering online can be significant. Which is what advanced motorists use.

Today we are talking about a famous store where you can find many details for your car - Avtodok. Customer reviews speak of him as a convenient and profitable online center, where a wide range and low prices allow you to buy cheap and fast enough. Besides the fact that we describe this store on the client’s side, it will also be important for us to learn about working conditions in it. This is easy enough to do. We will look for feedback from employees about the Avtodok store.


Avtodok reviews

So, to begin with, we characterize the store as a whole. He himself is an Internet portal with information about what products the company offers and what can be ordered here. Judging by the directory structure, the Avtodok resource (customer reviews confirm this) sells wheels and tires for cars, spare parts for cars of all brands, accessories, oils and technical chemicals, souvenir products for cars. All these are broad sections, divided into smaller tabs, in which everyone can find what interests him.

As for the assortment, in the store it is presented in the form of goods for 50 brands of cars - moreover, we are talking about both foreign brands and domestic cars. Additionally, about Avtodok, reviews note that here you can make the purchase of spare parts for trucks (the catalog contains parts for cars of 15 different manufacturers).

Customer reviews

If we talk about what customers say about the company in a variety of automotive forums and special sites for the exchange of experience between motorists, then all the information can be divided into the pros and cons of store.

Avtodok reviews of employees

The advantages of the company include, without any doubt, the range and prices. As mentioned above, spare parts for your cars and other products are presented in a rather wide variety, due to which, apparently, the company manages to keep the price level low. According to reviews of stores in several cities, the cost of many parts here is lower than on the trading floors of competitors.

As for the shortcomings, some customers complain about the poor logistics and lack of management. Many reviews say: ordering a part, expecting it to arrive on time is too optimistic for the buyer. Sometimes managers confuse what exactly a person bought, because of which they are given someone else's order. Another variant of misunderstanding in the work of store managers is a lengthy order processing. As the reviews available about the Avtodok store show, if the order is “hanging” in the customer’s basket and waiting for the reaction of the store’s employees, this is normal, this situation can take 2-3 days.

In addition to all of the above, buyers complain about the inconvenient interface of the store, but this, again, is a purely individual matter.

Thus, buying in this store, be prepared for possible surprises and “surprises”. For some reason, judging by the reviews, this phenomenon does not happen as rarely as we would like. Perhaps this is somehow connected with the advantages of the company described above. Or it may be that such processes are the norm for any online store, just someone writes negative comments about this, and someone takes it for granted.

Avtodok Moscow

Inside company

Looking at the company through the eyes of the buyer, we consider the characteristics of the Avtodok store from the inside. How do people working here see him? To do this, we turn to special sites on the characteristics of employers in different companies from a particular field. On several such portals we find reviews about Avtodok store employees - both ordinary warehouse workers and office managers. We will give them in this article, finding out what may please or disappoint employment in the company.


A well-known fact is that store representative offices are not open in one city in Russia. This is a network of warehouses that deliver products to the customer directly in the area where he lives. For this, of course, the company itself has established logistic processes between representative offices. Based on this, it can be argued: there are a lot of employees of Avtodoka LLC (reviews of which we are interested), despite the fact that this is an online store.

Avtodoka LLC reviews

We find confirmation on the company’s website: they have a page listing the advantages of working here, as well as free places where anyone can submit their resume. At the moment, you can see about ten vacancies for the position of "sales manager" in different cities. These are Moscow, Zelenograd, Zhukovsky and Dzerzhinsky. By clicking on the position you are interested in, you can find out the details: the requirements and obligations of the employee (what the company expects of him).

Workplace requirements

On the example of the vacancy “sales manager” (as well as using the feedback from employees available about Avtodok store), you can see the following: the applicant must have at least two years of experience (referring to the automotive business), and skills in wholesale and retail trade, skills and knowledge related to both automotive parts, and to work with documentation conducted in the course of trade. Another person must be able to use a PC in order to be able to find suppliers of spare parts, download a variety of catalogs, view information on certain issues.

Still, of course, a person should be diligent, non-conflict, attentive and organized for work in the Avtodok store. Reviews of the company show that the same requirements are put forward to those who work in the warehouse.

Avtodok reviews about the employer


In addition to what the company requires from the employee at a particular place of work, here, on the Avtodok website, the details of the device for this vacancy are also indicated. In particular, we are talking about a wage scheme, social guarantees (paid leave for an employee), the mode of fulfillment of labor duties, as well as contact details by which you can contact the employer.

Avtodok company reviews

In the company, each branch is assigned specialists of the personnel department, who will communicate with the caller by announcement. Such people are, for example, in the central office of Avtodok (Moscow), as well as in smaller departments in Dzerzhinsky, Zhukovsky and so on.

Boss attitude

In any company, it is important how the bosses (leading people) relate to their subordinates, because on this basis further relations in the team will be built. As in many companies, from those working in the Avtodok store, reviews about the employer (or rather, about the people who are managers) are often not the most flattering. Workers who are hired to the office, as well as those who perform their labor duties in the warehouse, claim that they are led by incompetent people who allow themselves to insult the employee, shout at him or write some kind of fine without good reason.

"Avtodok" reviews of employees

To believe in such reviews or not is everyone's business. It is entirely possible that conflicts between superiors and certain cadres still arise here. But to say that there are no normal leaders here is also wrong. In many other companies, everything is arranged in the same way as in the Avtodok store. The feedback of some employees (especially those who quit, according to their words) cannot be the basis for the assertion that everything is bad in the company. After all, in the end, a considerable number of people continue to work here!


As already noted above, wages are specified here even during the period of obtaining information on the company's website. They pay depending on what position you occupy. For managers, of course, they introduce a two-part fee - the “basis” (which is a fixed payment), as well as the “commission” (interest on completed sales). Thus, if you rely on the feedback from employees left about the Avtodok store, the company encourages the initiative and diligence of its sellers.

As for the warehouse workers, there we can talk only about a fixed fee.

General impression

In fact, the company left a rather positive impression. For the Avtodok Internet site, Moscow is not the only center of activity - the store sells throughout Russia, due to which a lot of jobs are provided for residents from different regions. Already this, at least, is useful from a social point of view.

As for working conditions here, in reviews, of course, it can be written how terrible and scary everything is. But the company continues to operate, which means they pay salaries here. And the fact that the store has a large number of employees means the ability to adapt to any conditions and just do its job well.


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