Strangest Phobias: List and Interesting Facts

Many people in our world experience severely expressed uncontrollable obsessive fears. They are called phobias. Their feature is that they appear in certain situations. If, for example, a person is afraid of the dark, then his panic is overwhelming when the light turns off in the room. But this, in principle, is such a fear that can be justified. There are many similar. They are not surprising. Therefore, now I would like to talk about the strangest phobias. Among them are those that many probably have not even heard of.

weirdest phobias

Fears starting with "A"

Perhaps it’s worth starting with acribophobia. This is an obsessive fear of not understanding the meaning of what is read. Interestingly, it often becomes a sign of schizophrenia. This is in cases where people complain that phrases and words break up into separate syllables and letters.

Ablutophobia is another specific fear. It manifests itself in a fear of cleaning, washing, bathing, washing, bathrooms and toilets.

Another thing worth mentioning is arachibutyrophobia. It is peculiar to people who are afraid that peanut butter will stick to the palate.

Anglophobia also exists. Based on the name, you can understand what it is. This is a fear experienced before everything that concerns England. Not the weirdest phobia, but amazing at least. You can get rid of it if something pleasant appears in life related to a frightening country. For example, your favorite British series, delicious tea, or an English friend.

Fear of the present

The strangest phobias associated with the factor of the XXI century, and it is difficult to argue with this. They evolved with the advent of gadgets in our lives.

For example, punctumophobia is characteristic of people who are afraid to receive a message at the end of which there is a dot. They believe that this is a hint of a serious conversation or lack of mood among the interlocutor.

Retterophobia is characteristic of people who are afraid to make a mistake in a word or not to notice auto-replacements.

Even stranger is the fear experienced by people over the fact that their emoticon messages will be misunderstood. This is emojiphobia. First, a person sends to the chat a frivolous smile in the form of some eggplant, and then worries that he will be considered frivolous.

Also in the list of the strangest phobias of our time is the fear of a bad selfie. Despite the comic nature of fear, the consequences can be serious. Some people are ready for much for the sake of a good and bright selfie.

The last thing I would like to note is ignorophobia. Fear is peculiar to people who are afraid that their message will be read, but not answered. They immediately begin to reflect on what word was used incorrectly and how they offended the interlocutor.

the strangest phobias of man

Absurd cases

Developing the topic, I would like to give the top 3 really ridiculous fears that cause only laughter. So here it is:

  • Stanophobia is a phenomenon characteristic of people who are afraid that their relatives will register in social services. networks. The name is given in honor of Stan - the character of the cartoon "South Park". In one of the series, his grandmother added him as a friend.
  • Feicophobia - fear of believing in untruthful news. The people to whom it is peculiar are feverishly checking in all kinds of sources the information that interests them.
  • Weibophobia is a fear experienced by those who fear that other people will find their Internet past (old comments, photos, notes, etc.).

The most interesting thing is that these fears are not uncommon now. No wonder, because we live in a world of modern technology.

Fears in the social. networks

Some of them have already been mentioned. But the previously listed fears are far from the strangest phobias in the world compared to the fear of choosing a bad filter on Instagram! And this is the case. It is called filtrophobia.

No less absurd and fear to collect too few likes on your record. It is called, respectively, lycophobia.

Many more are afraid of being marked in a photo or in a post, there is a fear of being under surveillance by special services in the social services. network, and annoyance with constantly coming alerts. The most interesting is duoluminaphobia. It consists in the fear of making a chat mistake.

the strangest phobias in the world

Men's fears

Talking about the strangest phobias, it is worth noting that fear, which is characteristic mainly of the male half of humanity, is worthy of attention. And now it’s not about the fear of defeat, failure or failure. This refers to caliginephobia. This is the fear of beautiful women.

This fear is a kind of gynephobia, which, in turn, manifests itself in the fear experienced by women.

Caliginephobia is accompanied by several symptoms. These include panic attacks, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath and palpitations. To eliminate this fear, cognitive-behavioral treatment is used in conjunction with systematic desensitization.

Social fears

They are also worth noting attention, talking about the strangest phobias of man. And first of all, it is necessary to talk about the fear of becoming the object of someone's observation. This is scopophobia. Peculiar to people who are afraid to attract attention. If they notice someone’s eyes on themselves, they feel awkward and begin to get nervous. This is a dangerous fear, because often it leads to indolence and isolation. Those who have other people's views cause paranoia can shut themselves up forever if they do not help them cope with this problem.

One cannot but say about ephebiphobia. This is fear and disgust experienced by adolescents. The term appeared in 1994, and was introduced by Kirk Astrot. The cause of ephebiphobia is usually personal motives. This phenomenon is treated through the use of psychotherapeutic methods.

It is impossible not to say about peladophobia. It is peculiar to people who are afraid of bald people. The complete opposite is trichophobia. This is fear and disgust experienced in relation to hair. Going to the hairdresser for people with such a fear turns into real torture. A hair accidentally sticking to clothes can cause a panic attack.

top 10 weirdest phobias

Ridiculous fears

The top 10 most strange phobias definitely include chronoipochondria. It is peculiar to people with excellent imagination and vivid imagination, who, as a rule, love science fiction. This phobia manifests itself in a fear of falling into the past and catching a deadly virus! And getting back into the future is impossible, as the time machine has broken. It looks like the script of the film, but no - this is the fear of many people.

No less surprising is genufobia. It manifests itself in fear of bare knees! People with such fear always cover them. One can only guess what they feel when walking on a hot day, when everyone is dressed in shorts and skirts.

No less strange is metrophobia. And no, this is not a fear of subway travel. She can at least somehow be understood. People with metrophobia are afraid of everything related to poetry. Poems cause them a real panic attack.

It is impossible not to mention omphalophobia. In short, this is a navel fear. People with this phobia cannot even look at it.

weirdest phobias list unusual

What is compared with excuse

Our reality still knows such a phenomenon as ergophobia, which is an aversion to work. Many attribute this fear to a list called “The Strangest and Most Ridiculous Phobias”. Some even joke: "You are not lazy, you are just an ergophobe." But in fact, this is a serious illness that can cause many troubles and troubles.

The causes of its occurrence are usually:

  • The boring job that started a career. It provokes the sensation that labor is something monotonous and tedious. Awareness of the need to do this all his life figuratively kills a person.
  • Depression. Mourning experienced by a person, dysthymia and stress suppress motivation to work.
  • Neurosis of obsessive states. Due to this dysfunction, it is difficult for a person to cope with anxiety, which prevents him from finding work and focusing on it.
  • Mental and post-traumatic disorders.
  • Dismissal.
  • Phobia (fear of the workplace).

This fear is now being actively treated through psychotherapy, counseling, medication and alternative medicine.

list of the funniest and weirdest phobias in the world

Rare cases

There are fears that are characteristic of units. They are also worth mentioning, listing the strangest phobias.

A list of unusual and rare phobias begins with papaphobia. And this is a fear of the pope. It is closely related to the so-called hierophobia. She, in turn, manifests itself in relation to religion and clergy.

You can also say about highrophobia. It is peculiar to people who are afraid to laugh in the wrong environment for that. Let's say at a funeral. The fact is that the body of some people exhibits a protective reaction to a shocking environment in this way.

Nephophobia is also considered a strange phenomenon. It manifests itself in fear of the clouds! Often, by the way, it transforms into a fear experienced in the face of fog or even air.

But even more rare and incomprehensible fear is dextrophobia. It represents fear experienced by objects on the right. Dextrophobia is considered a disease whose roots go back to childhood.

the strangest and most ridiculous phobias

Other fears

Continuing the list of the funniest and strangest phobias in the world, it is worth noting the hippo monstroseskippedalofobiya. Based on the name, one can understand why a person with such fear is afraid. To the long words, of course!

A similar name, by the way, has a fear of the number 666. Such a fear is known as hexacosiohexecontaghexaphobia. She is not rare. Often, even the route numbers on buses were changed in order to avoid the "number of the Beast."

Funny, but there is even gnosiophobia. This is a fear experienced by a person before receiving knowledge! But even she doesn’t top the rating called “The Strangest and Most Ridiculous Phobias” The top of most TOPs is ... fear of money! Surprisingly, there really are people who are afraid of them. This fear is called chromatophobia. People suffering from them are afraid to touch bills or coins, pick them up, carry them in their pockets. It’s good that now there is the concept of cashless payments, otherwise they would have been very hard.


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