Metallurgical plants of Russia

Russia's metallurgical plants are the whale on which, in essence, the economic well-being of most regions, and the entire state, is β€œstanding”. At the same time, this industry produces the final product that requires a rather complex and labor-intensive manufacturing process.

Almost all metallurgical enterprises in Russia gravitate at their territorial location to the source of raw materials available in this region.

There are three main metallurgical bases in Russia, which differ in their fuel and raw material resources, production specialization and structure. These are the Ural, Siberian and Central, excellent not only in their geographical and transport location, but also in scale of production and technical indicators.

The central base includes such metallurgical plants in Russia as the Novolipetsk and Cherepovets plants.

Let us dwell on each of them. The plant, located in the city of Lipetsk, receives coal from Donetsk coal mines, and raw materials from the Kursk anomaly. Its range is simply colossal: it is many types of steel, and slabs, and cast iron. Therefore, this company occupies one of the main places in the country's metallurgical industry.

The Cherepovets Plant, which is located at the crossroads of transport routes, can compete with it with dignity, thereby having excellent sales opportunities for its products - cold-rolled and hot-rolled steel.

The metallurgical plants of Russia, belonging to the Ural base, specialize mainly in ferrous metallurgy. And one of them is an enterprise located in the Chelyabinsk region, which is rightfully considered the leader among manufacturers. Its products are electrical, tool, corrosion-resistant and other steel.

In the list of enterprises specializing in ferrous metallurgy, Magnitorsk Holding holds a separate place, which has the ability to carry out a closed production cycle, including ore preparation and the sale of the finished product. Its range includes special profiles, steel billets, rolled steel and slabs.

Russian metallurgical plants belonging to the Ural base receive raw materials from the Kachkanarsky and Kustanaysky deposits.

The largest metallurgical plants in Russia located in the Siberian region are the Novokuznetsk and West Siberian enterprises, which operate on a full cycle, as well as the conversion plants, Novosibirsk and Guryevsk.

Siberia accounts for almost a fifth of all finished steel and cast iron produced in our country, as well as one sixth of steel.

Russian metallurgical plants provide finished metal products to all spheres of industry, including the construction industry, defense enterprises, precision engineering, in a word, all those that use metallurgical products as raw materials. It is they who produce steel and cast-iron pipes, which ensures independence for our country in the matter of energy supplies through their own pipelines.

Metallurgical plants are the pride of Russia, because thanks to its rich raw material base and processing capabilities, it is one of the key suppliers of not only metal, but also metal products.

Times, assortment of products are changing, production technologies and much more are being modernized, however, the importance attached to the metallurgical industry in the world remains unchanged.

Many of the largest enterprises related to metallurgy are partially or fully owned by the state, which once again underlines the strategic importance that the Russian government attaches to the development of this sector.


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