"Dormeo" (mattresses): reviews. Mattress "Dormeo Roll Up" - customer reviews

The modern consumer market has a huge assortment of diverse mattresses. Each buyer will be able to choose this product according to their tastes, preferences and financial capabilities. The assortment of mattresses of the Italian company Dormeo is also rich. The distribution network offers models with various fillers, as well as a variety of colors and models.

The emergence of mattresses

Each of us strives to make our life more comfortable and as convenient as possible. To do this, we acquire pleasant things for ourselves. In this case, special attention is paid to accessories for sleeping. At that time, when we go to bed, the body completely relaxes and restores its strength. However, it also happens that a person spends his nightly rest in the wrong position. As a result, morning awakening does not bring joy. In this case, you feel overwhelmed, tired, not only your mood worsens, but also your health.

dormeo mattresses reviews

Since time immemorial, people have invented various solutions to improve sleep. Bedding has gone its evolution. Initially, they were animal skins, straw or leaves. Currently, they are represented by innovative orthopedic mattresses. From the sixteenth century, these important sleeping accessories began to fill with feathers.

Varieties of Dormeo mattresses

The Italian company Dormeo offers its customers a variety of accessories for a comfortable and convenient sleep. It produces spring mattresses. They can be divided into two large groups. The first of them includes mattresses equipped with continuous weaving springs. To the second - with independent springs.

mattresses orthopedic dormeo

Mattresses belonging to the first form are cheaper. They are in demand among consumers, although they are yesterday's goods. Mattresses with independent springs are a new, modern and high-tech solution. This "filling" of an important sleeping accessory allows you to create new types of products. Among them are mattresses with "memory", and more rigid models.

The next view has a springless design. These are softer from Dormeo mattresses. Customer reviews compare rest on them with soaring in the clouds. These bedding can be quite tough. Such models are usually intended for children and adolescents, as they allow you to develop the correct posture. They are also shown to adults suffering from osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other pathologies of the joints and back.

Filler Materials

Orthopedic mattresses "Dormeo" are made using various materials. The most common fillers that the company uses in the manufacture of its products are the following: latex, coconut fiber, cotton wool, memorix, polyurethane foam. Materials of animal origin are also used.

Coconut Filler

Only the most popular materials are used by Dormeo. Mattresses receive positive feedback from consumers only if coconut fiber was used in their manufacture. This is the most popular and fashionable material at present.

mattress dormeo roll up reviews

Customers characterize Dormeo coconut mattresses as moisture resistant, durable and breathable. Thanks to the natural material, sleeping on such a mattress is not hot in summer and not cold in winter.

Latex filler

This material is natural. Get it by processing Hevea juice (tropical tree). This material is also widely used by Dormeo. The mattress reviews are mostly good. Latex allows the product to take the form of a human body, it is hypoallergenic and perfectly breathable. All this is noted by buyers in their reviews. However, latex-filled mattresses are expensive. Their price is influenced by the characteristics of the production of the material.

Mattresses with other fillers

A variety of materials are used in the manufacture of its products by Dormeo. The mattress reviews are positive regardless of the filler used.

Low-budget models are popular among a certain circle of buyers. In their production, high-quality cotton wool soaked in a special antibacterial agent is used. However, over time, the filler in such models may go astray, which is inconvenient during sleep.

where to buy a dormo mattress

A cheaper option compared to latex filler is its artificial substitute - polyurethane foam. Mattresses that are made using this material are able to well take on the shape of the body.

A memory filler is also used by Dormeo. Mattresses consumer reviews get enthusiastic. They are comfortable, able to adapt to the shape of the body of a sleeping person and do not push him out. This allows you to maximize the comfort of sleep.

In the assortment list of Dormeo mattresses there are also such models, in the production of which animal filler was used. Horse hair, as well as sheep or camel hair, can serve as such material. Products with such a filler are hygroscopic, environmentally friendly and easily ventilated. The buyers of such mattresses are people who prefer everything natural. However, these products have some disadvantages. They have a low orthopedic effect. Moreover, in the inner layer there is a high probability of bacterial growth.


Today the company produces a large assortment list of such accessories necessary for sleep. The lineup includes eleven items. Moreover, any product is made only of high quality materials, which will allow it to serve for many years.

thin dormeo mattress

For example, a Dormeo Roll Up mattress. Reviews of this product attest to its uniqueness. This accessory will be a great purchase for those who have to sleep in uncomfortable places. A distinctive feature of these mattresses is their lightness and the ability to occupy a minimum of space. Moreover, the Roll Up models are able to turn a dream into a real pleasure. Such a mattress will serve as an extra bed in the event that guests come to you. "Roll Up" - a thin mattress. Dormeo created this accessory, which is in no way inferior to full-fledged "giants" for beds. Roll Up mattresses are anti-allergenic and hygienic. They do not accumulate dust and bacteria, breathe and provide excellent back support.

The sizes of Dormeo mattresses of the Roll Up model range from 80x190 to 200x200 centimeters.

A good purchase would be a product related to the "golden" line. These are double-sided mattresses, produced with varying degrees of rigidity. They contain a special layer made of foam. This part allows the product to adapt to the shape of the body and remember it. Mattresses of this line are able to pass air and maintain temperature. At the same time, they have a removable cover made of material that is easy to wash.


First of all, it is worth saying that all products for comfortable sleep from Dormeo are orthopedic. They support the back of a person and correctly distribute the weight of his body. In addition, special impregnation of mattresses avoids the spread of parasites, fungi and bacteria.

sizes of mattresses dormeo

Products are protected against static electricity and are hypoallergenic. A distinctive feature of Dormeo mattresses is their naturalness and high environmental friendliness, as well as the ability to circulate air.

Where to buy a Dormeo mattress? Numerous online stores offer these products. They will deliver the purchased mattress to the buyer and provide a guarantee.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14214/

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