How to write nationality in the profile? Sample Application Form

Filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job is sometimes a very exciting undertaking. At the same time, some issues in it may be confused and may not be fully understood. For example, how to write nationality in the questionnaire? Therefore, you need to prepare for its completion in advance, keep in mind what you want to indicate about yourself. Most of the questionnaires (except for those designed for applicants for creative, creative professions) that recruiters can offer you are standard, so we can now analyze all incomprehensible points.

Questionnaire: what is it and why is it needed?

It would seem that there is a resume and an interview, why do I need a questionnaire? In the resume, you indicate about yourself that favorably shows you from all sides. But the questionnaire helps the employer to find out about the applicant precisely those facts that are interesting to him. The interview is conducted on the basis of all of the above: a personnel specialist, based on the information that you indicated in the resume and questionnaire, will outline in what way to conduct a dialogue, what questions to ask you in order to form the final opinion as a professional, a member of the team.

how to write nationality in the profile

For the employer, the questionnaire survey has two objectives:

  • Getting general information about a candidate for a particular specialty.
  • Initial assessment of the professional qualities of the applicant.

For a job seeker, filling out a questionnaire also makes sense:

  • Indication of the important information that was omitted in the resume.
  • The first idea of ​​the employer: based on the fact that he is interested in learning about you, you can give the impression of the attitude towards the employee.

Legislation and application

Not a single sample of filling out the questionnaire will be universal, because Russian legislation does not prescribe its specific form. However, there are clear indications of which questions should not be included in the questionnaire. They are indicated in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 135 "Violation of the inviolability of personal life").

The column “nationality” in the application form for work, by the way, is quite controversial here, which is why most employers do not include it in the form. The reason for this is simple: if the applicant indicated in the questionnaire information about his race, nationality, religion, origin, financial situation, and he was refused a job, then this is the reason to go to court. His rights will be protected by Art. 136 of the Criminal Code and Art. 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the column "nationality", law-savvy recruiters try not to include in the survey form.

sample application form

In addition, it is important that the applicant indicates all the information in the questionnaire voluntarily. That is, he expressed written consent to the processing of his personal data (Clause 1, Article 9 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

But the Russian law regarding the questionnaire when applying for a job prescribes obligations not only to the employer, but also to the candidate for the workplace. If the latter indicated false information about himself in the document, then the company has the right, upon clarification, to terminate the employment contract with him (Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Standard Items

It is better to keep the sample of filling out the questionnaire long before the interview. The following items may be waiting for you on the form:

  • General information. Everything is standard here: full name, marital status, children, date of birth, address of residence / registration, information about a criminal record, phone, e-mail.
  • Section on the desired place of employment. What position do you want to occupy? Do you plan to build a career? How do you feel about business trips? Do you agree to work over the weekend, overtime? Maybe also a list of expectations and a request to arrange them from less to more important: a high salary, a good team, stability, growth prospects and so on.
  • Education Information. Of course, you will demonstrate your skills on a trial period. Here is the "theory": completed schools, seminars, courses, diplomas, knowledge of other languages.

Count nationality

  • Information about work experience. Here you indicate where, by whom, how much you worked, what responsibilities you had. In some places you need to write the reason for the dismissal, indicate the phones of former colleagues, the boss, who could confirm what you wrote.
  • Work skills. Here you indicate your highly specialized skills. A conscientious recruiter will not copy this section from the Internet, but will compile it himself, based on the characteristics of the vacancy. Agree, possession, for example, of the "blind press" method is necessary for the secretary, and not for the driver-loader.
  • Questions about health. Very controversial point. Includes questions about the presence of disability, health problems, chronic diseases.

Citizenship or nationality?

Sometimes those who are interested in how to write nationality in the questionnaire confuse this concept with citizenship. Distinguish these terms:

  • Citizenship: an indication of the state of which you are a resident.
  • Nationality: a narrower concept that indicates belonging to a particular ethnic group. The Constitution of the Russian Federation clearly indicates that it cannot have any significance for your status as a citizen. Before you write your nationality in the questionnaire, think about why your employer needs this information.

nationality in the application form

If you are not confused by the presence of such a graph, we move on.

How to write nationality and citizenship in the questionnaire?

So the rules are simple:

  • Citizenship: Russian Federation. Reduction to the Russian Federation is allowed. The entries "Russia", "Russian", "citizen of the Russian Federation / Russia" will be incorrect.
  • Nationality: it is written in one word - Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Chuvash and so on.

Doubtful profiles

If you are faced with the question "How to correctly indicate nationality in the questionnaire?", It is worth considering whether you need such work. Thus, the “ejection” of information not related to the labor process suggests the idea of ​​excessive interference in the private life of the employee.

how to indicate nationality in the questionnaire

Such questionnaires are also a reason to think about the correctness of their choice:

  • With requests to list your positive and negative qualities. Self-esteem, as you know, is in most cases biased. And few who are interested in vacancies will indicate their most serious shortcomings.
  • Inclusion of personal questions not related to future activities.
  • Inclusion of issues prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

How to write nationality in the profile? This item is not required for the correct survey form when applying for a job. He talks either about the lack of tact, lack of knowledge of the legislation by the employee of the personnel department, or about the excessive interest of the company in personal information about the employee, which is not good.


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