The concept of "parasitism": what is it?

Surely some of us have repeatedly had the thought that it would be great not to work, to get money, relaxing, and not even getting up off the couch. But do not dream about it for a long time. Otherwise, you will be considered a parasite. Many have heard of such a term when watching a movie or saw it while reading a book. But nevertheless parasitism is what? Let's try to figure it out.

What is parasitism: definition

parasitism what is

To discover the essence of parasitism can only be indicated by its meaning: laziness, idleness. The word has obsolete roots and comes from Church Slavonic. It is divided into two parts: the first - "tuna" - means "free", "for nothing", and the second - the verb "eat" - means "eat" or "eat". By the way, which is not surprising, the word "parasite" has a similar origin.

Loafers have always been, including in the Russian Empire. Of course, it had not yet reached the time of punishment, however, what parasitism was, many represented, and this was mentioned in certain documents and was not approved at all. In the Russian Empire, many loafers lived mainly at the expense of relatives and relatives.


what is parasitism

Parasitism is a kind of social parasitism, when a person deviates from responsibility for his obligations of useful work to the state. In Soviet times, one could be imprisoned for such a thing or sent to exile. In other words, parasitism is a certain way of life of a person who lives at the expense of another or at the expense of state payments.

The ideology of the fight against "parasitism"

parasitism is

In the days of Stalin, the struggle could be justified due to the fact that the enterprises did not have enough workers, that is, the main driving force was the economy. Under Khrushchev, an ideological foundation appeared.

In 1957, newspapers were full of headlines on the draft law ā€œOn Strengthening the Fight against Socially-harmful Parasitic Elementsā€. The following people were persecuted (by the way, the definition of ā€œparasitismā€ appeared this year): adult, but able-bodied individuals who shy away from useful work, and individuals who live on unearned income. Entrepreneurs and people working on their site also fell under the concept of "parasites." In the late 1950s, a struggle began with representatives of religious sects who, for one reason or another, shied away from social labor.

Article 209 has changed several times, and to be precise, four: in 1975, 1979, 1982, 1982. The changes were different ā€” punitive measures were intensified, or, on the contrary, weakened: such people were threatened with several years in prison or exile with correctional labor.

Parasitism - what is it for vagrants, alcoholics and drug addicts? After all, during Brezhnevā€™s time, they were included in the category of ā€œparasitesā€ and asocial elements. It is difficult to say, because even preventive conversations did not give the expected effect, except that such people went around the system and got a job as storos and janitors.

So historically

what is parasitism definition

In 1951, the definition of ā€œmalicious parasitismā€ appeared in the Soviet Union , and the punishment for it was not pleasant. Vagabonds and beggars were sent for 101 kilometers. And this is in the best case, and in the worst they appointed the year of the colony, many were caught on the railways. This is what parasitism is and what it could lead to.

In 1961, a new decree came into force, and now, to rattle into exile, itā€™s enough just four months to not work. If the work book proves that this time a person calmly avoided work, he was prosecuted. Only women on maternity were the exception. Unpleasant pastime in exile, especially for several years in a row. Suffered people who want to just do household chores. For example, a process engineer who became involved in rabbits, or a fireman who grew and sold fruits and vegetables.

The year 1965 was marked by another article relating to gypsies who were involved in vagrancy. Recovering power sent 10 thousand gypsies in exile to the north. The bulk were sent for two years or five years, the children of Roma were taken away and sent to a boarding school. Apparently, parasitism not only distributed people to working and unemployed, but also threw them into the pits of society on a national basis.

Until 1991, authorities did not stop prosecuting parasites.

Parasitism - what is it for activists and members of government services when they themselves have repeatedly made mistakes? According to the testimony of sociologists, more than half of those sent out accidentally fell into the list of parasites.

Crime classification

Many experts agreed on the concept of "parasitism". What is this scourge of society? They agreed that parasitism creates good conditions for the emergence of individuals involved in criminal matters.

BORZ stands for "without a certain occupation." Abbreviation for parasites. After some time, the greyhound ā€œgreyhoundā€ appeared, which meant: a person who does not seek to seek work and, in fact, work.


parasitism is that

What did parasitism mean (what are we sorted out) for a person falling under the "sight", and what are the reasons for its occurrence? Some of the main reasons why a person is interested in lounging can be described as follows:

  • there is a lot of free time in stock;
  • the main material income is not related to official labor activity;
  • relationships or chatting with idlers and begging.

According to statistics, the most common crimes committed by "greyhounds" are:

  • blackmail and extortion of money, most often from relatives, relatives;
  • hooliganism as a form of entertainment;
  • fraud;
  • begging as an activity leading to enrichment;
  • theft, quick money;
  • robbery;
  • child molestation and production of pornographic films.


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