Exercises: Alternating Vowels

The subject of alternating vowels in the roots causes confusion among schoolchildren. To remember all the alternations, you need to cram rules, remember exceptions, regularly perform exercises.

In this article, you will learn the spelling rules, find exercises for alternating vowels in the root and answers to them.

Vowel Alternation

In general, vowels and consonants alternate. One morpheme can occur with different letters.

Alternating vowels is a feature of some roots to change the vowel depending on some factors. In other words, two cognate words can have different vowels. For example, the word zag a r has the letter "A" in the root, and the word zag o r - the letter "O".

alternating roots exercises

This seems incomprehensible to students. It seems that the words have the same root, but the roots are different ... If you do not want to get confused and make mistakes in exercises on the roots with alternation, then read on our article.

History of Alternating Roots

Where the alternation appeared in Russian to the end is not clear. It is believed that the tradition of the language first appeared, that is, the habit of writing that has developed over the years. For a long time, people wrote as they liked, so the words with the same root had different vowels. When linguists decided to streamline the language and subordinate spelling to the rules, the alternating roots had to be left as they were used to seeing.

alternating vowels at the root of the exercise

Philologists constantly discover roots that they did not know before. The base of exercises on the roots is updated with alternating vowels, which students have to solve.

There are several factors that affect the spelling of alternating letters:

  1. the consonant following the alternating vowel;
  2. stress
  3. suffix;
  4. semantic meaning.

A-O Vowels Spelling: Neighbor Consonant

The alternation of "A" and "O" depends on all four factors. You need to remember which roots depend on which indicator.

The following roots depend on the neighboring consonant: lag-lodge, gallop-gallop, growth-growth.

alternating vowels at the root of the word exercise

After "G", "K", "ST" and "" write the letter "A" in the root. After "F", "H", put the letter "O" in the root.

For example: Location - Location, Location - Location (but complete), Location - Location. (but skach ok, skach u), increase - increase - increase (increase, decrease, increase, transfer)

A-O Vowels Spelling: Accent, Suffix

Six roots with alternation depend on the stress : melt-pilaf, zar-zor, pay-poi, mountain-gar, clone-clan and creative creature.

In the unstressed position in the roots -pl and b-, -z and p-, -p and y- write the letter "A".

For example: diving - dawning, feeding - diving, swim (but stopping, swimmer, swim).

alternating root exercises with answers

In the unstressed position in the roots -g about p-, -tv about p- and -cl about n- put the letter β€œO”:

For example: sunbathe - sunbathe, tvar - tv rhenium, to swear - to swear (but it is profitable, cautious, approved).

The roots of kas-kos, lag lodges depend on the suffix . If there is a suffix β€œA” after the root, then write the letter β€œA” in the root.

For example: to relate - to fall asleep, exiting to live - is urgent .

A-O Vowels Spelling: The Meaning of the Root

Only two roots depend on semantic meaning: equal-equal and poppy-mok. In meaning, they are more likely different roots than two variants of the same root. However, they are considered rooted with alternating vowels.

The root of the R and VN is used in the meaning of "equal, become equal."

For example: ur and heed rights, cf a meaningful analysis.

spelling of the roots with alternating exercises

The root of r about VN is used in the meaning of "smooth, make even."

For example: to loosen (bangs), wed to heave with the ground, r about spring. Exceptions: r vnina (r vnaya), r vnina (become rvno).

The root -m and to- is used in the meaning of "lower into the liquid."

For example: Prom a stick with a napkin, and stick a cookie in tea.

The root of m o to means "to pass the liquid."

For example: wash up to the sewing thread, replace the shirt before washing.

Alternating A-O Vowels

Try to test your knowledge by solving exercises with answers to alternating roots.

Insert the lost letters:

1) The vile (_) lived a pin, naively the floor (_) we say, the right way out (_) we thought, the floor (_) put the toys in place, accidentally snuck into (_), don’t prick (_) bite your hands, cash ( _) obligations are lodged, location (_) is lounged on the couch, contact (_) deed, cash (_) wife's payment, Cathedral Street (_) residence, offer (_) help; the famous pl (_) leader, floated (_) steel, pl (_) the vessel’s account; old boots prom (_) cabins, prom (_) knees hands with a napkin, prom (_) bend to the thread;

2) P (_) introduction in the ranks, discharge (_) to take concrete, cf (_) to insert two root options, nesr (_) attentive judgments, vyr (_) to take a tan, increase ur (_) the level of life, p ( _) embrace the best students, ur (_) heave a hole, picturesque r (_) vnina; thick pore (_), congenital cf (_) fingers, zar (_) become weed, pore (_) grows thick grass, modern ot (_) slice of production, nar (_) styles of power.

alternating a oh at the root of the word exercise

The answers to the exercises for alternating "A" and "O" in the root of the word:

1) The villain lived on a pin, naively sexed, correctly thought out, sexed the toys in place, accidentally lifted them up, not touching their hands, liabilities lay down, sitting on the couch, contact , cash payment, Cathedral support, offer help; famous shipbuilding site; steel is produced; the old boots are washed up, the hands are washed with a napkin, washed up to the thread;

2) Opening the ranks, digging the concrete, adding two root options, paying close attention, raising the tan, raising the level of life, looking at the best students, digging the hole, painting and vnina; thick pores, congenital fusion of fingers, overgrown with weed, pores with thick grass, modern branch of production, styles of power.

Alternating Vowels: Spelling Rules

The spelling of alternating "E" and "I" in the roots is determined using one indicator - the suffix "A". If there is this suffix after the root, then we put the letter "AND". If there is no suffix, then write the letter "E".

alternating e roots and exercises

It is necessary to memorize the roots in which this alternation occurs. Namely: ber-bir, der-deer, mer-world, per-feast, ter-shooting, sparkle-blist, burn-jig, steal-steel, even-cheat.

For example: picks up - picks up and bites , picks up - picks up and bites , froze - locks and bites , locks up - locks up , wipes out - wipes and bumps It shines , shines - bl and it turns out , burns out - squeezes out, makes it shine - spreads out, subtract - subtract.

Exceptions: combination , combination.

Alternating Vowels EI

Test yourself by solving root exercises with alternating "E" and "And."

1. Glass bl (_) stet, stars bl (_) melt, mushrooms sob (_) raut, sob (_) root toys, mind (_) paradise with laughter, deputy (_) p in admiration, otp (_) to open the door, open (_) open the gate, prot (_) open the face, prot (_) open the dust, protrude (_) the tape, protrude (_) open the teeth; size (_) hiring muscles, twisting (_) tail wrinkles, prip (_) yelling about household chores, pronouncing slaughter (_) knowledge.


Glass shines, stars shine, mushrooms gather, collect toys, mind and paradise with laughter, measure with admiration, unlock the door, unlock and open the gate, wipe the face, wipe and wipe dust, scotch tape, teeth protrude; muscle size and hiring, tail and tail wrinkling, bracing and yelling about household chores, pronouncing spells.


And another exercise for spelling the roots with alternating E and I:

2. Pereb (_) we eat old clothes, pereb (_) rastaetsya across the road, bl (_) to take off in the sun, deputy (_) rla from fear, zap (_) to rumble in the room, harmonious composition (_) melting, stretching (_) screaming from the table, sd (_) scotch tape, interruption (_) screaming cherries, mind (_) screaming with laughter, weeping (_) screaming, release (_) screaming castle, hut (_) fighting campaign, protrude (_) worn T-shirts, fit (_) decide on clothes, protrude (_) grind a tooth, squeeze (_) remove a wound, protrude (_) remove dust, add (_) errata, undertake (_) _) by motherhood.


We sort through old clothes, cross over the road, shine in the sun, froze from fear, lock ourselves in the room, harmonious combination , wipe from the table, remove the scotch tape, remove the sweet cherry , mind and laugh, wailing and wrestling, letting go of the castle, hut and wrestling campaign, worn and worn t-shirts, choose clothes, pull out a tooth, press and wound, wipe and dust, misspellings, engaging in undertaking.

And the last exercise for the alternation of vowels in the root of the word ("A" and "O", "E" and "I"):

1. R (_) Stislav Ivanovich pereb (_) scored fish caught in the morning. Her scales brightly bl (_) stood in the sun.

2. In R (_) Stov-on-Don, they conducted a hut (_) campaign. Soon, the p (_) Stovites will go to the election of the deputies.

3. We cg (_) have a look of impatience to see the bl (_) creative play of this actress.

4. Having heard the steps, everyone first deputy (_) rly from fear, and then instantly vysk (_) chili out into the street, not even opening (_) the roar of the door.

5. After moving to the apartment we bought, we had to rebuild (_) old things, sweep (_) melt the floor, and prot (_) remove age-old dust.


Perform more alternating root exercises so you remember them better. Group verbally or even in writing the roots according to their characteristics when doing homework. This will help to remember the spelling rules.

Learn the theory, do not forget about practice, and you will succeed!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14241/

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