Flashing tablets: step by step instructions. How to update correctly?

If your “mobile friend” began to glitch and slow down, and very noticeably, then it's time to change its firmware to a more recent one. Most tablet owners go to service centers to replace the firmware. But you can easily do it yourself. Why, you ask, overpay? All you need is a tablet, a cable for connecting to a computer and unlimited internet.

tablet firmware

We must say right away that the process of flashing mobile devices is the same. Only minor process details depend on the model and manufacturer. Otherwise, everything happens according to the same scenario. No one should have problems with the self-firmware of the tablet. After all, this is not Newton’s bin.

Why do this?

There are many reasons for changing the firmware. For example, the tablet does not turn on, or it slows down, or it somehow began to work inappropriately. There are cases when the firmware of the tablets can restore the already completely “killed” device. And many manufacturers in new firmware patch holes and vulnerabilities, optimize their work with hardware and do their best to improve the operating system. Here it is already vitally necessary to re-flash your device.

DNS tablet firmware

There is also another reason. The fact is that some users can not stand official firmware. They only need “custom” (modified by users of the firmware). There is a grain of truth in this. Customists are usually much quicker than their official counterparts. However, there are pitfalls. In custom access to control the file system of the OS. And this is not good, because by ignorance you can turn a tablet into a brick.

What needs to be done before the firmware process?

Before you take on this risky business, you should make a backup copy of the OS (if your tablet works). If something goes wrong, you can always restore a working system. Next, we need to determine the type of firmware and find it. Although custom and faster, the most stable are the official firmware versions. We will put them.

firmware for tablets 4 1

Suppose we found and downloaded the firmware. Now is the time to install the drivers necessary for connecting the device to the computer. Without this, flashing tablets will not be possible. After installing the drivers, you can connect the tablet to the computer, and start the process itself. There are several ways to flash an official OS device. In principle, it all depends on the tablet itself.

Firmware via SD card

The easiest and most effective way. All you need to do is download the firmware file and unzip the DLOAD folder to the root of the SD card. Next, you need to "drive" the tablet into update mode. For different types of devices, completely different key combinations can be used for this. But in the standard version, these are combinations of the “turn on - volume up” or “turn on and 2 volume buttons” type.

Samsung tablet firmware

If everything is done correctly, a green robot will appear on the screen and the tablet will begin flashing. At the end of the process, you must restart the device. In some cases, it takes a very long time to press the power button for this. After a reboot, the device will try to launch the updated OS for a very long time. It usually takes about 5-10 minutes.

Samsung Products

The firmware of the Samsung tablet is slightly different from the standard method. It happened because of the hardware and system features of the products of this company. Without software intervention, nothing will come of it. To implement the firmware process, you will need to download the Odin program. It is specifically designed for flashing tablets from Samsung.

samsung galaxy note n8000 chinese tablet firmware

After installing all the necessary drivers and downloading the firmware itself, you can proceed with the installation process. We start the Odin program and press the PDA button in it. Then we "drive" the tablet itself into bootloader mode. To do this, press the “volume up and power on” key combination. Depending on the model, the combination of buttons may vary. We connect the tablet to the PC. Odin will automatically detect the device. After that, it remains to click the "Start" button. Tablet firmware will start. The program will notify you of the end of the process with a sound signal.

After installing the firmware, it is recommended to go into the recovery (volume down and the power button) and reset the settings to standard (wipe data). Otherwise, the firmware may be unstable. Then you can begin to configure the installed system.

Chinese tablets

With the "Chinese" everything is not so simple. For them, you need to select the firmware, focusing on the exact name of the model. For, if you use the wrong firmware, you can get a "brick". Programs for the firmware of the "Chinese" vary depending on the type of processor. If your device uses processors from MTK, then your choice is the SP Flash Tool. If the device is based on Allwinner, then Live Suite is suitable for its firmware.

Chinese tablets are sewn strictly using a computer. There is no way to flash them from the SD card. Although custom on them are installed through the Clockwork Mod. Let's analyze an example of Chinese firmware. In the process of firmware should be extremely careful. The Chinese are extremely moody. One awkward movement - and you have a brick. Of course, the brick can also be revived. But why do we need extra problems? That's what it is - firmware for tablets originally from China.

Firmware Samsung N8000 (China)

Samsung Galaxy Note N8000 is a Chinese tablet, its firmware, respectively, depends on the type of processor. This device has an Allwinner A13 processor . Accordingly, you need to download the program Live Suite. Also do not forget about the drivers. Firmware for it is difficult to find, but it is. In extreme cases, you can try other firmware from the same devices.

So, we unpack the archive with the firmware into some folder with the English name. Launch Live Suite. Turn off the tablet, hold down the “volume up” button and connect to USB. We press the gear button in the program and select the folder with the unpacked firmware. After that, the process itself will begin. At the end of the installation process, the program will display an English message such as Update Success. Turn off the tablet and try to turn it on.

The firmware of the N8000 64Gb tablet may differ slightly in functionality, but in any case, they all work stably on devices of this type.

Tablets from MegaFon and other operators

At its core, tablets from carriers are the same devices from ZTE or Huawei. So, they are subject to the rules of standard firmware. They can be flashed using an SD card. The method with updating the firmware and the DLOAD folder is suitable. There are no problems during the firmware process.

firmware tablet megaphone

The firmware of the MegaFon tablet of the custom OS occurs according to the standard scenario for updating the firmware using Clockwork Mod. In general, these tablets are one of the most malleable in terms of firmware. There is never a problem with them. The difference from the usual tablet versions is only in the fact that these devices are hardware-locked for using only one SIM card of a particular operator. Otherwise, these devices are ordinary.

DNS tablets

These devices can be safely called "purebred Chinese", even though according to the passport they are produced in Russia. No build quality, weird Allwinner and MTK processors. In general, all the attributes of the miracle of Chinese engineering. Accordingly, they are stitched in the same way as their Chinese counterparts. It is necessary to select the exact firmware and program for updating. Otherwise, you get a brick.

The firmware of the DNS tablet is no different from the firmware of the "Chinese". Therefore, all the actions performed when flashing Chinese crafts are relevant here. These tablets have only one plus - they are more responsive than the "Chinese" in this regard. And usually the firmware is installed on them without any problems.


Flashing tablets is not such a difficult thing. The main thing is that there are firmware for tablets 4.1, 4.2 or 4.4 versions. The rest is a matter of technology. The process of updating or replacing the operating system of the tablet itself has a clear sequence of actions. It is not permissible to arbitrarily change the order of actions. Perhaps this is the main rule that should be remembered when flashing this or that device.

firmware tablet n8000 64gb

Of course, the firmware process of one or another device can be slightly modified due to the design features of the device. But the essence of this process does not change. There are several firmware options. Choose whichever you prefer and go.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14252/

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