Evening hairstyles for short hair. How beautiful and fashionable to style short hair

Every woman loves neat and stylish hairstyles. But most of them believe that beautiful styling can be done only on long hair. This opinion is extremely erroneous. Short hair length is not a reason to deny yourself a variety of evening hairstyles. The main thing is to choose the styling option that is most suitable for the style and shape of the face.

Hairstyle Selection

The short length can be laid very quickly and simply. At the same time, it is not necessary to seek help from professionals. At home, you can create a spectacular evening hairstyle for short hair in 20-30 minutes. The shorter the strands, the faster the styling will be ready. However, it is necessary to learn how to select it, taking into account the features of the structure of the face. Given all these subtleties, the hairstyle will be perfect. Therefore, the following factors must be considered:

  • The oval and narrow face will look organic with small and medium curls curled up.
  • Women with a round face need to choose hairstyles that will stretch it and make it more oval. Therefore, even short strands need to be straightened as much as possible.
  • If you have a high forehead, you can make a bang. Depending on the mood, you can stack it in quite a variety of ways: straighten, curl or comb. An evening hairstyle on short hair with bangs will look great on girls of any age. She will make the look more cute and tender.

If you adhere to these rules, even the most ordinary hairstyle can favorably emphasize the dignity of the face and hide its flaws.

DIY hairstyle for short hair

Hair preparation for styling

Evening hairstyles for short hair require a minimum amount of necessary styling tools. All you need is a hairdryer, curlers and styling products. Of course, if you can find a curling iron with a small diameter and an iron on hand, you can make your hair more spectacular and stylish. But for most options, their presence is optional.

Among the necessary styling products, each girl should have the following set: thermal protection, mousse for volume at the roots, wax, gel and varnish for fixing. Despite the short length of the hair, they also need protection from the effects of hot tools, as well as long ones. Therefore, if hair styling is meant, it is necessary to prepare the hair, carefully treating it with a good heat-protective agent. Any evening hairstyle for short hair will look beautiful only on healthy strands. It is precisely because of this that care for them cannot be neglected.

evening hairstyle

Playful curls for an evening look

Small and structural curls are the most favorite hairstyle for girls with short and medium lengths. Unlike long hair, curls hold their shape for a long time, give the hair volume and a playful, flirty image. To make curls for an evening event, you can use curlers with papillots or wind thin strands on a curling iron of small diameter. If you take a tool with a large diameter - the hair will turn out to be voluminous, but they can not achieve small curls.

To make the image sophisticated, you need to add zest to it. For example, remove the curls on one side and stab them with a beautiful brooch or hairpin. Such a women's evening hairstyle on short hair is more suitable for young girls. It can be done on a graduation party or a student party.

beautiful evening hairstyles for short hair

Hollywood image for a lady

Adult girls who prefer a feminine and sophisticated style will like a hairstyle with large waves. They will look good on an elongated square or asymmetric haircut. If the hair length is not extremely short, then it is quite possible to make a light wave on them. The main thing is not to be afraid to do something new and constantly experiment. Moreover, creating an evening hairstyle on short hair with your own hands is not at all difficult. It is enough to devote 20 minutes of free time to this. A short haircut can make a hairstyle in the style of Marilyn Monroe. Such styling will look relevant at any evening event.

beautiful evening hairstyles

Hairstyle for explosive girls

Beautiful and modern girls with short hair love to look stylish and defiant. In this, hairstyles can help them, which will emphasize their explosive style and love for an active lifestyle. Similar styling is done with gel, wax and strong hold varnish. It is necessary to wash your hair, blow dry the curls with a hairdryer, rub the gel or wax in your palms and ruffle the strands with your hands, pointing them up. After shaping, they must be lightly sprinkled with varnish so that the strands highlighted with wax do not lose their appearance.

A beautiful evening hairstyle on short hair will make each woman more attractive. Therefore, you can not be afraid to change your image and become thanks to this a spectacular and attractive woman.

evening hairstyles for short hair with bangs

Romantic and exciting volume

Perhaps the next hairstyle is one of the most beloved by most girls. You can make it in a matter of minutes, without asking for help from hairdressers. For a casual look, such a styling will be too festive. Therefore, it is better to do it for walks under the moon and dates. An evening hairstyle on short curly hair with a basal volume will look exciting, making the appearance of any lady romantic and feminine.

To make the hair volume suitable for an evening appearance, you need to use a hairdryer and large curlers. Hair must be washed, dried up to 80%, combing them up. Then you should take Velcro curlers of the largest possible diameter and fix thin strands on them. A full strand, of course, does not wind up, but it will become more voluminous from the very roots. After twisting the hair on the curlers, they need to be dried again with a hairdryer and left in this form for 1 hour. After this time, the curlers are carefully removed, and the finished hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

Greek hairstyle

The owners of this haircut will suit a retro hairstyle using a special ribbon or thin bandage. Despite the fact that the Greek hairstyle is most often represented by an option with braids, a short haircut can also express the fashionable direction of this style. You can make it in seconds. You just need to choose a beautiful bandage or rim to match the evening outfit.

It is also necessary to remember that even the most beautiful and stylish hairstyle will look bad on dirty hair. Therefore, before creating a Greek image, you should wash your hair and dry the locks with a hairdryer. Then you should slightly comb the hair at the crown, leaving the side locks at the temples, and in the end, fix the created form with a bandage. After making sure that no broken hairs stick out from under the bandage or hoop, spray the hair with varnish.

evening hairstyles for short curly hair

Elegant evening hairstyle

This evening hairstyle on short hair will look very elegant and festive. It can not be done for an ordinary evening trip to a restaurant. It will be appropriate at a magnificent celebration, for which an evening dress and expensive jewelry are supposed.

To create an elegant hairstyle, you need to wash your hair and dry it, smoothing it with a brush. During drying you need to achieve maximum smoothness. Then the hair is pulled out with an iron, combed back and stabbed with invisibility. When the hairstyle shape is ready, you can proceed to the next step. To do this, rub in the palms a sufficient amount of styling gel and smooth their hair from the roots to the ends. Hair should shine and hold firmly.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14255/

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